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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I'm silently irked at the slovenly appearance of some travelers on planes. I'm talking men wearing beach attire on international flights. Truly disgusting. No self respect. Now my father was a man who dressed as well as circumstances permitted. I have a pic of him in NYC in the 1920's dressed in knee high shiny leather boots, suit and fedora and he worked as a farm hand as he traveled America and Canada as a newly arrived immigrant. I remember as a kid, going to work each day in a factory he'd shine his boots. Sadly I'm not my father and I've never attained his level of fashion.
  2. I suppose it would be racist to reveal his home country.
  3. I for one hopes it opens up as a Sandbox alternative. Lots of expats coming back to thailand would rather do the 14 days in Patts than Phuket.
  4. Right on that, for that person getting $1430/mo with no support in US like family where they can live. Then their prospects are slim. Can be done, like I said rooms in homes for rent. Thailand is perfect for that guy with only SS check.
  5. There's options in the US. $800/mo in say Florida will get you a decent place. Then there's the rent a room in a house option. It's popular for home owners to make a little extra by renting out a room, sometimes with private bath.
  6. A Universal Income is would be a good topic. With the covid dollars being handed out like candy in the US it's only time.
  7. Have you been to Diego Garcia? Has a pier for 2 ships only. It's legal as long as you don't ask the fellas that that kicked out.
  8. I get it, still didn't think it should take a month for appointment. But yeah it could get ugly if too many folks showed up at once.
  9. I was there today for my first shot, when I left the Mall about 1140 from the 06 level there was a massive line waiting outside to come in of both Thai and foreigner. What was up with that?
  10. This is the first positive move I've seen this administration do to stem the flow of illegals. Finally, See you automatically think I'm going to bash biden, it's his policies that suck. FYI Mr Trump is no longer POTUS.
  11. Biden needs the military at the southern border for what reason? There's not a problem is there?? I thought harris solved the border crisis situation with a trip to Guatemala. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/biden-administration-asks-pentagon-to-send-military-to-border/ar-AAOE3us
  12. They could have done walk ins from the start for foreigners. No, let's have them register, send passport and visa info, jump through hoops. And all of a sudden it's just walk in and get a shot.
  13. Hey, whatever helps you make it through the day.
  14. I'm getting my first today for self preservation and travel requirements. All the reasons you gave are the true reasons to get vaccinated. And for the sake of those in my immediate household. I know folks in the US and here in Thailand who are not taking the vaccine and I won't avoid them. They make their own choice for their own reasons. The only reason for taking the vaccine that irks me is when we're told to take one for the team?
  15. I find it amusing when folks talk about the good of the nation when they take the juice. Do it for other people's sake, for God's Sake. Please, stop the theatrics, we take the vaccine in the hope's of not being a statistic in a hospital.
  16. True, but not always easily found. Central in Rayong is a bit out of the way and not easily seen and found.
  17. The definition just like I stated and which yous guys vigorously claimed as false was indeed changed. But you go ahead and believe as you please.
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