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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 6 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    If you think a Thai education is anywhere near as valuable as a UK education, you have been living in Thailand way to long.


    You just don't get it.


    We had our son enrolled at https://ptis.ac.th/  for over 10 years (Be sure to check out the tuition cost)


    When we moved to the USA, he was 1 year behind his age group.


    Consequently, he will graduate from High School in May of this year with a 3.9 GPA, a bucket full of scholarships and a choice to go to numerous Universities and Colleges. 3 fluent languages including English, Thai and Spanish.


    He will graduate from college, perhaps keep going for a Masters Degree and he won't be earning 15,000 thb a month when he is finished.


    He will be able to live a good life and not worry about stupid things like spending 1000 baht.


    People tend to lose track of reality and make up stories when the real answer is they cannot afford it or have no avenues?


    Why are all the rich and corrupt Hi-So's sending their kids abroad to school if Thai schools provide a valuable education?


    Because they know what you don't want to admit?


    A Thai education is completely worthless outside of Thailand and the average salary of Thai graduates across the board will never be enough



    Many of us here with kids are near or at retirement age. Educating my daughter in the states is doable but would be required to sell property which brings in rent money. Beyond that it's my opinion that life in Thailand will be much more fulfilling than living in the rat race in the US. Education at an English Program school here in Thailand gives her the essential tools to prosper later. International School is not out of the question once I stop working and can be home full time, hopefully end of this year.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Correct, the OP is about transgenders only. Women are no longer an issue with military service and homosexuals are apparently no big deal now, or at least Obama believed that.

    It's always worth remembering though, that for every soldier getting shot at, there are many, many more that will never be shot at or even fire a weapon at a real person. The ratio used to be 10 support personnel to every front line soldier, but I don't know what it is now.




  3. 5 hours ago, wayned said:

    Immoral or not, he should be forced to provide a detailed development plan.  After all, according to him,  he is running the government like a business and what business would propose a construction project without a detailed development plan.


     I'm not sure that anybody in either the house or the senate, on either side of the asile, have a clue.  They are just worried about where their next check will come from when 25% of the country is not being paid.

    One of nancy's  lines was the wall is "Immoral", you can't run from that one. You simply making things up about 25% of country not being paid. Think about it......

    • Like 2
  4. 9 hours ago, wayned said:

    I think that the congressmen and senators are a bunch of idiots.  Trump originally wanted 25 billion for 2000 miles of wall over all terrain.  He now wants 5.7 billion for 230 miles over relatively "friendly" terrain.  230 is 11.5% of 2000, which would equate to 2.875 billion (.115 x 25 billion).  But he is asking for 5.7 billion which is 2 times the 2.875 billion.  Why doesn't somebody nail his ass to the wall and have him produce a detailed construction plan that justifies the 5.7 billion, I bet that he or his cronies don't have a clue, Stephen Miller most likely  pulled it out of a place where the sun doesn't shine!.


    Pelosi is right give him "0" for the wall until he reopens the government and demand a financial study justifying the construction of 230 miles of steel slatted barrier.

    You forgot the wall is "Immoral" don't you know.

    • Sad 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Surely u know that Trump doesn't care about border security. Trump ONLY cares about winning. And since he promised a wall, he needs to deliver a wall to win. Whether a wall works or not...who cares.

    Barriers in high traffic areas was a good idea before Trump became president. Now it's not. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because barriers are "Immoral" The hypocrisy is overwhelming. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    How many Presidents do you know who went bankrupt 4 times by paying way too much for assets (in other words got out-negotiated).got bailed out by their Daddy, and inherited almost 500 million in current dollars? 

    Crash and burn can be valuable life lessons. 


    So Trump is a scallywag,  but he's trying to do good on the border. All his personal flaws has diddley squat to do with improving border security.

    • Haha 1
  7. 25 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Once is see trump proudly displaying his signature on a deal which details “additional barriers in key areas”, with an agreed and negotiated written plan, vs his current rhetoric, which seems to suggest that the entire border needs a Great Wall.... then I’ll advocate right there along side you, as border security must always figure prominently in any nations security policy... always


    That said, I believe any proposal about the intricacies of border security policy should originate from the “experts” (military leaders,etc but also including constitutional and immigration lawyers and the like) , and that this then should be given to the president to act upon.


    hadrians wall.... the danvirk wall... the Great Wall.... even offas dike..... these were all built by autocrats, in a time of autocrats.


    This time now upon us is not a time of autocrats, but rather it’s a time to sustain the fight against autocratic rule.

    That's exactly what he's advocating. A barrier in key areas. "The Great Wall" is something the far, far, far left are chanting without listening to what Trump is saying NOW. Pelosi has denied any funding at all for any kind of additional barrier. 

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  8. 9 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Right.... so there’s my question at the top.... very clear... very specific..... name one democrat that does not support immigration control.


    followed by your... your... I’m not sure what.... pathetic rant (again) about liberals, perhaps...  but with absolutely no mention of a name... not one, even though I was giving you a clean shot.


    Ok..... but this then justifiably leads me to assume that you cannot name a single democratic politician who does not support immigration control... or rather, that there is actually not a single democratic politician who does not support immigration, otherwise I’m thinking you would have bounced all over my post like an orange-utang in a bouncy castle.


    I asked for a name so I could fact check.... I know... trumpists don’t like fact checking, but then, I don’t like liars, which is the crux of my issue with trump, vs his politics. Mistakes are cool, we all make them, but to persistently spread falsehoods and lies is not


    anyway... like trump, you spewed unsubstantiated rubbish... again, when you really should have stayed silent... lol... much like trump should stay silent, but cannot.


    Bob dylan nailed it with this little refrain;

    ”Idiot Wind”


    “Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth

    Blowing down the backroads heading south

    idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth

    your an idiot, babe

    its a wonder that you still know how to breath.”


    And now, a name, if you please, just one.

    That's the craziness of all this. I've heard many congressman say they are in favor of additional border barriers in key areas which is EXACTLY what Trump is advocating. nancy and chuckie are the problems. Eliminate them from discussion and a deal could happen now.

    • Haha 1
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