Got that 100% right, monthly visit to an expert mature age massage shop owner near me is more than ample! She somehow seems to know when that 'touch up' is needed too!!
Service the public, whats that even mean? At Chantaburri I know of two who treated expat friends and one at Sattahip Queen Sirikit, several American Doctors in Chiang Mai.
Very selective on which of my replies you respond to boyGee. No not required for pneumonia but some seriously good looking A&E nurses sucking all that bad goo outa me.! 😂
"Might have been from a storm"?... Farout, no flies on you sport!! Of course thats what it was caused by, mostdumb diks on here r just Pattaya/Thai bashing.
Stormy weather brings the flotsam, same "rubbish" tale each year all over the world. Non Pattaya folk and point scorers jump with glee. Suprise me, resist the next time it rains!
Nice sentiment there Gee Whiz, I,m thinking youve been hacked? Ironically the real you will be OAP qualified just in time to drop dead, fall off the perch and go to Buddha. I think the Wayward Chapel does paupers sendoffs, no Buddha input tho.😭