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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I have never been in a courtroom. It was drummed into me by my father ( who was defrauded himself by an older brother ) the only people who got rich in them were lawyers. In keeping with that axiom, I have always had as little to do with the legal profession If Trump is so smart, and a stable genius, why does he need platoons of lawyers, and has more courtroom appearances than The Phantom of the Opera has had performances? If he was really smart, he would be avoiding both.
  2. That's as likely to happen as me winning Tattslotto. KH posts breed like maggots.
  3. First there were RINO's, Republicans In Name Only. Now there are the people who support him, but at least have the sense to not send him money. They are TINO's, Trumpers In Name Only.
  4. It's a fact. If Trump wants to appeal either the NY case or the E Jean Carroll case, he has to post cash or a bond equivalent to the amount of the judgment. If he doesn't appeal, he has to pay. If he does not pay, the plaintiffs can get court orders to seize his assets, and sell them to satisfy the awards.
  5. Trump and his father avoided gift taxes for years with sham transactions. IIRC, the NY Times called out the IRS for its failure to prosecute.
  6. It certainly is not, and it is only going to get worse for Trump. His only hope is to get re-elected. He will go to jail if he is not. The odds against him being acquitted in ALL criminal trials are insurmountable. A campaign for the Presidency takes money, lots of it. Trump has raided the RNC's campaign kitty and PAC's to pay his legal bills, $55 million and counting. He's got more appeals going than a butcher has pork chops, and all of the lawyers are billing him in advance for services. It would take a truly dumb or desperate lawyer to trust him to pay. They have Rudy Giuliani as an example. The large donors have all walked away, they can see the writing on the wall, and where their money is going. The remaining small donor rubes are not enough, and are probably exhausted by his constant dunning. I don't understand your mindset. I do understand it is only a matter of time.
  7. A good friend once told me " It doesn't matter how good you think you are, there is always someone out there who is going to be faster, stronger and more skillful than you". Trump has just experienced that, in a courtroom. He thought he was better than the law. When you're in a hole, it's best to stop digging.
  8. Prior to 2016, Trump was involved in over 4000 lawsuits, either as a plaintiff or defendant. A normal businessman would be unfortunate to have five.
  9. IMO no mob boss would want to back him. He's giving them a bad name. IIRC Trump said only mob bosses take the Fifth, then proceeded to invoke it 500 times in one of his depositions.
  10. I didn't hear any Trumper complaining when Trump stacked the Supreme Court with conservatives. What about them? AFAIK none were called a rapist by a judge, were prosecuted for massive fraud, or willfully exposed national secrets. None paid off a porn star, or tried to overturn an election. Look over there is a pathetic defense, come up with something remotely resembling fact. You are only embarrassing yourself.
  11. IIRC Trump started the ball rolling in that respect. The grand juries that have indicted Trump on 91 charges are not all Democrats. That is stretching probabilities further than the Brooklyn Bridge. Ironic you should be talking about contravening the democratic process, when Trump himself is posting and speechifying about how he wants to discard it. If a jury convicts Trump in the case before Aileen Cannon, obviously that jury is all pinkos too.
  12. I love it when guys like you start frothing at the mouth about liberal lefty pinko commies. Please continue.......
  13. One with more brain cells than you, obviously.
  14. When I was younger, I was in a few fights. Won some, lost some. My last fight was with a trained boxer, I was lucky he was drunk. After that, I decided I needed some training myself. I was working in a place which was like the Wild West. I asked a jiu-jutsu champion there to teach me. He taught me a lot about fighting, and pushing through pain. I never had another fight. H also taught me to walk away. I never looked for trouble. Too old nowadays to even think of fighting, although in extremis I do know some of the dirtiest tricks around.
  15. A major stuff-up by Trump's lawyers. Then Trump posted he was denied a jury trial, which was a lie, as usual.
  16. You are getting incoherent, as Trump does. The correct spelling is "liable" When you said "There is no chance they took legal shortcuts" I think you meant there is every chance they did. Take a break, and come back with facts instead of bullsh!t opinions, OK?
  17. Trump's golf courses have been bleeding red ink for years. It's been made worse by the PGA refusing to schedule any of their events on his courses. Trump National in California reportedly cost $264 million to build, due to some landslides. He valued it at $10 million when it came to property tax assessment. Seems he is a business genius, at making a small fortune from a big one.
  18. It was a civil case, criminal penalties don't apply. What with all the cases, and appeals, the cash drain to pay lawyers must be gargantuan by now. Remember the legal eagles are all demanding payment in advance. Only a desperate or incompetent lawyer would work for Trump in arrears. Be patient, the best is yet to come.
  19. You're OK with someone asking you for a loan on a property which is only one third the size it is claimed to be in the documents? It may be going to the SC. Doubtful if Trump can't raise the bond money from his rubes. IMO law-abiding businesses will still be getting along fine. Hang on a second, I have a penthouse condo for you. 400 sqm.
  20. Another Trumper lie. Trump has been given leeway in his cases no other defendant gets. His court appearances have been voluntary, in which he attempts to do political grandstanding, either inside or outside the courtroom. When he strays from the facts inside the courtroom, he gets shut down. Rightfully so. The law works on facts and expert opinions, Trump has neither.
  21. I didn't hear Trump supporters objecting when Trump was weaponizing the DOJ to go after Hilary Clinton and Hunter Biden. Apart from the fine itself, Trump is still saddled with an overseer for another three years to prevent more hanky-panky, and he cannot do business in New York. He also has to stump up the money for an appeal, no-one with two brain cells will loan him money for the TWO appeal bonds. When he stated he would encourage Russia to go after delinquent NATO countries, he revealed himself as a Putin puppet, and traitor to America. A guy who is renowned for being delinquent in paying creditors, and stiffing contractors. Trump knows if he can't win in November, he is going to jail, possibly for the rest of his life. The wailing Greek chorus from deranged Trumpers is music to my ears. Karma is a bitch, isn't it? Don't forget to donate to his campaign, if you still think that is where your hard-earned is going.
  22. I would be taking their advice to segregate savings and income, that's just common sense. IMO the acid test will come when retirees, who only have the OAP as income, start applying for Thai tax numbers. Either they will get one, or be told cannot. Anyone married to a Thai, with only the OAP, would be paying minimal tax anyway. It's probably not worth it for the RD to be chasing.
  23. Cut him loose. Addicts of any description must find it within themselves to beat their addiction, no-one else can do it for them. Anyone who steals should not get a second chance to do so. Sometimes tough love is the only way.
  24. Topol did the role better. Had the voice for it.
  25. I suggest the OP sends a PM to Sheryl for a more informed opinion.

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