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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I wish I could offer you a tissue to dry your tears. Did I quote you personally? No I didn't. Sooo please stop the drama.
  2. Four more years of petty remarks about Mrs Trump's wardrobe, how she walks bla bla bla. Much like a bunch of old ladies gossiping.
  3. Maybe by poor Thais but what about the rich hard working Thais? Contrary to what many farang think the Thais aren't all poor.
  4. You're the obsessed one, you tell me.
  5. I'm assuming not all will be pardoned. But what about the ones just being given a tour by security. Or the ones not harming anyone strolling about and taking pics.
  6. That guy makes me want to try some good cooking.
  7. Assumptions never play out well. Glad you cleared it up. Thank you.
  8. The overflow used to be called S#!t River back in the days when the base was still open. When you crossed the bridge leading to Olongapo you knew. It's been cleaned up but still all those homes by river still dump into it I'm sure. My last time there was 2019. Barretto is good fun for awhile, just couldn't see staying there permanently.
  9. The adults are back in control.
  10. I've heard that rumor as well. Are you saying Michelle is a man?
  11. Not to worry, there'll be numerous tell all books written shortly detailing Biden's mental collapse.
  12. So joe's handlers give him papers to sign and he does without truly understanding.
  13. There are i'm sure some Richie Rick folks staying in Thailand who maybe play tax games with home country and other locations. I won't get a TIN until I'm told by someone other than an anonymous poster or a legal service on facebook. This is all fueled by lonely retired guys with no hobbies.
  14. Crazy how we've become too lazy even to make it to work.
  15. So if the cue ball is scratched, the other player is allowed to play the cue ball anywhere on the table is an international rule? Just read that the colored ball in pocket after a scratch gets put back on the table as well. Live and learn
  16. Calling the 8 ball is common but the rest isn't common unless you're planning a super complicated strike, Me, I'm not a fan of slop shots counting.
  17. One rule playing with Thais that is foreign is - if you scratch the cue ball they are able to play the cue ball anywhere on the table. Seems strange to me.
  18. We recently purchased some land for our 13 yr old kid. We're not married but I had to sign papers because kid has my last foreigner name. Had to pay some baht (3000) to have my kid's name added to chanote.
  19. It was meant to be humorous. A bit of sarcasm directed toward a certain UK poster.
  20. Business in the front and party in the back.
  21. Is that a good place for a TV magic box?
  22. The fact that we share a first name is troubling. You are quite the drama queen.
  23. I'm saying I'm not getting a TIN based on the paranoia created by a few anonymous posters.
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