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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Wondering what that new building would be.
  2. Face it you've admitted your only goal is to make believe covid is over. I see no creditable reason to vac my kid as does the majority of parents in the US. It's disturbing so many don't have the best interests of the children in mind but are only concerned with what is best for them for either financial or political reasons.
  3. You seem to think the FDA is god, try reading. Before the vaccine becomes widely available, it will also need to be recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The decision on that recommendation is made after a meeting of an expert committee, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, or ACIP. The CDC director must then approve ACIP’s recommendations. That committee is scheduled to meet on Nov. 2.
  4. She's five is she as that's what's being argued. Thai parents aren't known for thinking for themselves. Your argument seems to be monkey see, monkey do. My little girl is learning to think for herself. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10135699/Experts-urge-UK-steer-clear-vaccinating-children-moves-closer-jabbing-FIVE-year-olds.html
  5. Wow, deflection 101. As I said before you have nothing to lose by being a vaccine enthusiast for 5 yr olds. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10135699/Experts-urge-UK-steer-clear-vaccinating-children-moves-closer-jabbing-FIVE-year-olds.html
  6. We all have those days. They pass.
  7. It hasn't even been approved, guess the majority of American parents feel the same as me. https://newyorklatestnews.com/poll-27-of-parents-give-their-children-the-5-11-vaccine-immediately/319834/
  8. Yeah, at the top of the list of AQ hotels I just saw it states the hotels have taxi and test included.
  9. I wished the hotels for 1 day AQ would state the taxi and RT-PCR test is included and they handle it. Some of the prices listed by hotels seem too low to have taxi and test included.
  10. Is the ride from airport to hotel and the RT-PCR test upon arrival booked separately from room or does the 1 night package include all the above?
  11. As are you saying kids are already being vaccinated. The one declined to vote. You're saying falsehoods in the name of enthusiasm about kids already being vaccinated.
  12. You're jumping the gun with your vaccine enthusiasm. One person on advisory panel declined to vote. hmm https://www.voanews.com/a/fda-advisory-panel-recommends-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-for-children-5-11-years-old/6287630.html
  13. Give it to your kid and get back to me. I'll bet you'll tell me you don't have a young one but you'll tell me it's all good. No thanks.
  14. My kid here is Thailand received all kid shots. Doesn't mean I'm willing to subject her to a vaccine which doesn't have a track record, doesn't prevent her from contacting covid, doesn't prevent her from transmitting covid. The only reason to vac young kids is to placate pro vaxxers.
  15. You can get cheap ones for $3000 tbh, that's what mine got at that age. Just go to a local place and get one. I know many make fun of such young kids having a tablet but it's the world we live in now.
  16. Hopefully you don't have to show results of ATK test in person to hotel after 6-7 days.
  17. I was quoted 26,000 in Patts from a long time agent to go from Visa exempt to Non O - 15 mos worth. I have a Bangkok Bank account.
  18. The world has gone mad. Of course we have the few who blame everything on the folks who refuse to vaccinate. 25% of NYC Police and 30% of Chicago police have so far not reported being vaccinated. So along with inflation, crime will now soar in our major cities.
  19. Woke Woke is a term originating in the United States which originally meant to be alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for left-wing ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans.
  20. Yeah, I'm not sure which worries me more my dollar or losing my country to the Woke nonsense.
  21. If you've never been to Pattaya how do you know it looks seedy?
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