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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Good. Now take out the rest of the squad trash.
  2. This clown sounds like a proper douche. Thank you Czar Harris.
  3. Easy for those who cut ties with the US to go along with extreme progressive ideals.
  4. How about scary, frightening, .......
  5. Spooky times ahead if Harris wins.
  6. Whatever floats your boat. Another trait I've noticed about lefties is they don't have kids but like to tell parents what's appropriate.
  7. One reason could be more lefties are illequiped both emotionally and perhaps financially to remain in the USA So they seek refuge in LOS.
  8. Along with unsecured border, inflation, inadequate education for the young. The democrats pulled a coup on Biden, pro hamas. They are a nasty bunch.
  9. Most non Americans don't understand the destruction the democrats are causing to the US.
  10. I remember as a kid walking our fields I had a bullet whiz by head. Neighbors were shooting. And this was only a .22.
  11. Thought this was about PI and Thai women. Not dicks. JHC
  12. Maybe next time they will pick an Islam theme complete with 72 virgins.
  13. Was the ball sack hanging part of the artistic expression?
  14. It would be awesome if Czar Harris picked Major Pete
  15. I'm sure you know. Czar Harris has a nice ring to it.
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