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Everything posted by Skallywag

  1. In the US I thought this was true until I moved to Alaska. Many parents have to homeschool their children as they are not vaccinated. Public school mandate that you are vaccinated, but as I said, many parents I know of homeschool as they do not want their children vaccinated. Never heard of that when I was attending public schools in Arizona as a child, but it is true. Some parents were native americans, some were religious and claimed it was against their religion
  2. Transportation emits more greenhouse gases than electrical power plants in the US, likely more in Thailand. Power plants have CO2 scrubbers and other ways to reduce emissions, plus are outside urban areas where gases are diluted and released high above the land. 66% of power plants are natural gas and 21% are Coal 10's of millions of cars and mototcycles are a constant in your face in the city blowing the CO2 and NOx gases right at street level. 20 million motorbikes and over 18 million cars in Thailand. Big difference IMO
  3. Yes, this is the 1970's love affair with the ride and macho guy attitude who thinks his bike is the best and makes him happy. Spend more time with ladies and quit polluting the air we breathe please is all I can say. Once a month to chonburi hospital and shopping weekly you need a 170K motorbike? Come on man, twisting a throttle isnt macho and king of the asphalt is only in your mind. This is the 21st century, use public transpo, get an e-bike, or walk and lower the amont of fossil fuels you use to save the planet from climate change . You are selfish and self centered it seems, like 97% of the others who think burning fuel and creating pollution and traffic is their "right", but to me it is morally wrong Stay safer so you live longer without permanent scars and injuries from an unavoidable accident OK rant over Peace
  4. Many bars that were open up until Saturday were closed yesterday when I walked through Soi Buakhaw and up Soi Honey. Maybe only opening at night now?
  5. Easy nowadays with a cell phone app to translate, yet not always perfect English-Thai and vice versa Back in the 90's I traveled with a Lonely Planet Thai Phrasebook which was great as you could point at the phrases you wanted to convey to the person.
  6. That is why they make speakers I thought ????
  7. Gave up my car when I retired here a few years ago, have not flown in over 3 years. Climate change is real and should be treated by governments more severely than Covid IMO Money and privilege should not be a reason anyone is allowed to pollute the air that we all breathe with personal cars and motorcycles I think everyone else needs an attitude adjustment as most all seem to think that climate change and global warming is someone else's problem, and are unwilling to change their ways. This isn't 1950 or 1960 America anymore. Cannot simply deny science and keep living like previous generations did if we want to leave this world better for future generations
  8. Yes am watching it now. Very nostalgic for me.... the 80's movies re-booted 30+ years later. Season 4 has Daniel teaching Johnny to "wax on was off" 555
  9. Curious why you need both a desktop and laptop and why you need wireless headphones. My laptop and phone is all I use and always while within a couple feet so wired headphones work fine and I can take them with me easily in my shorts pocket... never need charging 555 Am older and gave up desktop when I retired BTW.
  10. I've eaten out women indoors, does that count? Used to go to Terminal 21 food court, also the Beefeaters Saturday Buffet a couple times and Hungry Hippo before April 2021, good ribs and all, and not crowded at all back then Feel it is important to buy food from different outdoor street venues and small Thai restaurants before and during the pandemic. Most restaurants you can eat outdoor here in Pattaya, unless you want to go to a crowded mall and have air conditioning blasting away at 24 degrees. Not me
  11. The world has gone too soft, my heavens, get off your ass and walk to the nearest food place and eat. Pollution and traffic is bad enough here in Pattaya with all these middle aged Thai Grab, Food Panda, and Hungry Now drivers somehow thinking delivering food is a job to be proud of. Job description: sit on your ass, wait for someone else to cook the food, and then you deliver it - what a bunch of horsesh!t. EV drones maybe OK, but burning fuel and adding to climate change so some idiot in a condo 3 kilometres away can have a meal? Horsesh!t I say. World has gone mad with apathy and laziness . 2022 people, wake up and get off your asses and do the right thing. Don't pollute To answer OP. Not a problem at our condo building. Strangers not allowed in condo building, but there is a bathroom by the ground floor swimming pool they can use.
  12. Mine was/is always stapled to a back page of my passport. How can you lose that unless you lose your passport?
  13. Streaming services means you have to sign up and pay money, Yes? I prefer not to "belong" to any "service" . Torrents are free and easy IMO
  14. I travel daily, albeit by foot 555 Always pleasant, even on the rainy days, just have to wait for the rain to stop or walk indoors at a mall. As others have said, not having to work like I did for the past 45 years makes me happy as am living stress free for the first time in my life. Morning coffee, reading forums, watching some TV shows I download, walking, getting a massage, having a coffee outside and people watching, walking more, drinking beer, exploring new ladies short time or meeting up with past ladies again. Talking with friends by the condo pool, a relaxing swim, etc... Realize some of my choices have put me a risk with the Covid, yet have self tested every couple weeks now that 99 baht tests available and am Ok, also vaccinated and waiting for booster next month. Have a theory that if you expose yourself minimally to the risk, you are constantly building up more immunity/antibodies. Peace
  15. One of my top 10 american Sci-FI series, also last performance by Leonard Nimoy I believe. Created by J.J. Abrams. John Noble is great in this series
  16. I save my money for the Thai girls, they show their appreciation much more and are much more fun to be with 555
  17. Am still waiting for the pretty girls to come back to the bars here, 1-16-22 it could happen. 555 Yes back home you definitely cannot sit facing a street with lovely "working" girls walking by all evening ????
  18. Not sure who posted the survey, but 60 baht is the price for small beers in most outdoor bars here in Pattaya. Cost per case is around 30 baht per bottle so like any retailer, they double that. $2 a beer still seems high to me for what you get at some of these tiny hole in the wall places, one TV, no pool table, <deleted> music or none if TV is on sports, and server girls all 5's or 6's and over 35.
  19. I voted! Am not a clairvoyant though 555. Yes since April 2021, and of course starting in March 2020 things have changed, but drinking and available ladies have not changed, other than the venues. Now you have to find the lady online or in treetown area, and drink in your room... well up until a week or so ago when alcohol started being served again. Never picked up ladies at gogo's or went to clubs like Ibar, so those being closed does not affect my lifestyle. I do enjoy gogo's for some fun with ladies, and cannot see why some will not return. LK metro gogos and golden time possibly. Walking street maybe on the east side as the seaside businesses it is said will not be able to renew leases. Saw on place a couple doors down from New York diner is already demolished (no not the one that burned down months ago) As always having fun with ladies is possible and bedroom fun is almost always on the menu for a price. Nothing in life is forever, go with the flow, change is good, etc... Peace
  20. <deleted>, Get a handle on what is important in life. If your married life requires you investing your 400K to make ends meet, that is crazy. 400K is hardly a nest egg, 3-4 million baht is a nest egg, which allows you to easily keep 400K in the bank each year. Never gamble with money you cannot afford to lose, that goes for investing as well IMO
  21. Midnight Mass on 1337x for download , watched first 5 episodes so far out of 7 total. Watchable and enjoyable to a point, deals with religion, so strange and unbelievable is to be expected
  22. "Costa Corcordia Why she sank" on youtube and on 1337x for download . 2 part series https://youtu.be/LNOi_hHPFOE
  23. Lee Child's Jack Reacher is coming in Feb, 2022 . Amazon prime TV series with Alan Ritchson, 39 years old and 1.9 meters tall. Finally we get a proper Jack Reacher instead of the little old stunt man man Tom Cruise.
  24. Alright then ???? I tell girls i am older than i am, girls tell me they are younger than they are. But really, how can you plan a marriage if you never met? This online dating, meeting stuff has gone too far IMO
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