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Posts posted by rvaviator

  1. 4 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I never said they did.  But it's a nice way of trying to ignore the fact that Sweden has up to a 10 times higher CV per capita death rate than its neighboring countries.



    Sweden acknowledges that they should have looked after the elderly in care home better ...  The care workers / staff brought the illness with them ... They were never 'locked down' with them but 'free' to return home after work ....   

  2. On 8/5/2020 at 3:08 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Per capita (per 100K population) CV deaths with other more like countries:


    Sweden 56.41

    Netherlands 35.8

    Switzerland 23.26

    Luxembourg 19.42

    Denmark 10.63

    Norway 4.82


    Sweden isn't looking so good, notwithstanding your diversions.


    And by comparison, Sweden has already suffered more than twice the number of deaths from CV than it suffered in all of WW II.... And even adjusted for population growth since WW II, still more CV deaths on a relative basis.







    You do know that Sweden did not fight in WWII ...  'Neutral country' ... So not sure how relevant that comparison is ...

  3. 8 hours ago, Logosone said:

    Total lie, anyone who claims that should read some history.


    The Japanese were already suing for peace.


    The dropping of the atomic bomb which burned alive women and children was a horrible war crime.



    My understanding is that Japan would have surrendered - and the sticking point was over the word 'unconditional surrender' (pre- dropping the bomb) ...  They were scared that the emperor would be tried for war crimes and executed - For them it would have been for the Catholics to have the Pope executed ...   They knew that they could not fend of the Russians.  I suppose one could  say that dropping the A bomb was a bit like cracking a nut with a sledge hammer.  It also served it purpose one could say in showing the world have crazy talking about dropping A bombs is .. nobody wins in the end. considering how much more powerful the technology is today.  It also served as a 'great experiment' to gain better understating of the effect of radiation - Which was not understood at the time. Even today the descendants and the few people who are still around today are tracked for radiation related issues ....  The world can be a very sad place at times ????

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    Ah so you are saying freedom of speah is protected when you yell out FIRE in the movie theater as well? 

    Or better still when you on your next flight to Thailand and see you good friend Jack from High School a few rows in front of you and stand up and shout high Jack .... Then complain when the USM guy in the seat behind you have you in a head lock and beating the sh....t out of you ...


    Sometime its a good idea to think before speaking  ....    Or suffer the consequences ..... ???? .

    • Like 2
  5. I think its funny how you read about the candidates spend million of dollars in campaigning - Mindless TV advertisements.. Traveling to big rallies etc ..  


    But the 'state / federal government can not have a well thought out and slick voting system in place .....  Its not as if 'voting' is a new thing is it .... 


    When I come to think of it ... Is America not suppose to be one of the most democratic and 'free' countries in the world ? Why is not a 'world class' voting system  thought of as being a pr-requisite for a 'world class free democracy' ?

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Valentine said:

    All my MS are 2007

    I have sent you a PM - After starting a email - Go the email window - do you have this icon on the ribbon bar in the email ?



    From here you should be able to make as many signatures as you like .. and change them ...

  7. On 8/1/2020 at 11:18 AM, Valentine said:

    Not really but Outlook for example will not save changes to my signature. Small thing but annoying. I am unable to upgrade as I think it is not legit

    Which version of word are you using with outlook 2007 ?  I am using Outlook 2007 and I am able to have multiple signatures and no issue with changing them 

  8. 6 hours ago, Grumpy one said:

    I agree with you, but in the back of my mind I keep thinking next time I go out, after destroying them,  I may collect a bullet

    If no harm done to your land ..... Poor people who try and get something to eat ...  Why not next time you see one. Put a packet of biscuits in one of them ????

  9. 17 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    I just love these posts about how important we are to the Thai economy (living here I mean, not a tourist), Settle down.

    Yes, some of us have helped bringing technology that is now manufactured & exported brings 

    in valuable reserves, but the truth of the matter is that the Thai economy would do just fine without us.

    For those of you quoting Bht amounts have a look at the monthly export figures even when down by 8.7% as a result of the virus. Our spending & savings pall into insignificance.


    You are absolutely  right that in the pure numbers game ... it does not matter ... A bit like saying ... Out of ... 400 000 children .. only .9% will catch some bad illness ... But that is 'ok' as its below 1% ...


    Well .. it still is 3900 children + Lets say the traumatic experience for the close family ... * 2 = 7200 adults


    Now lets say you could wipe out the 0.9% .. and have 0% ... at no cost to society ... Would that not be a thing to be happy about ?  (maybe not worth having a holiday for ???? ..)


    I try and 'remember' that behind statistics .. are ordinary people ....

    • Like 2
  10. 19 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

    Given the amount of pay they get and the hours they put in like 12 to 13 hours a day 6 days a week can understand them to a point but dont take your attitude out on the customers,

    I went to a Italian restaurant last year ordered the food and a bottle of wine so off the girl goes and comes back with the wine and just plonks it on the table and walked away again, after 5 minutes I asked her are you going to open that bottle, she wasn't happy

    Screw cap or cork ??

  11. 10 minutes ago, Dario said:

    Once in a while I order items from Amazon.com. I like their setup for shipments to Thailand. In all the cases of items shipped by Amazon they used UPS. When the customer orders he is quoted the price, shipping and estimated import duties in Thailand. That works out pretty well, no surprises when you receive the package.

    On July 23 I pre-ordered something which is hard to get here or only much, much smaller: a rebounder net which we would like to use for our daughter's tennis practice at home as we live out in the sticks with the nearest tennis courts 75 km away. The item is not sent by Amazon but by the seller himself. After an inquiry the seller revealed that he uses "most probably" DHL. I then asked to ship via UPS as DHL always overcharges in Thailand, but he said UPS is not an option. He said the only options are DHL and FedEx. Finally we settled on FedEx. The item was finally shipped last night via YODEL. ????? What the hxxx is Yodel, never heard of it? It seems to be a carrier located in the UK as the sellers factories are apparently located in Wales.

    By the way, I paid $89.99 for the item and #21.89 for shipping. Total I paid = $111.88. I am pretty sure that I will be fleeced at maximum once the package passes Royal Thai Customs. I will post an update.



    Yodel - They are a broker service who use all sorts of 'low cost' delivery services .... It will be interesting to see who they will use to delivery to you in Thailand - i.e. they may use one service out of the export country - and another service - To deliver (and clear customs)  ...

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