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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I've heard of victim blaming before but this must be the first 'building blaming' I've seen. Now that is just silly. But to be expected. Steel bars covering windows is not a bad idea now is it. Again, the Capitol police allowing this to happen is more of a story than TC showing a video that doesn't follow the storyline of investigations committee.
  2. I'm referring to the building itself. They never should have been able to breach the doors and windows with sticks. C'mon man.
  3. The fact that a bunch of idiots with sticks were able to enter the Capitol in the first place should be addressed. That should be the story. But, no folks are angry at TC for showing another side of the story.
  4. This is actually brilliant. Transfer 116 IO's or whatever. Now when these positions are filled again and these 116 positions will most likely if not certainly require a handsome fee to be paid. This could be a huge payday for the higher ups who share the loot.
  5. I recently bought some land for my kid. We put in mother's name/kid's name. Don't know what the 6 mos deal is unless in 6 months the kid will be old enough to have in her sole name.
  6. When I apply for extension using the monthly deposit method I make sure I have time to hire an agent if for some unforeseen reason it's needed. Mine's coming up in the next few months. No one is forced to use an agent. If you don't qualify for an extension you are free to hire an agent and you're free to depart Thailand. It's all consensual. The rules are clear, sort of.
  7. Not sure you can blame guys using agents for having to keep money in bank longer. Corruption is part of the Thailand charm is it not?
  8. I said this particular corruption is victimless not corruption in general. Does the best candidate for a job get hired? Perhaps but not before they pay handsomely.
  9. Not sure why you're so anti agent. Everyone benefits and no body is a victim. If I had no family here in Thailand I would be using an agent 100%. With nobody to will 800K to in case of death, it makes little sense to keep money in Thai bank. That's how I see it. There's corruption in every aspect of life in Thailand. Why single out this victimless corruption with regards to expats.
  10. My new car last year, I had no plates for months. Wasn't any problem.
  11. Only the most naive individual would believe it will stop at those making 400K.
  12. If I'm ever forced to stop the monthly deposit for extension, I'll go the agent route. Spending 15K/yr for not having to stick 800K in a Thai bank seems worth it. If they had accounts where a second person could be listed on my account, a big maybe. I don't see this investigation will have any effect on Farang using an Agent. I believe they're after much bigger fish. No matter the bad luck some posters are wishing upon their brothers who use an agent.
  13. For 20+ yrs I traveled the world with only a few months a yr spent in the USA waiting assignment, Was it fraudulent to claim a US address as my residence? Of course not, I paid my fed taxes, home Ins., car insurance, health care. If I was still working past age 67 and collecting SS while never at home, Would that be fraudulent? Of course not. Regardless of sentiment I don't consider Thailand my home, not really. I spend most of my time here but considering I have to report every 90 days, get an extension yearly, I maintain multiple houses in the US, pay all my taxes, Is it really anyone's business where I choose to spend part of my year?
  14. Buy one and report back. You've been given solid advice. Other, better alternatives from non-Chinese bikes. Some years ago I thought the Lifan 250 was so cool looking. Glad I never pulled the trigger on that one. My last big bike I bought used
  15. The migrants can enter unvaccinated but the tennis player can not. And, that doesn't sound strange.
  16. Those bikes have been around for years, now, how many have you seen around? They look pretty neat but so many other better choices. Double the money and get a Royal Enfield 650. Same retro style bike.
  17. With a US Address they automatically enroll you in Part B $170/mo, My income was in the 100K range that year so Part B goes to $230/mo Last month while on a visit to US I sent in form to cancel Part B and it was successful. I have B/C-B/S through my old job, thank you Uncle Sam. Which works well here in Thailand.
  18. https://sports.ndtv.com/tennis/novak-djokovic-withdraws-from-indian-wells-masters-on-eve-of-draw-3837401 So, this unvaxxed pro tennis player is unable to compete (enter) in USA because he's not vaccinated. I don't remember the illegals and migrants entering US at southern border needing to show vax documents. Joe is an idiot.
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