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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Thai food is quite healthy if one avoids sugar and rice, both contribute to obesity. It is usually served in smaller quantities, which is another plus. The Thai addiction to sugar is illustrated by the fact Thailand has a population of 72 million, yet Mitr Phol is the fifth largest producer of sugar world-wide. Thais use sugar in most dishes to soften the bite of chili. They look nonplussed when I ask them to omit it.
  2. https://www.weseektravel.com/chiang-rai-beach/
  3. I am done with trying to explain the thermodynamics of global warming and climate change...
  4. Damn sure I won't be buying in coastal areas. While Bangkok may be sinking due to groundwater extraction, the fact remains the city is only 1 metre above sea level, sitting on Thailand's biggest river. There will always be people out there who are smarter than me. From what you have posted, you are not one of them.
  5. Let me know when you get your education in thermodynamics so you can understand current data and trends.
  6. I have a condo, not interested in owning a house. You only own your house in Thailand. You don't own the land it sits on.
  7. I can hack one or two days in my GF's village, after that boredom sets in. There's also roosters crowing at 2 am, six of the neighbor's dogs setting up a mass howl at 3 am, and caterwauling from felines any time of the night. The temple has loudspeakers, sometimes the monks will be broadcasting at 5 or 6 am. Peaceful my @rse. The police don't come in, the poo yai settles any disputes. It's a barter economy, surrounded by rice fields. Women earn 200 baht a day there, men get 300. Neighbors trade bananas, rice, frogs, chickens, eggs. AFAIK I am the only foreigner there.
  8. Nothing to worry about, the climate sceptics have it covered. Rising seas are fake news.
  9. I know foreigners who have lived here for years without speaking a word of Thai. Usually, they have acquired a companion of either sex who acts as their communication conduit. Tourists, different story. Just carry a good translator. Up to you how much Thai you want to learn. Most professional Thais can speak some English. I decided to become reasonably competent in Thai. If I was going to live here long-term, I thought it would make life easier. It has.
  10. Anti-depressants come in five main types, with different modes of action. Trying to obtain an anti-depressant without a prior diagnosis by a doctor, and their prescription, would be playing Russian Roulette with one's brain cells. Having said that, once one does have a prescription. many are available over the counter at a pharmacy.
  11. There are posters here who can't stay lucid for 90 seconds.
  12. I suggest you look up the term circular reasoning, which you have just demonstrated.
  13. Asian countries are well known for having onerous penalties for anything drug-related. Remember Barlow and Chambers? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
  14. You think Putin is going to stop at Ukraine if he wins there? He won't stop until Germany is divided again. He is on record as saying he wants the USSR restored to its former glory. You haven't answered my question - is your TDS sufficiently advanced for you to be putting your money where your mouth is?
  15. Trump is an appeaser, like Chamberlain before him. He'd rather allow Putin to exterminate Ukrainians than support democracy. He also gave Kim legitimacy. Statesman my aching @rse. TDS is what poorly educated people donating money to a self-proclaimed billionaire have. How much have you contributed?
  16. There's courtroom evidence he micromanages money. I'm not sure how many people he has thrown under the bus. You could start with Rudy Giuliani. He certainly wasn't worried about Melania's feelings when he got it on with Stormy.
  17. A guy who kisses Putin's @rse ( Helsinki ) and exchanges "beautiful" letters with a North Korean doesn't strike me as any kind of statesman. What kind of statesman claims immigrants are poisoning the blood of America?
  18. Even assuming you are correct, those contributions are bleeding out to Trump's legal fees. Every lawyer knows Trump's record of stiffing contractors. I doubt there is a single lawyer working for Trump now who is not getting paid in advance for their services.
  19. Biden has 300 staff across 9 states. Trump has jettisoned RNC staffers, the campaign is basically broke.
  20. The quality lies in the invoices, checks and audio recordings. Daniels and Cohen are simply corroboration of physical evidence. Trump is ready to testify outside the courtroom, in the domain of public opinion. There's no way his lawyers will let him take the witness stand, it would be judicial suicide.
  21. We will see who is crying in their beer in November, won't we? Bear in mind at least half of Trump's campaign contributions have gone in legal fees already.
  22. "Nothing else to stand on?" I guess a stock market at record levels and unemployment at historic lows does not register on your blinkered radar. Nor does policies such as forgiveness of student loans, or assistance to electric car manufacturing in the US. OTOH, Trump's policies are to go after his perceived enemies, take a bribe of $1 billion from fossil fuel producers to neuter renewables, and slash Medicare. How inspirational.
  23. Just as name-calling and argument ad hominem is in the DNA of the MAGA crowd.
  24. An article in The New York Times said that "top political analysts" raised concerns about RealClearPolitics polling averages influenced by polls skewing towards Trump and not adhering to "best practices like person-to-person phone interviews" during the 2020 presidential elections.[24] Cannon responded by noting that RCP's polling average in the election was off by 1.47 points in favor of Democratic candidate Joe Biden across 7 battleground states, compared to 4.87 points in favor of Biden for polling conducted by The New York Times.[25]

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