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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. There used to be a poster on TV calling herself Misandry. The female mirror image of BritManToo. Perhaps susanlea is a reincarnation.
  2. IIRC Trump referred to illegal immigrants as poisoning the blood of our country. Straight out of the Nazi playbook.
  3. I am not sure what a white supremacist like Trump has to offer the ethnic groups you mention. Be that as it may, Trump has publicly crowed about his success in getting Roe vs Wade overturned. IMO a big slice of the women vote will remember in November. If you were a woman, and had your right to a safe and legal abortion taken away from you, would you be voting for him?
  4. Not the ones I have been with. Thai women age well.
  5. IME woman 40+ know what they want from sex. I really can't fault any of the ones I used to hook up with for enthusiasm.
  6. Ad Hominem argument: This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument.
  7. Your own posts are the evidence, perhaps you are incapable of understanding that.
  8. Consider adding the letters AR to your nom-de-plume.
  9. So far, you have dishonestly attacked me and another poster called Katatonika. It's known as ad hominem argument.
  10. Gazprom claims it was denied essential equipment. When did you start believing what Russians say? Gazprom is part of the Siloviki, their interests and Putin's are not necessarily the same.
  11. At least it made a change from you calling other people names.
  12. Let me know when you cease begging the question, and stop showering abuse on people who are better qualified than you will ever be. You do not respond to requests for your own scientific qualifications and experience. You probably have none. IMO you are simply a dishonest troll.
  13. It's another hypothesis. I don't consider it to be as likely, mainly because the political ramifications of the USA blowing up Russian infrastructure supplying German industry don't even bear thinking about. The massive penalties for breach of contract - apparently billions - would be demanded by the Germans. What illegal sanctions? IIRC it was Russia who illegally annexed Crimea in 2014, then repeated the dose in the Donbas in 2022.
  14. Read the link, it says the deaths were related to heat waves, nothing to do with winter. Sanctions were applied after February 2022, Russia first applied supply limits to Poland and Bulgaria in April, when they refused to pay . Gazprom did not cut off supply through Nordstream until August 22. The tactic backfired when the winter of 22/23 was unusually mild. Facts can be so damn inconvenient.
  15. The most likely hypothesis is Gazprom itself blew up the pipeline in order to avoid massive financial penalties for breach of contract. With the pipeline gone, Gazprom could then invoke force majeure.
  16. I guess it was inevitable there would be a plug for an EV on the thread. Apparently some countries are legislating to have EV's fitted with noisemakers to give advance warning to pedestrians - too silent. Never would be a problem for a V8.
  17. Never owned a V8, closest I got was a 6. I still remember a race between diametrically opposite designs at Sandown race track in Melbourne. A Mini Cooper, and Sir Gawaine Baillie's 7 litre Ford Galaxie V8. It was actually quite comical. In the corners, the Mini would nip inside the Galaxie with a screaming engine. Then they would get to the long straight. The Mini would be about a third of the way up the straight as the Galaxie driver finished fighting a twanging suspension. Once he straightened up, there would be a loud deep throbbing sound as the Ford beat the Mini into the next corner, having given a start of about 150 metres on a 491 metre straight. This went on for about 15 laps. V8's were great to look at and listen to, but they cornered like a piano on castors.
  18. If the OP's Mom and Dad are similar ages, IMO it is highly likely he has found someone in Thailand who is 20, 30 or even 40 years younger, and is enjoying sex with an attractive woman all over again. His lack of interest in the community back home is another pointer, he has a new interest. Not much the OP can do in that kind of situation.
  19. The author, Gale Pooley, is a Professor of Economics. The last person anyone should be consulting on the impact of climate change. When you see a guy talking about an Infinitely Bountiful Planet, he's obviously got his head up his fundament. Obviously, you have drunk his Kool-Aid.
  20. Another look over there post. The title of the thread: " Is global warming still confusing you?" How do you reach the conclusion I don't know cold weather kills more people on the basis I don't mention it? Are you a shill for the fossil fuel industry? Please explain to me how you can pass judgment on my science abilities if you have no qualifications or experience of your own.
  21. Deniers are only interested in cherry-picking data points which support their beliefs, Mike.
  22. Insurance companies have to compete with other insurance companies. They set premiums according to the risk they perceive.
  23. A nothing post is when you say look over there at obesity. Although it is another manifestation of human stupidity. Argument ad hominem is all trolls have got when they have no facts. According to the attached link, more than 61,000 people died from heat-related causes in Europe alone, in 2022. https://www.preventionweb.net/news/risk-heat-related-deaths-has-increased-rapidly-over-past-20-years How about you post your link to the 12,000 Climate-related deaths you are claiming.
  24. Insurance companies and coastal councils don't share your opinion.

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