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Everything posted by Skallywag

  1. Thanks for this topic, will follow as I will have to do this in a year or so. You do get your old passport back you know. I assumed the only stamp from my old passport that I would need is the page with the original Non-Imm-O stamp? 90 day reports and TM6 are just papers stapled in
  2. Yes Old Joe can be slow and bumbling at times. Do not live in America anymore, but feel Biden has better inherent knowledge of government and better advisors around him who he listens to than many other Presidents we have had. He certainly has no intentions of becoming an autocrat ????
  3. I live with what I have because it is "enough" Greed, over consumption, polluting the atmosphere with cars and trucks is not my goal in life anymore, been there done that. I reached my goal in work life, family life, and consumerism. Now am retired and living with what I have. Though I do sometimes yearn . 55555 Although If I had "a lot more" money: #1 I would start a free clinic performing vasectomies on men and giving birth control to women as all problems on our planet are directly related to overpopulation and uncontrolled growth of homo sapiens #2 I would give money to those who are producing non-fossil fuel reliant energies #3 Spend more short times with younger and sexier women instead of 30 year old MILFS who are 6's and 7's ???????? Giving back is what it is all about when you retire, not personal gain
  4. Did not see House of the Dragon mentioned. Think it is better entertainment than Lord of the RIngs, the Rings of Power Saw first episode of The Serpent Queen and liked it. 16th century
  5. Was sad to me that Only Murders in the Building did not win. Comedy is very personal though, everyone laughs at different jokes and situations to a degree. To me Curb Your Enthusiasm or Hacks are funnier than Ted Lasso as well.
  6. My advice is stay home. Social media educated people who have to spew out their "opinions" on health and science should not intermingle with respectful people in other countries IMO. Of course all Thailand cares about is If you have a lot of baht to spend,????
  7. He is 24, not a kid. Need some clarification. Does he normally IG his mom? That seems odd, why not text or just call. Did he buy a Thai sim card or use someone else's phone to IG his mom.? Maybe he wants to go off grid for a month? Has the mother contacted his friends where she is? Can his bank check his ATM withdrawals? I remember my first trips to Thailand in the 90's. No calls, no mobile phones, no internet really available. Sent a few post cards, most did not arrive until I got back a month later. If he is "missing" hope someone has seen him and reports back!
  8. Gods are myths and Aliens are myths, so same same
  9. I saw people on the BTS before Covid that wore masks. Many people dont want to smell you or be coughed on by you and get sick. Wearing a mask is the cheapest health insurance you can have against colds and flu
  10. There is "vehicular homicide" yet in the U.S. hardly anyone who causes a death with their automobile is charged with homicide
  11. Well in Pattaya everyone including me wears shorts and t-shirts. Don't think it is a fashion statement, more for comfort in the hot climate. Simple clothing is what is available locally for those of us retired and on a budget. Fancy name brand clothing in shopping malls just not affordable or necessary for old mongers 555. My hair style is shorter because of the climate as well, not because I need a "style"
  12. You did the right thing as a holiday goer IMO. I do not think tipping is ever really "stupid" if you enjoyed the time, the meal, the ride, etc... I only tip ladies after their performance if it was good or memorable. Restaurants I tip because of the food, not the waitress. Bars always seem to appreciate a tip, but I rarely tip bars as I have already bought lady drinks, so that is where I even things out for them. Some expats never tip, some do and plenty on vacation do, so it all evens out
  13. 6 Hours!?! Wow. I take a baht bus to Jomtien and walk down a road to Chonburi Immigration, hand in my passport, wait about 5-10 minutes and am done.
  14. Royal Garden Plaza mall upstairs was still giving out shots a week or so ago. Monday through Friday only
  15. Soon, all coastal cities will become mini Waterworlds because of climate change. Personal automobiles and other internal combustion vehicles will either be in museums or inland trying to survive in Mad Max type communities with little oil. EV surfboards and water cycles are the future of personal transportation as sure as the sun shines and the ice caps melt! 5555. Electric powered dirigibles and drones will deliver your food and Lazada order ???? ehang-air-taxi.webp
  16. These dogs were procured here in Thailand? Only seen a couple retrievers over the years where I live. How do they fare in this hot humid climate? They need to run and exercise
  17. Possibly locals could buy some tramadol at the local pharmacy, feed it to them all, muzzle them when they get tired with old belts or straps, hire someone with large truck and put them all in the back. Take all on a long journey and release. Multiple families pitchin in a several hundred baht for tramadol and the truck is all it would cost. Spay and Neutering can work, but takes time, and big money for vets
  18. Plenty of open bars and smaller venues if you want to stay "safe". The younger iBar /Insomnia crowds are all risk takers anyway. Doubt they really care, like getting Covid, they will take the chance on going into crowded closed areas so they can have their eardrums blasted with mind numbing EDM just to fantasize about the girls they meet and partake in
  19. Good advice. 5555
  20. Personally I do not care what one does to their own body. For me, our societies worst acceptance is allowing any person over 16 to drive a car or motorcycle and burn the fuel that pollutes the air that I have to breathe when outside walking. Plus the dangers of getting hit as a pedestrian or bicyclist from speeding, recklessness, or drunkenness of drivers in 3000 lb automobiles That is wrong on so may levels if you think about it. What other activity endangers everyone by doing it? Deep thoughts ????
  21. You are not alone. While I like most the characters in Better call Saul. Breaking Bad was much better story wise and character wise IMO
  22. Well the all volunteer U.S. military receives $91 billion in pensions and health benefits every year now. 50% or more are Republican, so "buying" votes and paid by the poor working class taxpayers as well 90% who served in the military never carried a gun or went into a battle zone. A few from Vietnam conflict were drafted of course, but other than that - all volunteered, got free GI Bill after 4 years and lifetime of health care...all paid by taxpayers. Only country in the world who has taxpayers pay salary while serving and then paying again for their benefits and pension after leaving the "service" Bottom line, this student loan "cancellation" is a drop in the bucket for U.S. taxpayers
  23. 2 new shows and one continuance dropped today on 1337X. Welcome to Wrexham. Docuseries about 2 american actors buying a soccer team. Mike: Life of Mike Tyson series Resident Alien season 2 episode 11 out of 18 is out as well
  24. And there are 3 Billion more movie goers than in 1986 + streaming services but minus down-loaders like me 5555 And movies cost more than double the price per ticket now compared to 86
  25. Top Gun 1986, 15 million USD to make. Maverick 2020, 170 million USD to make. I enjoyed the movie as much as I thought I would. Good action and realism I thought. Spoiler below?! Are those allowed? Was kinda hoping Tom would die and Rooster would cry and/or secretly be happy
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