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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Methyl alcohol is poisonous, it's where blindness and death come from with illicit alcohol. Hence the term blind drunk. It is metabolized to formaldehyde in the liver. Oddly enough, the therapy for methanol poisoning is to imbibe even more ethanol, as it speeds up elimination.
  2. I am quite happy to make do with a BJ in the interim.
  3. Stopped in February.
  4. Seems to me most is coming from the EV fanboys. Quite odd, seeing they pride themselves on the absence of emissions from their vehicles.
  5. Going to college, a secondhand bike I bought for 5 pounds ( pre decimal currency ) with the proceeds from collecting scrap metal. About 10 km between school and college, rain or shine. Rode that bike for 4 years. Saved up from my first job, bought a FX Holden sedan for 50 pounds. Still traveled to work by train. Sex became possible once I had four wheels.
  6. India is well known for gastric problems. The term 'Delhi belly" was coined for a reason.
  7. It depends on initial assembly. I had one in Australia I recharged after 20 years.
  8. What was that I was saying about EV's being a religion?
  9. A Polestar was driven across the Nullarbor in Australia to prove it could. Publicity stunt. It was recharged by a truck carrying a diesel generator. Environmentally sustainable, because the generator was fuelled by recycled oil from the fish and chip shops in Perth.
  10. Being kicked in the head repeatedly can turn anyone into a vegetable. It's sheer luck nobody died.
  11. I believe so, she would never serve me cold food. She knows I detest it. I can't say I trained her to prepare everything fresh, IMO that's just what she does.
  12. It's not a good message for new potential customers. You think people will want to go there, knowing the bouncers are willing to kick them in the head? I'd be giving the bar a wide berth.
  13. They claim to want an open-minded discussion, as long as it is in positive terms only. One hand clapping.
  14. The use of chili and garlic in Thai food is widespread, they are both very effective bactericides. Perhaps you need to train your mrs better. My GF would never reheat food for me, she does everything fresh.
  15. You use the word rubbish in your response, I don't.
  16. I used the word "disproportionate". If there are the same number of Americans as Brits in Pattaya, but Brits figure far more frequently in terms of incidents, that's significant. IIRC many soccer events have been marred by British fans.
  17. It's popular with all nationalities, your point is?
  18. Who started the fight is debatable, the response by the bouncers was clearly excessive. Having said that, I do wonder why there seems to be a disproportionate number of Brits who get into such altercations. I have never been asked to leave any bar. If I had been, you would not see me for dust.
  19. It's quite possible the mold originates from night time sweating into the pillow through the cover. Under normal occupation, no problem. When the condo is left for an extended period with no air circulation, the mold starts. I am not sure how much sweat comes from individual regions of the body. However, IMO the head would be at the top of the list.
  20. You have reliable statistics of EV owners charging from renewable energy, against those getting their electricity from a fossil-fuelled power station?
  21. Are you saying 95% of the world's scientists are fools? What are your own qualifications, to enable such a judgment? The grammar and spelling of your first sentence leads me to believe it's a low bar.
  22. I hit off at break of day, when it is cool. After the round, I return home. Usually I have one or more of your prolix posts to assist me into a nice nap in my office chair, after logging in. One of the advantages of being proficient at golf is nubile females are happy to play with me, or caddy for me. Sometimes the play involves instruction at close quarters, a very pleasant way to interrupt the walk. I have tried night golf, did not see any women venturing out.
  23. Show me where I have said EV cars are rubbish, please. 70% of world electricity still comes from fossil fuels. In the case of Chiang Mai, Lamphun, Lampang etc., it comes from one of the dirtiest power stations on the planet, fuelled by lignite. It spews as much toxic cocktail as all ICE's, with a dash of radon to add flavor. If you are charging from home solar, good for you. Most EV owners are not.
  24. Refrigerant is a gas at ambient temperature, and is slowly lost over time due to fugitive leaks, Any connection is a potential leak source. Technicians use soap solution or a thermal conductivity detector to look for leaks. Normally a top up is needed every 5 - 10 years, anything more frequent indicates something is wrong.
  25. I've always been fond of nil illegitime carborundum, although si tacuisse, philosophus mansisses gets the gold medal.
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