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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 2 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

    Clearly I am reading and listening to thew wrong channels for my information as I have never seen or heard a single expert saying that the virus "does not spread at rallies but does at Trump rallies".  Can you supply a link to one.  Just one.  Please.



    Difference is virus spread at Trump rally will be news for a week whereas  virus spread at mass protests will never make the news. 

    • Confused 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, abrahamturner said:

    Most thai women married to farangs are in for the money , only a dumb man believes otherwise,  most ppl here would tell us MINE IS DIFFERENT LOL , these old ugly western men never seize to amaze me.


    The gambling would continue because she never loVed you in the first place , The truth always hurts. 

    Wow, your first post was awesome.

    • Like 2
  3. On 6/29/2020 at 8:45 AM, rickudon said:

    Those paying half a million or thereabouts a year in school fees are either rich or the company pays. That would be nearly my annual income. My daughters school costs around 40,000 baht per year all in (including English program). My sister-in-law, a Thai teacher who teaches 11 year olds at a government school, gave her some Maths tuition during lockdown and said she was as good as her schoolkids...... she is 8 years old. Her English was good enough to get her into an inter-school spelling bee. So not too worried about the quality of her education.

    500K baht/yr doesn't make you rich, just a good earner outside of Thailand. Our school costs about 128,000 per year for EP school.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    Money can not buy love. 




    Generally speaking.

    The girl who work prostitution 

    -not respect herself, so not respect you

    -most have drug/gambling, alcohol problem

    - most is low intelligence, can not budget well. Many other Thai people can live normal life, 10,000 per month, sex worker get more, but not have money, because stupid shopping, Yaba, gambling. They stupid. 

    - there parents not good skill, so they also not good skill. Not from good family.

    - most is Issan people


    the blokes

    -often drunk/drug guy

    - not attractive (why he not find free girlfriend same normal person?)

    - social misfit


    Up to them. But it sad IMO, this people have kid together.


    I meet 17 year old girl last month. She work construction with Burmese team, 350 baht per day, hot and dirty.

    See the look krung. I ask her, her mum from Khon Kaen, Dad from England. She can not speak English. 

    So what you think? Mum is sex worker, dad is sex tourist? And run away already?

    is sad.


    IMO is irresponsible sex worker and sex tourist have kid. 



    Not really true.

    How do man, ugly girl, fat guy 99% other people in Thailand survive? 

    Not necessary sex work had to do to survive in Thailand. 


    We disagree. 

    But good luck your life in Australia.




    Good to know only bar girls have gambling problems.

  5. 1 hour ago, johnpetersen said:

    First of all, there are a huge number of demonstrations. I congratulate you and your fellow right wingers on your tenacity in characterizing them all, or most of them, as riots. The vast majority are peaceful.

    And of course, you completely evade the issue of why President Trump is not strongly endorsing the use of masks. Instead he treats it as a matter of personal choice. Except when he's accusing someone of wearing a mask in order to make political statement.


    Anytime a right of center group gathers they are all racist and Nazis and hell bent on violence but left of center are peaceful except for a few bad apples.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Stadtler said:

    When a few of these idiots threaten the wrong American, and are shot and possibly killed, Stadtler will proudly stand on the side of the people protecting themselves.  It can't happen soon enough as maybe some of them will stop their aggression for fear of getting shot or dying.


    Good on those folks for standing up for themselves and not rolling over as sheep would do. 


    This makes Stadtler proud.

    Stadtler's a bad ass. Kum Bah Yah

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