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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Yes, now my kid and I speak with the same stupid dialect for fun.
  2. Proper English my ass. Brits who pronounce water as waheh have no place teaching an English course in Thailand.
  3. For the majority we are retired and deserve to do as we please. You do understand her attachment to you has more to do with money than affection I would bet. I'm more worried about her gambling than infidelity if she spent the weekend in pattaya.
  4. Problem here is for many going to Pattaya = banging hookers. +2.
  5. I want to retile a bathroom top to bottom. I just figured on taking out the old tile first was the only option. Am I wrong?????
  6. All the sad and confused faces tells the story.
  7. I made the mistake myself over 15 yrs ago. I had more money than sense. The closer to retirement I got the more I realized I had F####d up. 2 months at a time was tolerable but full time........... Packed up the truck with ole lady and kid and moved on far away.
  8. There's usually a list of "No Go" areas for sailors. Not like the old days.
  9. There's more than a few foreigners sitting in a dusty Isaan village wondering "how could I have been so stupid?"
  10. Using that definition, there are many dumb as rocks foreigners here.
  11. Are you allowed to take off solo for some R&R? Just thinking some of the Isaan dwellers might need some alone time now and again. You know a break from the ball and chain.
  12. I wouldn't hire a foreigner in Thailand for anything.


    Wow, must be a secret if that needs a PM. Ask a win and Bob's your uncle.
  14. Media suppressing news?/? The corny saying "Pot calling the kettle black" comes to mind.
  15. Yes, the whole hand holding routine is just to steady joe.
  16. I traveled economy for decades as it's what my Co. booked for me. Recently I took my kid with me to US and booked Premium Economy for first time which runs double cost of economy. That alone is a world of difference. Only 2 bulkhead seats that are bigger, softer, more leg room, better food. Just makes for a better 13 hr flight. Upgrading to business would be doable but for 2 people that would run close to $9000. usd vs $4000 for PE. I just can't pull the trigger on that. Maybe when I start flying solo again I'll do the business class.
  17. So you're saying all media is fabricating stories. At least he's getting ready to vacate WH.
  18. Yes that was my plan but the concrete blocks were dividing lanes. Leaving town today saw motorway for suk backed up for kms
  19. Ole joe can't walk or talk without help. Joe Biden is using a team of “walkers” around him to disguise his shuffling gait from photographers, it has been claimed. The US president, 81, has begun walking across the White House lawn surrounded by a group of aides when boarding Marine One, his helicopter. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pictured-joe-biden-uses-team-of-walkers-to-hide-shuffling-gait/ar-AA1nIZsS
  20. Yes, you're right. But, not remembering the chaos I took regular way. I used my ninja skills to get from far right outside lane and made left on nua. By this time I've got the yellow fuel warning. make a uturn to fuel at the bangcok whatever gas staion. Now I had to circle to the left to get to beach road. Today headed to T21, my plan is to exit hwy 36 to suk, head south to Nua. We'll see.
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