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Everything posted by Skallywag

  1. All gogo bars charge at least that, even iBar.
  2. Yes, this I understand... Thailand is most often a "different story". Win-win is the way to go
  3. Would love to understand what this means as have had girlfirends and a wife, and I always paid way more than they did ...Housing, utilities, food, transportation, entertainment....etc... Your long term girlfriends went to work, came home every/most nights to see you just because she wanted to be with you? She never asked for nothing from you? You did not provide for your girlfriends in any way? Am being truthful, I really have you idea how you can have a girlfriend and not pay.
  4. Thai girls lie, cheat, and steal, so in reality it may have only been 17 men in 24 hours 5555
  5. I have been using 2ndline app for calling to the U.S. for over a year. Free if you have wifi. Also can receive texts which is why I got it initially, but now use ot instead of Skype for calls Had to get a U.S. number to receive a text from my bank to set up my USB security key which became necessary for international transfers last year.
  6. Think they meant THC, not CBD. From the article: "Food and Drug Administration received an approval letter from the Justice Ministry " "extract from all parts of cannabis or hemp with the tetrahydrocannabinol content of over 0.2% by weight" Legally only 0.2% THC content, as of today, but if this passes and is published in the Royal Gazette, then 120 days later it will be legal to dispense cannabis with higher than 0.2% THC content is how I read it
  7. My daily ride is a female who loves to be ridden and needs no gas 555
  8. Yes I do, but those fumes are not consistantly in my face and causing excessive noise pollution everywhere I walk daily. Thailand uses over 60% natural gas in their power plants, which are regulated for NOx and out of the city with tall stacks that pollute way less than hundreds of cars and motorcycles on every street in every city ICE cars and motor bikes are in reality forcing you to breath their exhaust and listen to their noisy exhaust every time they go down a road you are on. So air and noise pollution at same time Nothing I use in my home is polluting other peoples lives directly in this way AFAIK
  9. Whatever floats your boat. Glad you are not crazy ???? "Knowing it is wrong, but feeling so right" from 'Part time lover' : Stevie Wonder "A Life without passion is not living, it is simply existing" Leo Bascaglia
  10. Fossil fuels are bad, show your teenager you care about Climate change and get a DECO EV. LOCAL Thailand company Why give Big Auto (honda) and Big oil corporations more profits? They do not care about anyones future Be the example for a better, cleaner, and less noisy future https://decogreenenergy.com/index.php/th/
  11. All 3 of my shots were on the Mor Prom app before I finished my 20 minute wait. Did you not get the updated Paper Vaccine Certificate with the third shot on it before you left?
  12. I would hang the fan over or under the railing and blow his smoke back into his balcony - 555 But in reality TIT , the fan idea seems simple and should work IMO Legal actions can take forever, are costly, and may not work anyway if no enforcement is followed up
  13. Covid didnt change, a year ago many less people were vaccinated, now that most who wanted a vaccine got it, less people are dying from Covid, but still way more than normal flu or a cold. Still over 50,000 a WEEK dying in some countries, much more than the common cold or annual influensa ever killed per year in most country (US had 60,000 total influenza deaths in 2018)
  14. My biggest problem, my parents and both brothers have past, neither brother had children, only have a distant 3rd cousin that I am not close to... Do have a couple of close friends, yet they may pass before I do, but worth a shot
  15. Been wanting to do this. Are you giving the flash drive to wife now or leaving it in a Will so she gets it after you pass? I cannot trust my ex or son to not access it and take everything while I am alive. (big surprise coming from a Skallywag) Likely I need to see a lawyer and figure out how to leave passwords in a Will
  16. Season 2 of the Sci Fi series Raised By Wolves is out on 1337X (first 2 episodes I see) . on HBO Max, Enjoyed season 1
  17. Return with 2 weeks left, or better yet, since you are retired, just do not leave country during the pandemic
  18. This little EV would be perfect for Pattaya. The Citroen Ami, under 200K baht. Plug is in the body where door closes, simple 220V plug you can use anywhere, no special "EV charging station" needed.
  19. It was not me -555 Yes the roided fighting drunkards, showing off thier manhood in the only way they can because they cannot perform in bed with a woman.
  20. You see the word "retirement"means you no longer need to invest, make money, etc... You set this up during your previous 40-45 years of working with 401K, pensions, real estate etc... Retirees who come here thinking they have to keep making more money are not truly retired IMO If you really need to invest and make big interest on 800K or 400K baht each year then you are scraping by IMO. Some people never have "enough" I realize, but some retirees do. Good Luck with your stacks of money and champagne sipping.... been there done that 555 Peace
  21. Practicle for me is not eating at home, did that for 45 years or so and enjoy going out as I need to walk every day and get excercise. I do get prepared food to take home many times. Am totally against food delivery by motorcycle, their racing through traffic and noisy air polluting bikes are just a stain on urban living IMO. Has been good for many businesses during the shut-downs here, but all open restaurants will also give you your food to take home from their shop. Live in Pattaya so easy to get songthaew and walk almost anywhere, otherwise bolt taxi. So dont need a cook, or a maid, or a designated driver, or someone to clip my nails either. Does your girlfriend shower with you and help clean you and you her? That is one of my favorite things that Thai ladies do for their men. Good point on the 4-5 times a week, am over 60 and happy usually with 2-3 times a week. Still get a massage with BJ once a week or so as well. Guess I am pretty jaded or picky After 2 + years of mongering full time, have only met 1-2 ladies I could ever imagine having sex with day after day week after week, etc... They both have kids under 12 though and there is just no way I am going to spend time raising someone elses kids at this point in my life. It is all good, different people have different needs and lifestyles as we all know Peace
  22. Very true. Cannot see this ever happeneing to me, "love of your life" scenario. Kudos to those who feel this way. I like variety and am too old to settle down or seek "the one". Was married and have had gf's but was never as happy as being single. Seems to be in our DNA, some guys only seek long time gf's or marriage/love to them, some guys just do not IMO
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