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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Give it to your kid and get back to me. I'll bet you'll tell me you don't have a young one but you'll tell me it's all good. No thanks.
  2. My kid here is Thailand received all kid shots. Doesn't mean I'm willing to subject her to a vaccine which doesn't have a track record, doesn't prevent her from contacting covid, doesn't prevent her from transmitting covid. The only reason to vac young kids is to placate pro vaxxers.
  3. You can get cheap ones for $3000 tbh, that's what mine got at that age. Just go to a local place and get one. I know many make fun of such young kids having a tablet but it's the world we live in now.
  4. Hopefully you don't have to show results of ATK test in person to hotel after 6-7 days.
  5. I was quoted 26,000 in Patts from a long time agent to go from Visa exempt to Non O - 15 mos worth. I have a Bangkok Bank account.
  6. The world has gone mad. Of course we have the few who blame everything on the folks who refuse to vaccinate. 25% of NYC Police and 30% of Chicago police have so far not reported being vaccinated. So along with inflation, crime will now soar in our major cities.
  7. Woke Woke is a term originating in the United States which originally meant to be alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for left-wing ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans.
  8. Yeah, I'm not sure which worries me more my dollar or losing my country to the Woke nonsense.
  9. If you've never been to Pattaya how do you know it looks seedy?
  10. I've had same thought, perhaps it's not mandatory for cabin crew to vaccinate?
  11. My place was bottom of Queen Anne St at Eddy, I could have had a bigger place for $600/mo/ no parking and homeless sleeping around. I doubt $200/mo will even get you a parking spot in SF these days. Rent in East bay has gone crazy because the SF people are moving, this has been going on for years. I'm 100 mi east of SF and so many make the commute to the bay each day for work, hwy 580 gets worse and worse for traffic.
  12. 14 yrs ago I lived in Seattle while attending a Maritime School. I paid $1200./mo for a tiny studio 2 blocks from Space Needle. High rent is nothing new. It's always been hard for the bottom rung wage earners so IMO it doesn't explain why employers can't find workers. You have to increase your skill set to be worth the higher wages.
  13. And............Yeah, sounds good to me.
  14. Upon my return to US I was shocked to see all the homeless encampments in places where 2 yrs prior there were none. I mention this because it's ironic that not enough workers can be found and yet the homeless community is growing. Not sure but I think the Biden Dollars have stopped. I'm concerned that we've already become a society where folks don't feel the need to work because the Gov. will take care of them. But people have money, the roads are packed with shiny new cars, many more guys driving high performance new cars. There's a truck driver shortage, these are jobs paying $70,000/yr and up to 90K.
  15. I hear what you're saying and sometimes I feel owning property is like an anchor dragging me down. Expats return home sometimes. I for one likes the idea of having a safety net in the US.
  16. Or, money was agreed upon, no rape but she wasn't paid as agreed upon. So call it rape. Not saying she wasn't raped, but there's also the "what if"
  17. I had it in the US 2 yrs ago. Day before drink 16oz of nasty drink followed by 16 oz water. At some point repeated the drink. All cleansed out, at hospital they put me under. I woke up with no recollection of being violated.
  18. The workers didn't just disappear. What's wrong with these people. Where are the high school kids who used to take fast food jobs? College students taking part time jobs? Schools are open so parents can't use that excuse.
  19. I understand if you removed all footprints from USA when you retired in Thailand, you don't really care. But for me who's visiting the USA taking care of business and property the cost of everything from food, building materials, labor to filling up the car is terrifying. Some places have reported gas prices exceeding $7.00/gal. I'm paying $4.69/gal. And don't get me started on how prices of homes have and are skyrocketing. And an odd phenomena is businesses can't find workers. Fast food joints don't have in seat dining because they can't find help. Old people doing the jobs of students. Ships with goods stranded at anchor outside LA. The US has gone mad.
  20. First off Trump is all for vaccinations so feel free to discontinue using Trump. If you would remember it was he who pushed so hard for vaccine to be available. I never said I was an expert so please stop trolling. As I stated several times before I'm fully vaccinated but I respect the choice of others and not willing to jab my youngster with a vaccine which has just no track record.
  21. So, you have already rolled over and submitted have you? Vaccinations with a long track record is vastly different from one which has never been administered to kids before. Not hard to understand.
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