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Posts posted by soap

  1. It is a repossession. The property is sold as is, and the owner remains when purchase the condo, he stays despite being in default of mortgage repayments. I figure he must have had some money to begin with, to get the property and loan and unfortuanetly things went sour.

    if you go to the local court you will most probable find they have a department for

    repossed property etc the will also have a department called L E D legal execution

    department that i believe deal with this type of situation,mabe they can help

  2. any evertonians out there got a few on the new stadium debate going on back home is it the loop or is it kirby

    whats the loop ?

    its the site of bestway retail store on scotland road by tunnel entrance

    yeah i know the place

    it must be big enough but it does not look all that big.

    if we go there we could finish up in the soup

  3. Ah..was he in the team that lost to Everton 3-2 after being two goals up ?

    Was it '68

    If it was do you give him some stick?

    Funny talking about ex-footballers, I made a comment that I used to play with Keith Osgood who was at Spurs in the mid '70s.

    I got a pm from his Son a month or so later....Lord only knows how he found it...the power of TV reaches all corners of the globe it would seem

    sorry tp got score and games wrong teams right though 1966 efc 3 west brom 2 1968 efc 0 west brom 1 jeff astle extra time was at both games we were favs in 68 west wilson labone ball to name a few england players are they were the days

    well i am surprised at the two of you

    the best cup final i have ever seen 1966 everton v SHEFIELD WEDNESDAY

    derek temple scored a cracker treblecock had a blinder

    and gabby had the ball on the corner flag for what seemed like hours

    what a game,got drunk for a week

  4. So that's it?

    Less traffic and less pollution?

    Hmmm ... that ain't much goin for it :o

    after living here for 15 years and before that doing the

    rounds in bangkok,pattaya,chaingmai

    for me its got everything going for it because

    its changed very little over the years

  5. .

    Slashing in the wet season is a never ending task, a month after you finish it will look like it had never been touched, at over 60k a slash, its going to put a big dent in your bottom line.

    Deep ploughing also has the advantage of root pruning, it cuts off the lateral roots and forces the sapling to spread more feeder roots.

    agree 100%

  6. directions to the hash 18th august start 4pm

    travel south on the highway past the big c,at the

    traffic lights close to the little duck hotel,turn

    left on to the 1020 thoeng road,travel this road for

    approx 12kilometres,no killometre stone marker but you

    will pass the PONG HOENG school on your left,about 500

    metres past the school on your RIGHT you will see the

    HHH sign at the now defunct TCP RESORT,park there

    allow 30 minutes from the big c

  7. this rental is an ad - and should be in the classifiedds section.

    if allowed here, then I couldn't mind posting about a house I have available for rent.

    mr brahmburgers

    thank you for being so righteous and above board by pointing out the

    error of my ways with regard to my post in your opinion being in the wrong section.

    from a person that does not have a work permit but tries to have more fingers

    in the pie than the pied piper your double standards when they suit you also compliment you.

    if you wish to be so righteous and above board in the future may i suggest you show your friends in mae sai your web sites

  8. I visited a few days ago...wonderful place, as is CR.

    I would consider investing in a home there.

    My freind who speaks Thai aslked for a brouchue but they were all out ...and their website is ...well not that informative.

    Anybody know the cost of bulding a place there...we sort of got a cost for the land of 2.5m a rai



    hello TP

    im surprised none of the chaingrai golfers have not replied to your post.

    i do know of two people who have houses on the golf course,my understanding is

    if you want to build just off the 18 hole, i think someone build there last year well your talking

    at a guess 20 million for the land and house but if you want to build on the coure but away from the fairways etc the house must compliment the golf course and i would say at least 10 to 12 million for the land and house,this may include life membership but my info his only my opinion and im sure someone more informed than me will also post

  9. I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but are most members in agreement with me about the excessive number and stupidly placed speed bumps in Thailand. They are to say the least a pain in the butt. I think the most stupidly placed I have seen, is ( or was) at the far end of Jomtien beach, on the road up to suhkamvit. On one corner there are speeds bumps either side of the road, AS YOU ARE COMING OUT OF THE BEND.

    if you think they are a pain in thailand you should go to liverpool,you will find them in EVERY side street,

    the councils thinking is if they arnt there you will go back to the days when every joy riding smack head of a kid would play tick with there stolen cars,at least they have cut the joy riders down and if they save one child from getting knocked over and killed well i think they are worth the hassle

  10. the next chaingrai hash house harriers saturday 21st july start 4pm

    Here are the directions:

    Drive south on the superhighway and turn right at the

    WatRong Kun (White Temple) intersection. Go to the


    of that road - approx. 4 km. When you reach the old

    Chiang Mai road go directly across it into the village

    and look for the HHH signs.

