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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. I think Alphie would need to evacuate prior to any procedure for sure!
  2. No 'input' required from you thankfully ... 'exspurt alfie'! 😭
  3. Got that 100% right, monthly visit to an expert mature age massage shop owner near me is more than ample! She somehow seems to know when that 'touch up' is needed too!!
  4. Trial by trail!! Reminds me ofa great true Ozzie story from my younger years and the rugged Australian bush "Little boy lost"!
  5. About farting? stay on topic rather than big note yourself in future!
  6. Service the public, whats that even mean? At Chantaburri I know of two who treated expat friends and one at Sattahip Queen Sirikit, several American Doctors in Chiang Mai.
  7. Dr is whatever you fancy, itsall in the bedpan addled 'boygeorge' brain implosion! lol
  8. Very selective on which of my replies you respond to boyGee. No not required for pneumonia but some seriously good looking A&E nurses sucking all that bad goo outa me.! 😂
  9. Correct, thanks for the tip! It is kept in my name and BB bank a/c for the required time, hence the ext. is approved annually no fuss!
  10. "Might have been from a storm"?... Farout, no flies on you sport!! Of course thats what it was caused by, mostdumb diks on here r just Pattaya/Thai bashing.
  11. Same.here, in Phuket, precovid, 2days,1nite,hiso hosp tho.
  12. They call bed the fart sack for a reason!
  13. Seems you already need a leg up for next years extension, stiff titties, rates go up for newbies😭
  14. Its not illegal to borrow 400k/800k bht from anagent cat, best get some facts right before sharing your ill informed opinions!
  15. Your opinion dont mean jack cat!
  16. Dont bash actual tourists in UK, just their wallets! Better than bashing our eardrums like now in Pattaya expat areas then!
  17. Yep.who is this malcolm B.? X.? Dick anyway,?
  18. Any recent Pattaya suggestions, I need some genuine Amulets as gifts for a wedding thanks a lot
  19. Stormy weather brings the flotsam, same "rubbish" tale each year all over the world. Non Pattaya folk and point scorers jump with glee. Suprise me, resist the next time it rains!
  20. Nice sentiment there Gee Whiz, I,m thinking youve been hacked? Ironically the real you will be OAP qualified just in time to drop dead, fall off the perch and go to Buddha. I think the Wayward Chapel does paupers sendoffs, no Buddha input tho.😭
  21. Dont pay tax, get a weeklyslab of play money, nicelife here, sucking the sweet bits now! thanks bucko😂
  22. Outa kanga GG, stiff titties! Get a real job.Bludging ure life away tho seems to suit your aimless presence here and home in Oz!
  23. 2000bht.max.fine.No risk, why worry, shadows got you it seems!
  24. Dead out of brain cells Greg has plenty of mates from blighty here, thank god he,s out of our Navy!
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