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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 7 minutes ago, Becker said:

    Wow, is this some kind of internal man-child supporter reference "language"?? You have your own alternative facts and now also an alternative reference system. I'm seriously impressed!

    BTW, I find it interesting that you characterize hate and loathing of the bag of pus in the WH as a mental illness as those feelings are exactly what your MAWA movement is based upon.

    Perfect example of a hate filled rant. An appointment with a mental health professional is in order.

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  2. 1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

    Sorry pal no cigar for you.  The NRA have been growing in power for years and many Americans love pretending they are Rambo or John Wayne.  It did look for a while like gun controls were being put in place but it was usually reversed.  Previous Presidents have been weak on gun control but at least Obama tried for change.  However the gun lobby were more powerful as it has been for far too long. Now it is different when you have a POTUS who is in the pocket of the NRA completely and gutless as well. 

    On the item of no cigar, I'm just finishing up a cigar and a tall Leo before the skeeters eat me. Looks like I win.

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Becker said:

    And I can't get my head around all the inane posts against gun control, of which yours ranks very high. Mental health issues have been around forever but AR-15s have not. You cannot regulate away nut cases but you can sure regulate guns.

    " I note a spike in mental health issues over the last year..."

    You do? Can you back this astonishing claim up with facts (I mean real facts as opposed to the alternate facts)?


    "people must be trained to accept that things do not always go the way they want. Accept and deal with issues, not lash out and blame others when their preferred choice does not prevail."

    What does that even mean? Are you drunk?

    OK, I'll type even slower than usual so you can understand. " I note a spike in mental health issues over the last year..." was in reference to the many who can't accept that Trump won in a fair election and who exhibit signs of mental illness in how they deal with this fact. A bit of sarcasm that went whooshing by.

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  4. 59 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    So, hardly anybody wants to migrate to China ?  Well, as far as I know, not many people in countries like Britain, France and Germany want to move to America. I myself have no desire to move to America, part of the reason is, is that I don't want to get killed. Actually, the mass shootings in Las Vegas and Florida dis-courage me from going on holiday to America, let alone going there for a job. And I'd much rather stay in a country like Thailand, rather than America.

    And the mass shootings we have seen. The mass shootings in Las Vegas and Florida, they didn't happen in bad areas,  I don't think they happened in places that were poor or rough. And the mass shootings in America's schools, I don't think they're more likely to happen in poor and rough areas. They seem to happen in random areas.

    About feeling safe. It's all relative. I feel safer walking around in Pattaya or Bangkok at night time, rather than London. I think New York and Los Angeles are just as dangerous as London. No, they're more dangerous than London.

    I have a little girl in Thailand and have no plans to go elsewhere. Can't disagree with anything you wrote. The US is a stressful place anymore.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Becker said:

    I WROTE what you responded to. I didn't take a single quote and put my own meaning to anything - I just asked what relevance your confused reply had. I see now you have a hard time responding to this simple question.

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    3 hours ago, Becker said:

    Are you actually saying that Americans need guns because the government might turn on them?? Tell me, which planet are you living on? And on that planet in which scenario would you and your pitiful AR-15 win against an A1 Abrams or a missile equipped drone?:crazy:

    Little over 200 years ago in the US folks had a ruckus with the Gov. And I'm sure at that time many folks said, ahh it'll be OK, don't rock the boat.


    Carry on.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Becker said:

    Are you actually saying that Americans need guns because the government might turn on them?? Tell me, which planet are you living on? And on that planet in which scenario would you and your pitiful AR-15 win against an A1 Abrams or a missile equipped drone?:crazy:

    Little over 200 years ago in the US folks had a ruckus with the Gov. And I'm sure at that time many folks said, ahh it'll be OK, don't rock the boat.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 26 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


    Agreed that neither Republicans or Democrats have the boldness to go after the culprits that matter —the employers, but it’s only the Republicans that are blaming America’s problems on immigrants (illegal or otherwise) and creating scapegoats of the weakest in society.

    Not perfect but then what is.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Silurian said:


    Makes perfect sense...not. Nothing like collateral damage to ease the pain and suffering.


    In gunfights, trained officers have 18 percent hit rate. Yet, we want to arm teachers?




    Does a low hit rate mean Police shouldn't be armed as well?


    More emphasis should be placed on the WHY in school shootings. Sort of like curing obesity by taking away a person's spoon and fork. Or perhaps fat people are only allowed tiny eating utensils. Or perhaps fat people could be banned from purchasing certain foods. You do see where I'm going with this. 

  9. 1 minute ago, thaibutty said:

    I have a pool and prefer it to the sea. 


    No need to get stuck in traffic to get there and even worse on the way back. 

    Not overcrowded with tourists 

    no touts, no stingy stuff in the water 


    and Unlike in the sea I will only be swimming in sewage waste in case my kids decide to take a poop in the pool which is highly unlikely:)

    Building sand castles with kids on the beach is awesome. 

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