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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Please provide a link to backup your exaggeration. And I want the one where he states his intention to "invade". Or, or possibly it's just some vivid imagination.
  2. Your scenario is everyday driving in Thailand. So, you instead of just moving over, easy peasy, you held your ground and made things worse.
  3. The dems have to be realistic. They don't have anyone who could get more votes than biden. Except maybe Joe Manchin, alot of the GOP voters could go his way.
  4. I for one like those small size candy bars. You can have a treat but don't feel too guilty about it. I like to save my MT calorie intake for beer.
  5. Get plenty of those blue pain pills. Couple those and a beer, you won't feel a thing.
  6. My kid's back pack is crazy heavy with books. They need lockers at school.
  7. I for one am pleased that this bit of breaking world news was made public here. Well done.
  8. Joking? No, It wasn't the money. It was the Aussie guys, I'm assuming. At that time pay for me was about 80 usd a week. Seems I touched a nerve. I actually tried jumping ship in Perth, the ship left and I couldn't cash my money orders, couldn't pay the hotel and didn't take long for police to come knocking. Was sent back to my ship. Probably for the best.
  9. Glad I didn't vax my young one like the gov was advising. Those darn conspiracy nuts like the ones who dared voice that perhaps covid came from a lab.....oh wait.
  10. I was schooling the poster who called it a horse drug. But, you knew that and are just deflecting.
  11. Where did I say the horse drug should be used on humans? The drug ivermectin is a FDA approved drug. period.
  12. Ivermectin is an FDA approved drug. But calling it a horse medicine only shows lack of understanding.
  13. For 20+ years I carried a knife as standard work tool. I still do here in Thailand
  14. That is so sad. But, not entirely uncommon.
  15. Professionals stand, sitting is for wimps
  16. I was one of the yanks with $$$ that came to your shores in the 1978 era. The US ship I was on had sailors being invited into the homes of these fine young girls in Perth. Unfortunately I was behaving in the sailor manner and only cared about drinking and partying. I never laid any Aussie ladies.......unfortunately. Now, you have to ask yourself.....Why were the ladies so smitten with the Yanks? What were the Aussie guys doing wrong?
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