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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Just a thought..! your off to a flying start. Not.Try being kind to the folk offering responses.
  2. Speaking of Yellow Pages I worked with a bloke who could tear a copy in half with his bare hands, used to snap the spine then ripit. Earned him plenty of beers that knack! 😄
  3. Dont the police here use the 'Yellow Pages'Interview procedure?
  4. Very long smoooothie! typical, sit too long sucking up that aircon.🤪
  5. Sorry yep meant the avenue,! Now Central 4thfloor, can get in early via carpark.
  6. Thanx, thats sure the best option. I was really asking more about the uptick in thais international travel plans.
  7. Thanks, we shall go here but good info, just surprised at the numbers. It was a walk in-get served item a few yrs back when @ GardenPlaza.
  8. GF went to Central to renew her pp last week. Place was packed, 100s waiting. Apparently daily occurence. 'Cannot do... come tomorrow 7am' said staff. Where are all these folk travelling to? Thoughts.
  9. Better rush of your bleat about the kick to Anutin, and tell him about others comments too. Stop digging, your Mum is worried about you!!
  10. Overpay Police hardly, OP mentioned 24K in his opening sentence, seemed to be a focus point!
  11. No, that was sarcasm! Obviously!
  12. Interesting, yes these pliks have exchange also, few nites ago took over busy footpath with BBQ crocodile on large spit, dangerous as.Unreal!
  13. Me neither, tho I can seethe bewildered thai vendors and tourists especially amazed by the audacious russkies pushing their services unabated.
  14. Now thats a more informative reply, well done, thanks
  15. Oh, yep, sure thing, ok, thanks, great addition to the discussion!
  16. No, shopping about, have to wait for a month or two for other stuff
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