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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I think I speak for quite a few when I say we enjoy ourselves with the variety of females available in Thailand, then settle down with one we think is special. Men are naturally polygamous, until they no longer are capable. As for the wowsers, who cares what they think. I don't. I am always amused when I go back to Australia. The men are envious, the women are seething.
  2. Your post does beg the question of where these "better" troops are going to come from. AFAIK Russia's best troops have already died or been wounded in the invasion of Ukraine, and the Russians are hastily calling up manpower out of ethnic minorities from far-flung regions. Putin drafting Russians in the Moscow area would be an admission the propaganda is BS. The Ukrainians are being very coy about their objectives in this operation. They may well label it "special military" One thing is obvious, They seem to be a lot better at planning and execution than the Russians.
  3. I quote: "Bread, pasta, rice, noodles, potatoes, sweet potatoes and other starches are okay" That is what you stated in your first post. They are not, and you are trying to bullsh!t your way out of incorrect dieting information with a long spiel about how healthy you are. You are also misrepresenting what I posted as a keto diet, which it is not. Noted you did not dispute my post with respect to the pecking order of energy generation. As far as I am concerned, anything that grows below ground is bad for weight loss. Processed foods are bad. Do you think bread and pasta grow on trees? I am a bit baffled how you can claim to be an expert on nutrition and weight loss if you have never had to do it yourself.
  4. I'm a realist. Of course it's to do with the security I provide. That said, there's a lot of affection on both sides. Your last sentence reminds me of an old Aussie saying: "If my auntie had balls, she'd be my uncle".
  5. If you are trying to tell me Trump is better at science than Harris, you've chosen the wrong address. Harris accepts climate change as reality, Trump does not. AFAIK Harris was not discussing remedies such as bleach, UV light, hydroxychloroquine , chloroquine and azithromycin as remedies for COVID. Trump did. ff$, even a high school student knows you don't use antibiotics to treat viral infections. IMO it doesn't matter who wins. America will tear itself apart afterwards, so much pent-up hate on both sides. Now tell me, who do you think is responsible for such polarization?
  6. You need help for that inferiority complex. Do you have anyone that actually gives a sh!t about you?
  7. Why not? It's a relationship of mutual benefit. If it takes me five minutes to put my socks on, and her only 30 seconds, it saves me time. You should see the CAT scan of my spine. You think I am not a free man? Getting snarky, aren't we? I know I will die solvent, because I manage my money well. How about you?
  8. So they are not what one wants in a low-carb diet.
  9. It depends on one's genetic inheritance. You may be fortunate in having an efficient metabolism bequeathed to you. My family on both sides has always had to fight weight issues. You obviously don't understand the pecking order of energy production in the body. To produce energy, your body burns glucose first in the blood cells. Carbohydrate is next, hydrolysed in the stomach to produce glucose. Fat comes last, burned principally by the liver, but also muscles. Fructose is more complex, converted to glucose in the liver. However, a diet high in both fructose and fat can interfere with that conversion, and also result in fatty liver disease. A low-carb diet boils down to something quite simple. If you starve the body of sugars and carbohydrates, the body has to start burning fat to produce energy, and that's when the weight comes off. Of course, that process is aided by exercise. You should say thank you to your ancestors.
  10. My GF used to walk about 2km to school in bare feet, because her family could not afford shoes. She's honest and hardworking, dedicated to taking care of me. I don't think you can tar every Thai with the same brush, unless you move in entirely different circles to mine. I can only conclude your acquaintances back West, who don't have 1 million baht in assets, must have p!ssed it all away against a wall, or in a betting shop.
  11. Bananas are high carb.
  12. IMO sugar is used in Thai dishes to soften the heat of chili. It's easy enough to omit sugar entirely, and use significantly less chili to get the same result. It's what I do. I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I see people using a tablespoon of chili, topped with a tablespoon of sugar. In fact, the entire Australia sugar industry was bought out by Mitrphol some years ago, which shows how dependent on sugar Thailand is.
  13. Pad pat ruam made without sugar addition. Any cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, broccoli. Bamboo is zero carbs. Mushrooms. Avocado. A small amount of dark chocolate. Pork, pork rinds, fish, beef, skinless chicken, almonds. If you must drink alcohol, only distilled spirits such as whisky, rum, and vodka. Absolutely no beer. Yoghurt ( no added sugar ) and cheese is OK. No bread, rice, pasta, noodles, potatoes or carrot. I would say it works, because I went from 93 kg to 78 kg. I have gone back to 84 kg, because I love pad thai goong and ice-cream.
  14. I wish John D. MacDonald was still among us, to write books like this........
  15. For a trained lawyer, that sounds awfully naive. He did not think to visit a FBi field office? They are public knowledge.
  16. What has that got to do with the title of the topic?
  17. We have all broken rules, deliberately or inadvertently. I thought the thread was about the practicality of having a cat in a condo. Rationalizations about having one are a different kettle of fish.
  18. Oh wow, Misogynistic Post of this thread Award goes to..............
  19. You're quoting the Heritage Foundation, author of Project 2025? It's so rare to see someone shoot themselves in both feet simultaneously. Do they call you No-Toes?
  20. While I don't have any objection to quiet pets, cats have a habit of squalling and screaming at each other in the wee small hours. The OP is dreaming if he thinks cat p!ss and sh!t won't smell up a 30-50 sqm condo. Cat feces carry a parasite causing toxoplasmosis, particularly dangerous with babies. Strike three, maybe?
  21. Every drug on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme ( PBS ) costs AUD 7.10, irrespective of supplier price. Australia's GDP is USD 1.7 trillion, population 26 million. American GDP USD 28.8 trillion, population 333 million. How come the USA can't afford a PBS, and we can?
  22. Don't be selfish. That bureaucracy puts food on the table for many people, and keeps unemployment at 1%. Just smile, get the paperwork that's missing, take it back. Then go home and beat the cr@p out of some pillows.

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