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Posts posted by rvaviator

  1. On 7/18/2020 at 5:52 PM, Heppinger said:

    How would i know how a WW2 vet would respond to the use of flamethrowers?  The two WW2 vets that i'm related to didn't use one, to my knowledge.  Though flamethrowers were widely used by allied troops during WW2. 

    You stated the following:


    :blink: There is EVERYTHING questionable about using flamethrowers on ANY living creature ... ALWAYS!! under any and all administration. 


    I'm suggesting that the WW2 vets that did use them may disagree with your statement. 


    Was it not used in Vietnam as well ?

  2. On 7/14/2020 at 1:46 PM, smiggley said:

    What happened to Sweden? They never had a lockdown and life went on as normal but we do not get any news about how they are doing. Just curious.

    High number of old people in homes died ... I think the general feeling is that they should have protected the elderly better - They had nurses and carers who brought the virus into the homes ... That was a mistake .. They should have locked down with the elderly.


    For strong and healthy people not so bad .. in therms of % death


    And as has been noted several times .... C-19 is mostly the drop that make the glass overflow ... So better try and have a glass that is almost empty to allow your body to fight it better.


    If anything .. The media should push the agenda of ... 'Stay healthy and live a healthy life style' to improve you chances of survival. 

  3. 28 minutes ago, Wongkitlo said:

    My local 7 11 attendant gives me the wrong change by 20 or 30 baht often. I don't know if it is deliberate or if she is dumb. She is very pretty though so I never say anything. 

    The perfect example of 'value for money' .....  You should tell her ... with a big smile on your face that it has been a pleasure to have been paying an extra 20THB just for the pleasure of being served by a pretty girl like you. ????

    • Like 1
  4. haha ... My eyes are my level ...... Eyes first .. then level .. its 99% within the black lines ....


    It has to be level ... the floor or ceiling  is irrelevant - Gravity every time ... My rationale is .. if I can influence it .. it has to be level ... Why not level up the cabinet - blocks under the feet .. ?

    • Like 2
  5. 19 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Thing is....poverty has been reducing.


    The percentage of blacks who commit homicide in the US, 53%, has been remarkably constant however, even though poverty has been reducing every decade.



    But do we know if that 53% is gang on gang crime ?


    Maybe time to invest in 'poverty' ... Looks like a classic time to buy ....






    Now maybe the 'bottom feeders' ... are the 'harden' ... 5% ... and the 'low hanging fruit' of getting out of poverty are the first to leave the stats ... ?


    Looks like interesting times ahead .....

  6. 11 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Well, low IQ is also a problem in causing crime, as the Bell curve showed. We're not going to be able to abolish stupid people. Nor are we going to be able to eliminate poverty. Even if it is a contributing factor.


    Do you have any idea how many poor people there are? All the billionaires in the US wouldn't be able to fix it.


    The thing is the state has intervened, and by trying to enable blacks to get mortgages by hook or by crook caused a financial crisis.


    How would you solve the problem of poverty? A lot easier to target the 8000 or so perpetrators of violent crime.

    Haha ... very true .. low IQ caused by all sorts of reasons .. some genetic some due to poor diet and poor education etc ...


    Yes its naive to think we can eradicate poverty .. but no reason to stop trying to reduce it,is it ? ... I know I will never be a world champion cyclist .. but I I still keep cycling ! ????


    Yes the poverty gap in the land of the free is indeed large .. and yes its in the millions .. But you know ... Here is a thought ... I think a poor man will say .. its 'ok to be poor', as long as I have hope and can see a way to get out of poverty ...   And is that not what America is suppose to be all about?  The idea of  'working hard and everyone can make it' ...


    Yes the easy short therm fix is to deal with the 8000 (not the 800, Spartans ..) .. But brush to much s**t under the carpet and eventually you can not walk on it anymore ...


    Once you have dealt with the 8000 .... next week .. any more ? and after that ?  Then eventually the 8000 will get out .. what is re-offending rate in US  (I bet its around 50%) ...


    But to Sujo point ... Best to stay on topic ... Whatever it was again ????



    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Logosone said:

    Well we do know that of all violent incidents reported 70% of all crime on black victims was perpetrated by blacks. See p.14 below.




    Nobody knows this better than blacks who have a long history of protesting the killings in their own community.


    I have a problem in terms viewing all violent crime as a result of poverty. The reason is that the vast majority of poor people are not violent killers. Poverty does not automatically equals crime.


    Again, past US administrations have taken great steps to reduce inequality for blacks and lower income people generally. This was a factor in causing the 2008 financial crisis.


    The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was originally enacted under President Jimmy Carter in 1977 in an effort to encourage banks to halt the practice of lending discrimination. In 1995 the Clinton Administration issued regulations that added numerical guidelines, urged lending flexibility, and instructed bank examiners to evaluate a bank's responsiveness to community activists (such as ACORN) when deciding whether to approve bank merger or expansion requests. Critics claim that the 1995 changes to CRA signaled to banks that relaxed lending standards were appropriate and could minimize potential risk of governmental sanctions.


