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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I wouldn't want to mail my passport in for renewal in Thailand. Has nothing to do with computer skills, but rather not trusting anyone to not screw it up. I go to Embassy in person, and have new passport mailed to me. I get to see the envelope has my address written correctly. For me it's a 2 hr cab ride
  2. So let me get this straight, all the drugs that cross over the border are blamed on the American appetite. You know cut out the demand and drug smuggling will slow down. Yet the Mexicans are blaming individuals for their gun problem. C'mon I can't be the only one to see the irony.
  3. Probably won't find the places online, but you spend a few days scouting the area I'd wager it's possible. Make the rounds of the bars and network. I had a stand alone bungalow behind the major beer bar complex 10 k thb for one month but that was 8 yrs ago.
  4. And as you leave the counter you see the 100 people behind you. Step out of line and get back in behind those 100+ people or, or spend the $13.00 for onward flight beforehand.
  5. Samui's Lamaii Beach is the one I've been to several times. Not sure how it is post covid.
  6. I've been in the US for past 15 days living in hotels. The cheapest one I've had is $100/nt, average is $200. - $300. nt.
  7. I want to know when videos of HB will be allowed. Comedy gold they are.
  8. Following your logic, our border patrol and any effort to stop the flow of drugs and illegals into the US is unnecessary.
  9. What does near the border exactly mean, could be 100 miles or 100 ft, in a gated community perhaps. Do you have children in the education system? News about illegals breaking into homes, cutting wire fences, damaging property must all be fake news then.
  10. Point being they shouldn't be allowed to enter US until hearing. Trump had them staying in camps in Mexico. That was a deterrent unlike biden's welcome mat. First the kids didn't go to class for 2 years and now the schools are saturated with migrant kids who need more help and aren't up to speed. All the while our kid's education suffers. Is that good for the US, I say definitely not.
  11. Under Trump asylum seekers stayed in Mexico until hearing. Now we have folks from all over the world traveling to Mexico to cross over.
  12. The school systems in sanctuary cities are now crying because of all the migrant kids. But, the southern states are supposed to magically absorb them all. What's disgusting is biden turning a blind eye towards the border invasion.
  13. No matter if it's for votes or who pulled biden's strings, fair move.
  14. Looks like the walls are closing in on HB and perhaps the big guy.
  15. The cinema enhances the movie experience. I go whenever a good one comes along or just to kill a few hours. Long live the cinema.
  16. I'll give you a gold star for copy and paste. Now, tell me you have a young kid who's being vaccinated for covid.
  17. That's just business as usual. GF's family applying for a gov job, doesn't pay much but will cost 200K. And no I'm not asked to help pay.
  18. The idea of carrying a knife is foreign to many men. Sort of like guys who wear a belt just because even though it's not needed. For me it's just a natural accessory. I don't carry it with the thought of self defense, I've never used it for that. But, but even unopened it a nice weapon.
  19. I've been carrying a knife most my adult life. It's a tool, nothing more.
  20. Who was it that approved the Nord Stream pipeline? Wasn't Trump. Nope good ole biden did that while shutting down out Keystone pipeline. Biden's good intentions are ruining America.
  21. This is literally a thread about biden gaffes. And all you can think of is Trump. I for one don't hate biden nor do I think many here do.
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