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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I suggest a basic reading comprehension course before posting any further.
  2. Seems like a different thread is required for every country which has expats here in Thailand. Won't that be fun.
  3. Maybe we should have a waiver at fast food joints. You eat fast food and you'll be denied medical treatment should you get sick.
  4. So, I take it you vaxxed your youngster. The fringe left are bonkers. Now parents who don't vaxx the kids are murders. Please, please have your meds adjusted.
  5. Gg is having a meltdown. Least Bob is funny.
  6. In your mind if a kid isn't vaccinated, they're murders? Take your meds and have mask handy, my unvaxxed kid is nearby.
  7. Such drama. And I'd bet you have no young kids. But you love to judge.
  8. People die. A fact of life. Now take the masks off the kids.
  9. I wouldn't give my kid the covid vaxx. What's wrong with you people.
  10. I see no need to test Thailand's finest construction.
  11. Rule No 1 - You will not criticize. Rule No 2 - Refer to Rule No 1.
  12. There was recently a story of a guy getting married. he had 100K for sinsod. His wife to be had him beat up to take the money.
  13. In the USA Thug is considered a racist term. Just trying to school our British brethren.
  14. I bought a new car 2 yrs ago. No red plates given, drove that way for months till plates came in. No problem. Drove through checkpoints, no problem.
  15. Why are there emojis offered that will get you suspended like the middle finger. I gave that to a poster years back the way you'd do it to a friend for the hell of it, no aggression intended. And, got suspended.
  16. I realize it's creepy. I understand 1 cu M of water is nearly 1000 kg. It's not just about falling out, no thanks. I also think about the structural engineering. Sort of like some of those high rise balconies with no upright support, just free standing off the side of building.
  17. Agree 100% that joe is an extreme danger to the American way of life. Meanwhile Trump is finding time for massive rallies. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-blasts-biden-as-total-moron-before-crowd-of-100k-at-nj-rally-whole-world-is-laughing-at-him/ar-BB1mepIq?ocid=BingNewsSerp
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