    Conservatives and libertarians have debated the possible effects of the CRA, with detractors claiming that the Act encouraged lending to uncreditworthy borrowers... Detractors also claim that amendments to the CRA in the mid-1990s raised the number of mortgages issued to otherwise unqualified low-income borrowers, and allowed the securitization of CRA-regulated mortgages, even though a fair number of them were subprime.



    In a way US administrations have bent over backwards to placate the poorer segments of society and indeed almost forced the banks to relax lending criteria for mortgages, thereby precipitating the financial crisis of 2008.


    Maybe less violent crime, less smashing up cars and shops would make society a better place? Just saying.


    Blk on blk crime 2.jpg

    I think its very true that poverty does not = crime.  But I think one could make a very good case that poverty will make it morel likely. 


    Simply put - Poverty will make violent crime in and close to that locality more likely.


    So the difficult part is figuring out how to change it.


    If we agree that poverty is a 'contributing factor' ... Would it then not make some sense to try and come up with ideas on how to solve that problem?


    I also wonder - Them who loot and burn.. does that happen in the poor section of town ?  And if so ... is that done by the people who live there ?  Or is it down by outside people - Who has an agenda? 

  8. On 7/15/2020 at 8:12 PM, Logosone said:

    The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015. The Post defines “unarmed” broadly to include such cases as a suspect in Newark, N.J., who had a loaded handgun in his car during a police chase. In 2018 there were 7,407 black homicide victims. Assuming a comparable number of victims last year, those nine unarmed black victims of police shootings represent 0.1% of all African-Americans killed in 2019. 




    So since police killed African-Americans in 0.1% of all cases of black homicide victims, nine fatal police shootings in 2019, and of the total 7407 black homicide victims the vast majority were killed by blacks I put it to you that Black Lives Matter focusing on police shootings is a fraud, a deceit and a pointless distortion of reality.


    If BLM were really concerned about black lives they would focus on the over 7300 victims of homicide who are black who were, in the majority of cases killed by blacks.


    Why on earth focus on 0.1% of odd cases where police shoot an unarmed black? What about the other 7300 black homicide victims, most of whom were killed by blacks?

    Do 'we' know how many of the 7300 Black on black killings are gang on gang related killings ?


    Since not every black person can be a rocket scientist  or a brain surgeon (just not enough jobs)  -  Do 'we' have a large base of low to medium skilled jobs available which can form the basis for a first step up the ladder for job prospects and personal enrichment ?


    Or have that large base of low to semi skilled work (jobs) which one would expect that any society needed to cater for all its people - with after all is a mix of talent and ability. Gone to some other country far away in the pursuit of 'share holders value and profit' ... (i.e. a relatively small overall % of the population .. which have prospered)


    What is the current level of unemployment in the US for the 'bottom feeders' with little to loose .... The middle class who also struggle to keep it together ... ?


    What is the strategy that 'we' have in place to try and make the society we live in more fair, just with no (or little) discrimination?


    Maybe less polarized arguments - Better big picture overview and some inspiring leadership could make tomorrow better than yesterday ... ?



    • Like 2
  9. On 7/15/2020 at 9:43 PM, Yinn said:

    Thai price watch a movie.   $4.90

    uSa.                                  $10

    UK                                     $13.30

    Australia.                            $15+ 


    same movie! 


    3 in Thailand or 1 in Australia! Buy one get two free Sir!

    Welcome to Thailand.


    Be happy. Enjoy



    $ 4.90 to see movie in Thailand   (is it dubbed or does it have subtitles ?)


    > 100000THB to enter Thailand .... if you are lucky to qualify ...


    Oh how I want to see that film ..... ???? ... Let me in please !!

  10. 43 minutes ago, bannork said:

    It can change in one or two generations. The rural Thais of my generation, born in the 1950s and 60s, are tough. They can work in the fields, come rain or shine, usually the latter.

    The kids now.....'Where's my phone? Ooooh, the mosquitoes are biting, where's the nearest air-con room?

    Very true ... But then Thailand have been much more influenced by the west ... Compared to China in general.  Hence why the 'general difficulty' in China with free and open access to western media / internet etc ...


    Stability  /  Order / Prosperity (make it better tomorrow than it is today) is what matters ....


    As long as >80% feel that is happening .... Then I think any fundamental change will be long time coming.....   

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  11. 9 hours ago, NightSky said:

    A sign of things to come. Beware those buying into the scheme, you only have to look how they treat their own people.

    I think you should look a bit closer - You will find that the vast majority of Chinese are much better of now .. than compared with 20 or 30 years ago  .. What most Chinese like is a strong and stable government, which have a long therm strategy. And are capable of delivering it.  Our western way of 'democracy' does not get good media. 


    As long as they have food on the table .... can send kids to school .. free health care ... smart phones .... They are happy as can be ...


    The other thing you should consider .. One thing the Chinese are good at .. Is to endure hardship .. its in there blood ... Maybe that will change over a generations or so as they get more comfortable......

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