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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. OP - At this rate you'll never pull the trigger and stop working. Plenty of shophouses for rent where you can start a business and live upstairs.
  2. I was recently in the US, at a fast food type Mexican joint I paid with credit card and was asked if I wanted to include tip. It took me a second to process the request and said "no". It would never occur to me to tip at this kind of joint. Here in TL I tip barber, 20 tbh to bar regardless of bill, restaurants get maybe coins or 20 tbh, guys setting up furniture and large jobs at my place I tip.
  3. I used the saliva test bought at a pharmacy here in Thailand for daughters school requirement.
  4. Are their set requirements in place for Thais flying domestic? Any first hand info?
  5. Folks trying to talk smack about the USA are just so sad.
  6. Atta boy Uncle Prayuth, nothing to see here folks.
  7. I get what you're saying, just think it's too much. Bad things can happen when you have your focus is on a screen instead of looking out.
  8. What do you do with the 360 camera? I mean you're driving looking out the front while scanning the rear mirrors. What am I missing?
  9. The CRT post graduate course may not be taught but are you saying that no part of CRT is or was used in teaching kids. If so why is it an issue? I find it hard to believe the parents protesting did so on heresay.
  10. The subject was CRT in schools. Is it being taught to kids? Simple enough question.
  11. So no part of CRT is being taught to youngsters in the US, and you know this How? So all those parents who have seen the curriculum during online lessons are wrong, all those parents protesting are wrong?
  12. https://www.ddproperty.com/en/property/sut038ขายที่ดินแปลงสวย-1-ไร่-ใกล้หาดพลา-บ้านฉาง-ระยอง-เขตเศรษฐกิจพิเศษ-eec-for-sale-9745089 Nutty prices
  13. Elegant vs Ultimate - Were you able to see both at dealer or did you just order the top one. The Ultimate has all the latest safety braking technology which I'm not sure I'd like. Also rims are different.
  14. Just checked out the MUX today, like the brown interior.
  15. So you've flown internationally recently with only the antigen test required. Please elaborate.
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