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Everything posted by Skallywag

  1. All pop bands AFAIK. Does pop music "rock" ? not for anyone over 50. 5555
  2. I disagree personally, think these countries all have different things to offer so not comparable....and then for me you add in the major religion difference, enforcement of laws, P4P scene, and now cannabis Thailand grew its tourism industry way too fast, not improving infrastructure, allowing any Thai with a few baht to get a taxi or songthaew licence, and now a severe shortage of employees who want to work at hotels and resorts is limiting the number of tourists Thailand can actually welcome properly IMO
  3. No one likes a con man. POTUS 45 has skirted the law his whole life.
  4. Answer is simple, you are almost 6 times more likely to die from flu, pneumonia, and other respiratory disease than a motorcycle accident. Flu's are contagious and accidents are not Over 31,000 people die each year from flu and pneumonia, 5500 from motorcycle accidents. https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/thailand-influenza-pneumonia
  5. I think it is to protect them from the harmful radiation of the sun on their lips and nose! Melanoma can kill you know! Actually I wear a mask walking many times here in Pattaya because of the noxious fumes from motorbikes and bus exhaust. Why I wish all you young healthy people driving around on your scooters would learn to walk or take a songthaew : "motorbikes emit 16 times the amount of hydrocarbons, including greenhouse gases, three times the carbon monoxide and a "disproportionately high" amount of other pollutants, compared to cars" https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2005/dec/21/travelandtransport.transportintheuk#
  6. Most cannabis shops here in Pattaya list the strain and the Sativa-Indica-Hybrid numbers of the flower buds. Many sell "oils" a well Believe all "prescription" cannabis oils are made by the GPO: Government Pharmaceutical Organization
  7. I like cannabis and never abused it as much as I did alcohol and cigarettes. Cannabis is just another drug that is useful to some and unliked or feared by others. Did you know you can buy Tramadol at any Fascino pharmacy. Tramadol belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid analgesics, same classification as oxycodone and fentanyl. A blessing for those who really need pain relief, but of course can be abused and addictive to others Maybe someday research will find that people who are hyped up on triple lattes are causing roadway accidents and/or fighting their spouses as well. ???? Of course young people should be warned about all drugs, but that is up to parents to teach their children, not sellers IMO. We always got beer when I was 15-16 by having it bought by one of our friends older brothers. Teens will always find a way if they want as experimenting with alcohol, drugs, and sex is what many do
  8. PART OF THAI CULTURE Thais used marijuana in traditional medicine for centuries before it was banned in 1934. Farmers were known to use it as a muscle relaxer after a day in the fields and it was reportedly used to ease womens’ labor pains. In fact, the word ‘bong’, which describes a water pipe often used to smoke weed, comes from the Thai language. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-cannabis-idUSKBN1OB0D0
  9. LOL, if you lose your soulmate does that mean you lose your soul? I guess in reality if you lose your soulmate then they were never really a soulmate ? Neil Patrick Harris was great in the Harold and Kumar movies.
  10. Am in Pattaya and received my SSA-7162 yesterday
  11. Very true for most/some people, do not think this with Thai people as much as they are more concerned with basic needs and care of their families. As an expat, this is one reason I left the US, though I do read on expat forums here about those who still seem to obsess about purchasing that one cool new car or motorbike or getting a bigger condo, etc... Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller were once at a billionaires party when Kurt said to him, "How does it feel to know this guy makes more money in one day than you made in total on the publishing and sales of Catch-22? Heller said, "But I have something he will never have - Enough"
  12. Your friends are old and crotchety compared to 5 years ago and have lost their lust for life. ???????? I have only seen small price increases in the last year, yet I live simply, have no car or motorbike, and stay relatively healthy. I get bored with most of my friends back in the US as they have not changed in 30 years and only gripe about politics, pains and aches, and what to do in retirement. All are married and consider themselves stuck in that marriage for life, even though only one ever even mentions his wife.
  13. You get the re-entry stamp at the airport easily. Why pay in advance in case something changes, did they not ask your dates of travel?
  14. Well eating at those places is a death warrant anyways, so no big loss IMO. I still eat outdoors only and never at American fast food restaurant chain stores
  15. It is simple respect for others who may have comorbidities IMO. The condo where I live has signs by all elevators asking to please respect others when inside and wear a mask. I would say 90% of foreigners Do NOT wear masks and 90% of Thais DO wear masks. I cannot understand why the management company will not make it required. Like shoes and shirts, masks can be required inside a private building
  16. LOL, best to tell these virologists and laboratory scientists to get back to working on curing Cancer, not Covid. I believe the huge increase in human population on our planet is detrimental and we are in for more unknown viruses and diseases. Twice as many disease ridden people are now among us compared to 40 years ago when there were only 4 billion people, now there are 8 billion of us 5555
  17. Sad, yet Costner does already have 2 academy awards and 1 emmy. I think it is shocking that the writer Taylor Sheridan has not received any recognition for 4 seasons of Yellowstone or the one acclaimed season of 1883 this year
  18. Street food carts or small Thai restaurants where you see them cooking your food is the only way to go 5555
  19. Likely anywhere. Beach umbrella/chair vendors were serving beer when it was not allowed on the beach, also they were serving beer from 2pm-5pm ...as always. Doubt they care, unless someone claims the smoke is an "annoyance"
  20. For maybe 2% of the population IMO. Not same as it was back in the 60's. Women are running companies, restaurants, etc... are seen and read about in newspapers and magazines and online . Personally, do not know any woman who ever said a beauty contestant was a role model
  21. Really? Believe cell phone apps and cards are all the Gen Z people need. 21st century is virtually cashless. 555 Airport works for me every time BTW
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