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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. My first time to Guam I'm at the Navy Exchange and I see more varieties of Spam than I thought possible. They call it Guam Steak.
  2. Neither of what? Is this going to be a my job was better than yours routine? You first.
  3. Seems I struck a nerve. Rule No. 1 When you tell stories of your glory days on an anonymous forum be prepared for comments such as mine. You think because you had a gov job you had a better life, thanks for the laugh.
  4. These days the AC is on in the LR all day and the BR AC is on all night, every night. So.....that's a firm no.
  5. It's ironic how when one retires his prior employment becomes so much more exciting than what reality really was. I'll bet you're a hero in all your afternoon naps.
  6. Bob, are you a man or a mouse, sort these crude ruskies out....pronto.
  7. The only thing that matters is whether Trump had a good time. And, I'd wager he did.
  8. This is a result of not having kids to think about, or maybe just survival to worry about. They come up with absurd things to occupy their time. GG take more OT is my recommendation.
  9. Yes, I'm sure the girls on Texas St and or Green St. really care about anything other than the wallet.
  10. Just keep in mind along with the US Navy men you have US Navy support ships (USNS) civilian personnel about. Now those guys will splash some money around.
  11. CSRS for federal employees before 1984 didn't pay into social security and pension was a % of their base pay with zero SS money, those hired after 1984 like me have a pension plan called FERS where you pay into SS and when you retire you get your SS plus your Gov pension which is calculated differently meaning the gov pays you way less.
  12. You got to man up and confront the ruskie rascal. Report back.
  13. I have no idea. His aides are so risk averse that they passed even on a pre-Super Bowl interview this weekend before one of the nation’s largest annual television audiences.
  14. Why is it understandable for biden to get upset with media reporting the truth. He had a free pass for years until it got so bad the media could no longer turn a blind eye to his mumbling and stumbling.
  15. I just downloaded my OPM and my SSA 1099 R. You must be under the old pension system CRS or such.
  16. In a standout moment, Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee, former mayor of Oakland, discussed a proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $50 per hour. A perfect example why Calif. is going down the drain. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/02/15/barbara-lee-minimum-wage/72611446007/
  17. Please follow the thread for the link explaining Buckley, pretty cool.
  18. When biden makes mistakes it just his usual gaffe, chuckle, chuckle or they try using the old "he stutters" bs. Neither one of those old farts should be out only choices for POTUS, but here we are.
  19. Camp biden is getting scared. The same media when they hounded former President Trump, that was fine but treat biden the same and they start crying foul. I'm not laughing at an 81 yr old man showing signs of aging, but it is funny when joe tries to act like nothing is wrong. Doing the angry old shouting man routine doesn't help. The State of the Union speech is coming up in March. Biden will try his hardest to stay focused, probably with the help of memory cocktails leading up to the speech.
  20. Good story, the link I mean. Time hasn't been kind to biden, he now mostly is just angry and yells alot.
  21. Trump has no reason to debate Haley, but Trump will clean the stage with biden. Biden doesn't stand a chance. Who's Buckley?
  22. The first biden - Trump debate will be amazing entertainment.
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