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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Woke does not refer to the left in my view. The woke are a very small group of crazies that has ingrained their weird theriology into the mainstream workplace, education and gov. I have to hand it to the crazies, they somehow make everybody bow down to their insane thinking. These idiots have got the regular folks afraid to speak up, you can't voice any opposition without being called a slew of ism's.
  2. So imagine you're hiring for a new position and a male candidate arrives 5 min late for interview sporting a shaved head, bright red lip stick, mustache and piercings and one who uses a pronoun other than he or him. Well before the insanity was norm this candidate would never have been considered. But now this clown looking guy gets the job, I'm referring to Sam Brinton, one of biden's stars. Now, please explain how this is positive.
  3. Never said corruption is a needed part of society. When I go get my Residence Cert for DL and car related transactions I pay 500thb, was 300. Heck 12 yrs ago in SK i was paying 1000 thb. Did or do I like it, course not. Go to the office to have land surveyed, good luck not paying to have it done before in timely fashion. And the list goes on and on. Now here you have guys with their 30-40K monthly pension coming to Thailand, an agent helps facilitate their visa and extension. Where is the harm? They don't mooch off anyone or Thailand. They spend more than the average Thai does. Then you compare these old guys to murderers, take a deep breath and relax. I'm headed to the beach for beers and ganja. mahalo
  4. Why is it those who does their own extensions, everything by the book wants so badly for the agent route to disappear. These expats that use agents to help bend the rules hurt no one. They can afford the agent, they don't live off any system, they bring the money they can afford into Thailand and live a good life. They don't feed off the system or you. It's nobody's business really. For those in danger of falling off the High Horse, you really should mind your own business. But as said earlier corruption is like breathing in Thailand, everyone at some point partakes.
  5. It's wild that Thailand has such great gas stations with 7-11. It's a one stop shop. It's a shame the US can't adopt this system aside from Truck Stops.
  6. This is another example of examining every word Mr Trump spoke. The hypocrisy is staggering considering biden does worse, much worse and doesn't make the headlines.
  7. The Police Chief said it was offensive to show video. I disagree. Chansley's an idiot, I agree. I just don't get why after committing the crimes for which he was sentenced, he was allowed to continue on with cops opening up doors for him like he's on a tour. Shouldn't he have been in cuffs? It seems like the only videos shown so far shows the break in, why not show the whole story. Why wouldn't the American people be entitled to the whole story?
  8. Which is why the common foreigner using an agent won't come to an end. Not everyone investigates completely what the requirements are. For many 30K isn't a big deal and the following year's extension will be closer to the 16K amount. If a person doesn't mind paying the agent and it saves dumping 800K in a Thai bank, who's the victim? Everyone makes a bit of money and everyone is happy.
  9. The video shows another side of the story. It doesn't change anything but certainly not offensive.
  10. Follow along where I gave a link to the safety windows installed except for the windows the rioters chose. I find it unbelievable that the most important building in the USA shouldn't be properly protected.
  11. You can drop a lit cig into diesel and it won't explode. But yeah, I always turn my car off. It's just common practice.
  12. Having not been there before it's hard to gauge which beach is best but White Sand Beach should be a safe bet because it's the most polular. Some good recommendations which I've checked out. One of the things here in Thailand is it's not common to have say 2 queen beds or 1 queen and a smaller bed for kid. So picking a hotel is also based on number of beds available.
  13. It It's diesel fuel then zero danger. I think even for other fuels the risk is minimal. What about the other cars coming and going next to you while fueling.
  14. Looks nice, will check out further. If I was solo I'd do you suggest. Prices should be lower if done online, I'd think.
  15. I want to visit for a few days, hotel on the beach, walking to bars and restaurants. Taking the ole lady and kid, looking for a maybe 4 star joint. We'll have a car but don't really want to drive except for sightseeing. Would like a nice room close to everything and a nice beach. Probably looking in the 2700-3000thb/nt range.
  16. Phala Beach and surrounding area is dreadful, recommend you stay in Patts
  17. If a Police Force's sole job is to protect your house and it gets broken into, then blame would fall on them.
  18. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a37884804/january-6-capitol-riot-unreinforced-windows/ The majority of the Capitol’s 658 single-pane windows were quietly upgraded during a 2017-19 renovation of the historic building. The original wooden frames and glass were covered with a second metal frame containing bomb-resistant glass. 2 windows weren't upgraded and the rioters used those to enter. So you see it's entirely possible to prevent rioters from entering. Someone should be held accountable for not securing the Capitol properly.
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