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Posts posted by rvaviator

  1. 4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    In his book Cohen has made allegations of Trump being involved in ‘golden showers’ at a Vegas sex club.


    What prominent billionaire with the services of lawyers at his immediate disposal would stand for that without filing suit?

    It has always intrigued me how 'sexual pleasure between adults' is such and 'important'  issue in US .... The great puritans and religious righteousness ...


    Maybe he should have suggest it could be used as a treatment for C-19 ......    

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  2. On 8/10/2020 at 8:55 PM, elliss said:


       Into UK , seems the norm,  for immigrants .

        Magnetic attraction , being, social security free housing , free health care , etc.

        Paid for by UK taxpayers . Not many of us left , soon we will be an extinct species ...



    Well if you think UK will be running out of 'indigenous' species ....  You are going to need all the immigrants you can get then .. ???? 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    agree, they are not the only ones, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Spain, etc., just to mention a few, thus Thailand could opt for a similar situation and make things easier for the people


    In Europe today there are only ten monarchies left:

    • The Kingdom Belgium,
    • The Kingdom Denmark,
    • The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
    • The Principality Liechtenstein,
    • The Grand Duchy Luxembourg,
    • The Principality Monaco,
    • The Kingdom of the Netherlands,
    • The Kingdom Norway,
    • The Kingdom Spain,
    • The Kingdom Sweden.





  4. 5 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

    that is not the point


    which legal instruments to be used to enforce "stop"?


    you claim that  France should stop this because it ain't good for a pregnant woman to travel in a rubber dinghy


    and the legal authority to do this is taken from ???


    How about the 'nanny state' ???? ...  No pregnant women is allowed to embark on a inflatable boat of size less than ......  Unless a special certificate of exception has been issued by the relevant maritime authority ...

  5. 40 year .. not fallen down yet ...  You want to look outside as well.  Just from the photos, its not possible to say if you should worry or not ... How long time between .. 'fill up' and start cracking again?


    Any digging going on outside ? Changing drains or other construction work 'next door' ?

    • Like 2
  6. My money is on a intermittent ground fault - causing the 'Leakage current' trip to go.  As Crossy is saying.   It could even be that the Safe-T-Cut circuit that measures the imbalance is faulty. 


    Did you leave it on the 5mA or 30mA setting ?  Earlier the OP mentioned about 'happens more if its raining'  High humidity is typical driver for causing issues with this type of circuit.


    I would set it to 30mA  - Then I would pull some of the individual breakers (to isolate part of the circuit) and then see if it happens less (or not at all) ..


    • Like 1
  7. I have used Euro Optics a few times - Never any hard sell and good service. Owner is a woman who has been working in Thailand for a long time - She is from Indonesia or Philippines (sorry I can not remember which) .. She has her accreditation displayed on the wall ... 

    • Thanks 2
  8. On 8/8/2020 at 5:23 PM, dunroaming said:

    This subject is always a hot potato and just ends up with both sides shouting at each other.  Neither side will convince the other that they are right because neither side will believe that they are wrong.


    There will always be those who hate the fact that Britain is a multi-racial country that is compassionate when it comes to asylum seekers and those who wholeheartedly embrace it.  I have a wife from Asia and we live in  Britain with our half caste son.


    Ironically this board is full of immigrants to Thailand who have Asian wives or partners and many have their own half caste children.  And they have the nerve to complain about immigrants in their home countries.  Hypocrites! One and all. 

    Yes but I am white and have money !! .... ???? .....

  9. 9 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    More than enough other countries around to move production to, if that means a slight price hike then so be it. I mean life is bit by bit getting more expensive anyway! And to be honest, China is getting favors still based on it having been a third world country, which it isn’t anymore, so all the trade deals so far have favored China. I hate Trump, but in this particular case he’s right and it’s China that doesn’t want to play ball because they think they can do whatever they want and letting them become Number One in the world is a very dangerous game to play! Hence, embargo! 

    Look at history ..No 'superpower' have ever stayed on top forever ... 'Embargo' ... You (we) can not even get people to agree if wearing a mask is a good idea .. How do you think you can get  'world wide alliance to boycott China' ... ????.


    We can tweak around the edges .. Make grand political gestures (to help 'me' get elected) .. but that I think is about it ... 

  10. On 8/6/2020 at 11:54 AM, perconrad said:

    A well maintained diesel engine, in a boat or truck, do not smoke to be seen.


    In Scandinavia there are many electric ferries they have batteries and some are bigger than the picture.

    Norway have a lot of e-ferries now - However Norway have both oil and Hydroelectric energy available so from that aspect it makes sense to use electricity - The e-ferries that are made now tend to all be made with Li-ion batteries. It is always a interesting calculation to do total life cost - and calculate for pollution.  The ferry itself does not have enough surface to allow it to be charged with solar power (just supply top-up for A/C systems etc ...)  However if a solar farm was set up - exporting to the grid - then supplied back as needed. That does stack up if done correctly.  Several commercially viable  solar plant in Malaysia. 

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