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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I'm an American, I wasn't born there. But, I'm an American.....same same.
  2. https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/minneapolis-police-departments-struggle-to-recruit-cops-lingers/ In today's world who would still consider a job as a cop in Minneapolis or any place for that matter.
  3. The 90 day Non O requires 800K in the Thai bank, then the extension you can go the 12 month of 65+K/mo route. I did the same recently.
  4. Buy some of the less expensive pot. Take a hit or 2 and wait. You'll fine the right number of hits to take.
  5. hu·mor [ˈ(h)yo͞omər] NOUN the quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech:
  6. For me I started depositing 65K+/mo into Thai bank during my OA extension, then I left Thailand for 2 mos, came back visa exempt, 30 day extension, covid extension and then started on the Non O plus extension when I had 12 months deposits. Immigration never said anything about my status during the deposits.
  7. I recommend a joint, few ice cold beers and a nice semi deserted beach. That puts everything into perspective.
  8. I just got back from Ca and San Diego as well, I use premium and $6.60 was an average. You're right, makes no sense.
  9. I had the monthly requirement when I applied for first extension. Or else the way you wrote needing to show 12 months.
  10. Guess my 12 months worth only made sense to me. You're right and 800K in the bank to start.
  11. For 90 day Non O you need 800K in the bank to start. After that you can use the 65K/mo, 12 months worth.
  12. I paid 600thb like 5 yrs ago. There's a difference in the sturdiness, as difference in price. I used it to pain the house. Never again, now when I need ladders I buy the best, most expensive one I can find. Plus the bamboo ones don't stand the test of time.
  13. I got an OA in 2019 when I started staying long term in Thailand. Too much hassle now and I switched over to Non O. If Covid hadn't happened I'd probably still be on the OA + extensions.
  14. Is their really any up side with the OA instead of entering visa exempt and going for the O visa here in Thailand? I know not what you asked, but still a legitimate question.
  15. Umbrella lady and as stated above guy with flip flops provides a clear understanding of priorities.
  16. I worked at a glass plant, all the workers wore protective vests to cover arms, chest and legs, special gloves.
  17. Freaking out is an exaggeration on your part. It's more bewilderment. At the school which relaxed the covid rules to include wearing masks outside. Yet when I picked up the kid from school, all kids wearing masks because no one wants to stand out. She wore her mask because the other kids did and they wear because all the adults working at the school wear masks. I must admit it was a bit odd not wearing a mask in the US, even in the most liberal city around SF, eating at Pier 39, no masks.
  18. You first, and you know don't forget the mask.
  19. You make a good point, maybe perhaps wear a helmet when I go for a walk, because well that would be even better. A bonus.
  20. Yet the kids are all masked up checking in. I see a slow change among some locals here and go into local store with no mask and the checker had no mask, slow changes.
  21. And I can't argue your comment, but, but is the mask for covid protection or smog protection as 1 Bangkok participant keeps giving as a reason for the mask. This particular school is keeping the mask mandate inside the classroom as I'm pretty sure the Health Minister said wasn't needed. Please prove me wrong. At the 7-11 all people still wearing mask. This is how easy it is to mold people into THIS.
  22. Just spent 3 weeks in Calif. Didn't wear a mask since I stepped out of Airport in SF till I stepped on return airplane. Even in SF which was before in love with the mask is now maskless. Even though the Minister of Health basically said mask wearing is over, today dropping my kid off at first day of school everyone was masked up. When will this madness stop.
  23. I did my kid's in Bangkok, mandatory for parents and kid together in person. They punched holes in old passport. I don't see why they wouldn't do adult passports in person also. I have a few years to go before mine is due. I don't know about picking up the passport in person, we bought the pre-stamped envelope and they wrote our address. Less than 2 weeks for delivery.
  24. I recently renewed my daughter's passport, she's a minor and both parents took her to US Embassy for renewal as required. So you're saying I can't renew mine in person the same way. I'll check the website for my future renewal.
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