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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Same issue, not home enough. At K 3 we moved away from Issan to an area far away from her village to attend an EP school. Now P4 and I've been living here full time for 2 yrs. with her. Her English isn't perfect but pretty good. I correct her mainly on pronouns, but not excessively. I help her to understand words used in her books, so along with reading english she can have an understanding of what she's reading.
  2. Yeah, forgot to include Calif. in title. Hopefully other states have better laws. Calif is being governed by people who are intent on taking away from the people.
  3. The alternative for Rittenhouse would be to stand there and let the other guy attack him, possibly take rifle away and kill Rittenhouse. It's for the jury to decide.
  4. A talk with an attorney now could save lots of money later. Best to avoid probate. Just recently did a will and this is what my Attorney told me about Prop 19 which passed a few years back. https://ballotpedia.org/California_Proposition_19,_Property_Tax_Transfers,_Exemptions,_and_Revenue_for_Wildfire_Agencies_and_Counties_Amendment_(2020)
  5. Are you concerned with the new tax laws? Used to be you could leave up to $1000,000 worth of property in a trust and property taxes remained the same for beneficiaries. Now you can leave only your primary residence to a beneficiary who must also claim the house as his or her primary residence to have assessed property value remain the same. All other properties will be reassessed and beneficiary will now be stuck with much higher property tax. All this is destroying the middle class.
  6. One who died won't rape anymore young boys, now tell me who the scum is or was.
  7. You would think that, but I predict the radical left won't let a chance of looting and burning go to waste. Hopefully the troops will squash the riots before they begin.
  8. I couldn't imagine letting my 17 yr old take a gun to a protest, but then again I couldn't see myself going to a protest to cause chaos. But, the fact remains the kid was legal to carry a legal gun, protestors chased him down to assault him and he defended himself.
  9. I used Royal Vacation to get my TP, man they were slow doing the hotel and Ins. got my QR code but if you're thinking of using this service because they are fast. They're not. 10 days start to finish.
  10. That one lived and testified in court that he did point his gun at Rittenhouse.
  11. Which is the path of least resistance? I've only ever used Pattaya but Rayong is closer.
  12. I sincerely hope you don't believe that, but the sad truth is many do.
  13. My kid goes to an EP school nearby and their opening rule is 50% online and 50% in class learning and they alternate weekly to keep SD at 2 meters. In my kids class only 4 out of the 11 kids scheduled for classroom learning showed up, the rest stayed with online. So, my point here is parents are fearful of kids going back to the classroom yet they will eat in packed indoor restaurants in crowded malls, no problem.
  14. I've had a pizza delivered a few times, I guess if you're unable to walk or use a motorbike or drive a car using Grab or such is a help. Personally I've never used one of those Grab apps.
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