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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 6 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    You can't compete for work with a Mexican on a work site? Maybe you need to work harder or improve your skills.

    Have you ever discussed with your employer as to why they prefer migrants to those who presume some sort of preferential treatment?

    Of course, I am one of the uninformed.

     As automation increases, go to night school to improve your skill set

    Yes, you are uninformed. Admitting your faults is the first step.

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  2. 18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I was just joking around, you didn't get that?

    But the guy doesn't impress me, sorry. 

    I heard he's considering running for president.

    That's really bright of him insulting an entire generation of potential voters. Moron!

    Really, I can't take the guy seriously. He presents himself more as a cartoon character than a person. He makes action movies for stupid 19 year old boys and adults that haven't matured since then. 

    Our heroes should be serious people that actually add value to society like great teachers, doctors, scientists, real artists, great writers, etc. 

    I think someone is smitten but won't admit it :cheesy:

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Credo said:

    I own property in Arizona and there is a lot of construction in the area.   A housing division nearby also has a lot of people remodeling, upgrading etc.   The last time I was back, there was construction on both sides, almost identical work being done.   One was a Hispanic contractor and his crew and the other was a work crew consisting entirely of younger (under 40, for sure), white workers.   


    No comparison in the speed of the work done (and I am told the quality of both was fine).   The Mexican crew showed up each day before 9:00 (construction wasn't permitted before then).   They went immediately to work, work until the end of day (6:00 p.m.).   I never saw any breaks, including lunch, but I am sure they took them, just not at the same time.    


    The other crew showed up after 9:00.   Sat down, started checking their mobile phones.   Worked until noon, then the entire crew disappeared for an hour + and were packed and ready to leave before 6:00.   They all took a morning and afternoon break as well.   


    The Mexican crew was on to the next job 2 weeks before the other crew was done.   Needless to say, the Mexican contractor and his crew are in great demand.    



    It's about illegals. Hiring illegals because they work without breaks and cheaper probably isn't a great excuse. I hear what you're saying, but again not right to hire such a large scale of illegals if they were infact illegal.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    If you find yourself out of work because a semi litterate, hill farmer who has no skills and almost certainly can’t speak, read or write English, you’ve failed.


    Failed to take advantage of the gifts and rights you were handed when you were born in the USA.


    That’s nobody else’s fault but your own.

    Wow, a very elitist thing to say. So, it's Ok for blue collar jobs to be taken by illegals at lower wages.  

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  5. 9 hours ago, Tug said:

    Hey even keel I’m a construction guy mostly on the marine side diving running boats and heavy equipment just so you know the youth today (for the most part)have no interest whatsoever in blue collar work to busy looking at their smart phone lol sadly it’s true and I’m union making good money they just aren’t interested 

    You got me as far as youth of today are concerned. You're absolutely right.

  6. 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    So nice to hear an intelligent voice of reason, amidst the panicked cries of "build the wall", or the country will go down in flames! 


    The majority of Americans DO NOT support the wall, which is never going to get built. Only a percent of his base of devotees want the wall, and that is only due to constant brainwashing.


    Roger stone was frustrated that Trump kept on forgetting to talk about immigration at the beginning of the campaign. He said Trump is a builder. He will remember to say build a wall. Hence the birth of the slogan and the fear mongering. The only terrorist apprehended at the border in the past 20 years was coming from Canada. All terrorists use the sea or come by air. None come by land. None. One in the past 20 years was caught. It is all a total ruse. Not only is illegal immigration way, way down, but if you look at crime statistics in the US, nine times more homicide is committed by American citizens, than by legal immigrants. And three times more homicide, by Americans, than by illegal immigrants. If Trump wants to solve the crime problem in the US, he has to get his own people in his administration and his team, to stop committing crime, then he has to stop committing crime, and then he can work on reforming his base, and then other Americans.


    In a separate interview with NPR, on January 6, Darling expanded on his views. He is the mayor of McCallen, Texas.

    “In certain locations, a wall or a fence or some deterrent makes sense but certainly not one across the great swath of the border in places where, ecologically, the damage would be much greater than a security benefit,” he said. “So it’s really a political football, I think. And just saying we’re going to build this great wall across the whole border makes no sense at all.”



    Stop beating the drums, and listen to what is being said. You put forth a lot of effort for no good reason. What the major you quoted said is all that's being asked for. 


    What Trump said yrs back doesn't necessarily hold true today about building a barrier across every foot of the southern border. Find the link to Trump's visit to the border 10 Jan. The Border Agent had some interesting things to say. 

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  7. 2 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    You do know Pakistani asylum seekers are seeking safe haven from oppressive Islamists, the vast majority being Christian. Last year trump cut by half the asylum seeker intake into the US, this year dropping to 30,000. In the meantime millions of asylum seekers are waiting years for relocation by UNHCR, whilst trump is also seriously cutting foreign aid for the most disenfranchised. trump has not articulated a solution for the majority of illegals who arrive with a visa, then overstay, only focusing on the optics for his base.


    trump's knee jerk reactions are creating the very problems he is attempting to address. trump the destroyer does not have a strategic mind set, just tactical negative responses pandering to the minority of Americans - his base - a loser at large.

    Everything is Trump's fault, illegals crossing the border, yep it's Trump's fault. The Border Agent confirmed the border requires more barrier. But, you go on living in your parallel universe. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    You mean like having, heaven forbid, Social Security and Medicare???


    I'm sure Putin and Castro are just giddy with glee and anticipation at the prospect of the U.S. becoming a socialist state...  :shock1:

    We have SS and Medicare already. Ms. Cortez is talking in favor of crazy tax rates like 80%. Re distributing the wealth is what the progressive libs want.


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  9. 5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


    Only a massive consumption of the kool aid that the master is serving, could lead to a statement that is so erroneous, it does not even need to be disputed. Now, if you had said the majority of his base of 38%, that might have been accurate. The vast majority of Americans DO NOT support the wall, which is never going to get built. 


    Roger stone was frustrated that Trump kept on forgetting to talk about immigration at the beginning of the campaign. He said Trump is a builder. He will remember to say build a wall. Hence the birth of the slogan and the fear mongering. The only terrorist apprehended at the border in the past 20 years was coming from Canada. All terrorists use the sea or come by air. None come by land. None. One in the past 20 years was caught. It is all a total ruse. Not only is illegal immigration way, way down, but if you look at crime statistics in the US, nine times more homicide is committed by American citizens, than by legal immigrants. And three times more homicide, by Americans, than by illegal immigrants. If Trump wants to solve the crime problem in the US, he has to get his own people in his administration and his team, to stop committing crime, then he has to stop committing crime, and then he can work on reforming his base, and then other Americans.

    You kind of shot yourself in the foot with those murder statistics, I'll let you figure it out.

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