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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I started having my SS deposited into US bank and simply went on SS website and changed to Bangkok Bank. It went smoothly.
  2. Riots will happen regardless the outcome. The nutters from both sides will show up, including the ones ready for a good old fashioned night of looting and destruction.
  3. Just an opinion - it would seem ticket only needs to be valid for the flight to Thailand. I believe it can show any departure date you like.
  4. Bridgestone for my Isuzu runs around 22,000 all in. It's what it came with.
  5. You need a degree these days just to buy a light bulb. For f^*k sake there are so many choices.
  6. Machines for washing clothes is so hi-so, I got the old lady a new rock and she was delighted.
  7. I see the ladies with the foreigners, I doubt the Thai guys are too jealous. ????
  8. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield (overseas) from fed job, if this ins requirement wasn't just a money grab they would accept my insurance without setting unrealistic rules to prove it. I'll continue using agents as this is probably what IO really want us to do.
  9. You're right, you described me. Had to search how to do scanning and cropping. Even bought a kick ass phone to help.
  10. I get it and understand all of it, yet I'll not over think it. If during my stay in the US where I mingled with unmasked, vaxx status not certain in restaurants and other venues and stayed safe I'll take my chances with one person plus driver.
  11. People are really freaked out about sharing a taxi ride to hotel. The person sharing a taxi was covid free before flight as were all passengers on plane. Only vaxxed people are going to the 1 day hotel in Pattaya. So both people are vaxxed in taxi wearing masks, I don't see the problem.
  12. US banks don't even send out yearly interest papers for less than $10.00. If it was me I wouldn't even give it a thought. For my Thai bank I would care even less. Don't go looking for trouble.
  13. It's a low key place in Phala Beach, gets busy on Sundays. has a 7-11, lots of eating choices, 3 separate beaches within a few miles.
  14. I second that. It's right on the beach, short walk is the Crab House restaurant on the beach with any seafood you'd want, nice place.
  15. Getting info on a good agent (good price) comes from conversation with friends. Simply because these agents sometimes provides services for guys without needed funds in the bank I'd be hesitant to give a stranger contact details.
  16. There are already sites offering a full packages for an easy TP. Makes one wonder if the glitches in obtaining the ThaiPass is part of a plan to encourage an Agents help.
  17. Any word on needing the Thai Pass to board planes. I'll bet if you show up at BKK without Thai Pass they'll make it work and get you a room and covid test.
  18. I was being a cheapskate when I bought the Isuzu truck with 2.5 instead of the 3.0L. The 2.5 is OK but If I did a do over I'd have gotten the 3.0 just because. You know a 1.9L in a truck just sounds wrong, I mean come on.????
  19. I have a 2012 Isuzu with the 2.5L, wouldn't want a smaller engine. If it was me I'd go for the 3.0L. Can't see the downside of having the larger engine. Certainly fuel consumption shouldn't be a deciding factor.
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