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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Is that why you voted liberalall those years? 😄
  2. The best eating beef is a young heifer thats strayed into your property, preferably owned your obnoxious wealthy neighbour! 🙏
  3. The story telling, the "once upon a time", to me sounds like dadndave... could it be 'oldtimers' disease??
  4. "Living and working on the land".GG.! Island living aint working, but pay was a bonus GG. Hows.the impending weeks sojurn sus out Pattaya retirement homes looking?.. cant wait to catch up again this year!
  5. Up late or $hit the bed KH, I bet its the later given the drivel your last few comments contain. but crikey your impending demise is great to witness! 🙏lol
  6. Same age bracket? how many 70/80 yr old ozzies in retirment living do u.know of having 50/60 yr.old partners? Odd comment but!
  7. I spent my last 3 working yrs after being retrenched from long gov job as a livein first.responder at big retirement village in large northern Australia cityHappiest oldies by far were the single residents,the usually nagging marrieds were miserable! FWIW!
  8. That end of that Soi is little India, I used to live@ NovaPark, Jamiesons Pub, boring as it was...
  9. Oh.dummy spit Joe, longhauler who likes to onite athome! figures. lol. Heres afinal farewell gesture from me joeyboy...." readit"
  10. Annualfee $400 AUD,... 40kbht?? Weird you and cant use Amex travels website either,? Me showinf off what exactly? guessing they cancelled your.Amex Platinum hey, stiff that I suppose, oh and Ops .Question was what exactly😂🥺
  11. New.rates come Sept.20th 2024,next.pay.period, Lucky us ozzies! Thanks albo🙏
  12. Your so full of it cobber, NFI springs full frontal every post you make, and cannot afford fee thats credited back to you! lol.... yawn off.😂
  13. Piss him off then Brain!!
  14. Its sweet as is, keep rooting about with busy popular areas for why? Answer that! Easy... Spoil this Soi and create a whole new envelope swapping area for redevelopment!
  15. You Perv both ways, no surprises there! and fromour resident "unhealthy health n safety occifer"!
  16. Amex Platinum Card, 'the'best traveller card!
  17. A zero for effort creating this inane 'thaibelter'topic! 'Everyman' username? your kidding right... 'No man'suits much better!
  18. Pattaya have a Smith n.Wesson repairer.. try them!
  19. Thats the.cliche, we know already!
  20. Cant believt this cliche rubbish still gets posted, even gets a funny!
  21. Tops in taxis, gotta french ring to it too!
  22. Are you that broke, going double that your spell checking as a side hussel (or in your case hassel). lol.
  23. What times are those 'often'empty observation tho? I 'often' pass thru Walking St.on my late arvo trips to central, same but different?
  24. You used to be indecisive but know your not sure anymore? What doubledutch rubbish from adoodling dandee USA resident thai belter!
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