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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. The great pi$$ing contest is on again!
  2. Or in some cases, use a keyboard!
  3. Townhouse IMO are roomier but neighbours drive u mad. Condo prob double the price.
  4. The days of ' oz finishingschool's' are long gone!! ????
  5. If your here.. Simple, use a deposit ATM.!
  6. Why worry. ! No 20 Hongkong has been closed 15yrs. Really credible travelsite???
  7. Prices have gone skyhigh 7months later tho! ????
  8. Then you and him are researching weird $hit!!
  9. Or his new found friend who has recently surfaced!
  10. Rio Tinto got rid of picks and shovels.Think its more likely the will to work thats lacking.!!
  11. Chalmers anounces todaybiggest Budget surplus! Keep up, us expats need you!! ????
  12. Why do you even know that?
  13. Seed the divesites with some of these nasties!
  14. As of July1 the threshold has been increased meaning some on part OAP may now be eligble.(Article on yahoo finance)today
  15. Yes.. pension earned is pre loaded onto your return virtu of clink having your TFN. As you say its under threshold so you can opt to not submit a yearly return.
  16. There is a farang rides/drives a foodcart around every day whilst his wife (I guess)makes and sells street food. In full view of local shops, other vendors etc.2k from Pattaya in a tourist area,??
  17. There is no one on here in your Cat 1. scenario that would be concerned so whats your point? Your 2. is probably not the average expat. either I would guess. Most would have retired, got pension then moved here 'for a long holiday',! ????
  18. You will get email re pending mygov message, check that.If nothing inbox all good. You seem para on this issue. Thats utube click bait is all.
  19. How many folk have you rundown without noticing.. lol
  20. With a postit marked 'good time to bash expat OAP'!!
  21. No, but I like Albo????
  22. No Have you.? Been here 8yrs,no contact via mygov.Ring them if concerned but i wouldnt. The utube guy is wrong re Thai Post, so hardly credible.
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