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Everything posted by Skallywag

  1. In the US I thought this was true until I moved to Alaska. Many parents have to homeschool their children as they are not vaccinated. Public school mandate that you are vaccinated, but as I said, many parents I know of homeschool as they do not want their children vaccinated. Never heard of that when I was attending public schools in Arizona as a child, but it is true. Some parents were native americans, some were religious and claimed it was against their religion
  2. Transportation emits more greenhouse gases than electrical power plants in the US, likely more in Thailand. Power plants have CO2 scrubbers and other ways to reduce emissions, plus are outside urban areas where gases are diluted and released high above the land. 66% of power plants are natural gas and 21% are Coal 10's of millions of cars and mototcycles are a constant in your face in the city blowing the CO2 and NOx gases right at street level. 20 million motorbikes and over 18 million cars in Thailand. Big difference IMO
  3. Yes, this is the 1970's love affair with the ride and macho guy attitude who thinks his bike is the best and makes him happy. Spend more time with ladies and quit polluting the air we breathe please is all I can say. Once a month to chonburi hospital and shopping weekly you need a 170K motorbike? Come on man, twisting a throttle isnt macho and king of the asphalt is only in your mind. This is the 21st century, use public transpo, get an e-bike, or walk and lower the amont of fossil fuels you use to save the planet from climate change . You are selfish and self centered it seems, like 97% of the others who think burning fuel and creating pollution and traffic is their "right", but to me it is morally wrong Stay safer so you live longer without permanent scars and injuries from an unavoidable accident OK rant over Peace
  4. Many bars that were open up until Saturday were closed yesterday when I walked through Soi Buakhaw and up Soi Honey. Maybe only opening at night now?
  5. Easy nowadays with a cell phone app to translate, yet not always perfect English-Thai and vice versa Back in the 90's I traveled with a Lonely Planet Thai Phrasebook which was great as you could point at the phrases you wanted to convey to the person.
  6. That is why they make speakers I thought ????
  7. Gave up my car when I retired here a few years ago, have not flown in over 3 years. Climate change is real and should be treated by governments more severely than Covid IMO Money and privilege should not be a reason anyone is allowed to pollute the air that we all breathe with personal cars and motorcycles I think everyone else needs an attitude adjustment as most all seem to think that climate change and global warming is someone else's problem, and are unwilling to change their ways. This isn't 1950 or 1960 America anymore. Cannot simply deny science and keep living like previous generations did if we want to leave this world better for future generations
  8. Yes am watching it now. Very nostalgic for me.... the 80's movies re-booted 30+ years later. Season 4 has Daniel teaching Johnny to "wax on was off" 555
  9. Curious why you need both a desktop and laptop and why you need wireless headphones. My laptop and phone is all I use and always while within a couple feet so wired headphones work fine and I can take them with me easily in my shorts pocket... never need charging 555 Am older and gave up desktop when I retired BTW.
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