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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Stairs upto those upperfloor massage rooms are never a concern, bound up them.The stairs coming down tho?? Slippery dips!
  2. Your such a pedant! Do tell us tho does your fav cheapo Klang blood tester accept tap n go!? 😭
  3. Your blaming who for.Siri,s pis$$ ant response?
  4. 'Brits' is hiso speak for you Fred?
  5. Agent OA extension, insurance adds 3000bht to the envelope, accident insurance it is tho, not health ins.
  6. Jomtiem is 'chock a block' with dumbo short termers from 'backa *******' 'countries, 200bht agent for this ol me!
  7. Same as the Indian giver Brits gave the "terra nullius never never land" to the original first inhabitants! Go figure that out! 🥺
  8. 'Phoot Long' Massage Shop, Pattaya Klang, do anOzziepensioner promotion Fridays, you need the card to make your appointment!! 😭
  9. Agree totally, Ive just posted earlier about myreturn after8.yrs, the contact with Centrelink and Mygov etc, Medicare card renewal.The overall positive impression given by staff was, we know when n where you travelled, we still pay your due entitlments and alls well on the OAP front. Show me someone fitting that same scenario thats been jacked around??. KH, nah.😭😭
  10. Well damn Silly Steve, thats true blue, anotherie just like the otherie '$hit fer brains' poster. Your dumbass view of GLO v teens on pushies!! 🎉
  11. TOTALLY dumn ar$ed reply, the thread implies fraud from Thai lottery officialdom, not dumping grass clippings etc etc.! 😭
  12. Sore pommy losers, Indian givers, sulky $hits, not suprising Sambum! lol.
  13. Why r u thanking KH,(not on OAP)nor WONT ever qualify) this number has been posted by reliable folk been on the OAP for many a long day. KH is renounded for posting rubbish flaming anti OAP recipients, nuisance drivel is his forte'! Please reply with the correct poster name acknowdged!
  14. 'Shadow boxer'... we dont live in a lawless land, despite your paranoia! Much more scammy in your home country I suggest.
  15. ? Grow your own as in 'grow the tadpole' yourself. Phillip Mc Cavity style, I.m sure you can do wet nursing too Jimbo.🥺
  16. Please explain why, square easier to shaw up. Dug our well, shawing with plank and sheets, 15 mtrs no problem?
  17. As an aside to KH dribble,a brief report on my.recent visit to Centrelink, renewing Mygov contact details, renew Medicare card, OAPPensioner card, etc.Local WA outer Perth office, 1hr duration, both sorted quickly with no interest in my future travel, country of residence, plans etc.. Changed Thai address to my current Pattaya condo, again all sweet.Very amicable.Staffer conveyed the recommeded phone contact for out of Oz enquiries the Tas toll free number. Regards, back home next week. PS.. exit Bkk and entry PER.. Smooth as Silk!
  18. I have but its not in any fund, its under some rock.🙏
  19. Not so, good as gold, try buying a karat or two in Central next time you creep in on Holiday. I,m in Oz now loading up some of my stash. As to tax dodging try working from Thailand, like you BS about doing! 😭
  20. Hole digging is your speciality, but your in the wrong one as per normal.lol.My lease is as old as you, so is the digging done by a Cat.D9 dozer dimbo The plunders in the cupboard under Aladdins cave. Knowledge escapes you 'dolittle'. Move along and don,t butt in.😭
  21. Been under a rock dreamy? OAP topic, Duh! Super what I ask, my Coober Pedy opal lease is my Super droopy dick! Swap a shovel for your smelley mop, come dig your own money cave! lol.
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