  11. hi! everbody in chiang forum

    did't anybody know where i can find english teacher in or near ban lao for my children please

    (chiang rai)

    Thank you

    are you looking for a english teacher to give your children private lessons

  12. I used to pass through Chiang Rai, visa tripping from Chiang Mai, with the occasional overnight stay, '95-'99. I recall several people.

    Who was the pleasant Aussie who ran Baitong Bar? And the equally pleasant (diminutive) Frenchman, a regular customer there who for some reason taught English?

    And 100m south, a bar named Moon & Stars or something similar run by the quietest of quiet Americans, who sadly went back to the US, I heard.

    My curiosity peaked with the mention of English Paul Markham and his burger bar. He told me a few years later that it only opened for a day or so due to some local Thai food mafia figure scaring off all his staff. But then he also told me that he was a retired British Army bomb expert occasionally called in by the Thai Army in Bangkok for advice. Later found he was unknown to the British military attache at the Brit Embassy. I last saw him pedalling electric bicycles in a feature in 'The Nation', claiming to have invented them himself. He's still around?

    Anyone remember another Brit, prematurely bald, named Dave? Spoke Thai quite well, very low budget, tried and failed to make it up there as an architect/builder?

    And then there was the German brick maker (Thai Terrabrick Co?), given to heavy drinking then racing through the night to Pattaya. Lousy manners but good company. Gunther? Embedded his Merc half way through a large parked truck one night, I was told, and went on to that big building site in the sky.

    Oh yes and I heard that Count Gerald will sadly be leaving us soon, and that his mansion is on the block for 50m.

    the pleasant aussie guy who had the baitong bar was baitong ken really nice guy,closed the bar in 1996 (crazy joe got a video

    of the baitongs last night open) .

    100m south would be the new moon bar run and owned at the time by american richard.

    paul markham (mac) went down to bangkok with old brock (it was a rumour that brocks wife was slowly poisining him)

    so he got off,mac did have a electric bicycle company,i heard he sold it for a few million bhat,he told me he had army background.

    the german brick maker (i thought he was swiss was erwin i think) went down to pattaya and opened another brick factory down there,they were good strong bricks and you can still buy them ,last i heard of him there was not a pick on him.

    dont know the rest

  13. [

    You can deffinitely make a goo living haveing a bar in Chiangrai. :o

    mumbo jumbo

    you can tell me what bars are making a good living in chaingrai

    it would make a change lisening to a success story rather

    than looking at a forsale sign

  14. any one remember the scotch guy who got stabbed to death in the sandphu hotel disco

    he had a real scottish name,i think i only met him once but seemed ok to me.

    i think the fight started over what else, a girl in the disco they did not want the hotel involved

    so they carried him out to the car park before the police arrived

  15. if you want cold in the mountains,there a place up by me in chaingrai called

    doi mae salong im sure i once read in the bangkok post it touched freezing point

    about 12 years ago.

    its inhabited by mainly chinese thai whose ancestors came over from china many years ago

    and settled up there,they grow tea and some of the views are stunning.

    i stayed there one night about 5 years ago and when i asked if the room had air con

    she looked at me stupid and said "you wont need air con up here"

    she was right

  16. [anyone know new zealander Bruce H?


    american Mike O?

    No... Mike C yes, Irish M. yes!

    american name mike

    cat house mike--still comes and goes

    surfer mike --not been seen for years

    cowboy mike- gone to a better place

    newzealand bruce

    the name rings a bell but not seen him for years

    btw anybody heard anything from baitong ken

    and whats your name 20years sin thai should we remember you

    I am napoli Mike---and you?

    what about taxi Joe?? that lunatic :o

    Mike O comes around? got a contact for him??

    yes taxi joes still here,hes got the bar on jetroyd road

    right by the tip house guest house,give you one guess what the bar IS called

    yes youve guessed it


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