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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I just buy the 15 baht Nescafe in the green tin, microwave for 1 minute in a cup. Call me a Philistine, if one is talking instant coffees everyone is.
  2. "Long COVID" is sufficient for me to give the virus respect, and happily accept vaccination. Whatever it takes. I am just wondering how many anti-vaxxers have seen this photo, taken some decades ago. IMO their resistance to vaccination doesn't go that far.
  3. When I want a term such as esophageal cancer, yes. I try to learn the more common words.
  4. A very extensive argument against vaccination, easy to make when one is healthy. As there are records of unvaccinated COVID patients being wheeled into ICU's with breathing difficulties, and begging to be vaccinated, permit me to doubt you will be as strong-minded as you claim if the crunch comes. Tell me, have you similarly endorsed Mother Nature by eschewing polio, tetanus, typhoid and hepatitis vaccinations? I was vaccinated, had COVID, recovered in 3 days. I'm 78. I don't need some [deleted] telling me how long I should live, I have more to do.
  5. The claim was made in respect of the delta wave in NSW. There is similar evidence from Mumbai in India. I'm not wrong, you are.
  6. You may be right. I'm just saying omicron is less deadly than delta, and most of the reports support that.
  7. I think you'll find in 2021, flu has basically disappeared from view. In about 2 years COVID has killed 5.5 million people, so it is more serious than flu. The other factor, which incapacitates supply chains as well as people, is "long COVID". Flu does not result in long-lasting fatigue and memory problems, two weeks and it's over. The data is saying "long Covid" is far more prevalent in the unvaccinated. It beats me why anti-vaxxers can't grasp this simple statistic. Yes, I do have flu shots yearly - twice a year in Thailand.
  8. Analysis of NSW omicron data, 7 day average, as at January 2. I am using the most conservative vaccination rate of 80%, it would be an even greater disparity if I used 90%. If you are unvaccinated and infected with COVID, you are twice as likely to need hospitalisation, and 4 times more likely to need an ICU.
  9. From that data 20% of the population ( unvaccinated ) is contributing 30% of the hospitalisations in NSW. Just under 50% of the ICU patients come from the same 20%. That's the omicron wave, and it's early days. The Delta variant was much worse. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=vaccination+rate+nsw+percentage Statisticians and scientists don't usually draw conclusions from a 7-day average, they want much longer time periods and bigger sample sizes. You can, evidently you know better. I'd ask you to post your scientific/medical credentials, but there's no way to fact check them. Santayana once said those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. You are on track.
  10. It's a natural progression of viruses to mutate to less harmful variants. I'm quite hopeful COVID will become no worse than seasonal flu in a couple of years. I've been vaccinated for flu about 30 years in a row now, haven't had it since my first bout before being vaccinated. Perhaps common sense will eventually prevail with COVID too.
  11. This data relates to the Delta variant outbreak in NSW. It contradicts the data posted by some "factcheck" site which is based 15,000 km from Sydney. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Documents/in-focus/covid-19-vaccination-case-surveillance-051121.pdf The way I read it, one is 16 times more likely to die of COVID if unvaccinated, and just under 6 times more likely to require hospitalisation. Math is obviously not your strong suit. If 90% of the population is vaccinated, and 6 times LESS likely to require hospitalisation, what does that say about the unvaccinated? Over to you.
  12. Sinovac is a killed virus vaccine, the technology behind those has been around for more than 70 years. No-one reports adverse events for vaccines such as polio, typhoid etc. because their incidence is vanishingly small. Except to anti-vaxxers, who make Everest out of every pimple. It's undeniable Pfizer is producing adverse reactions in a small number of sensitive people. It's still a question of the greatest good for the greatest number.
  13. I can see my original response went straight through to the wicketkeeper.
  14. Not beautiful in the classic sense, but pleasant to look upon. Lovely skin. IMO Thai women get wrinkly in their eighties, Western women much younger.
  15. No question obesity is a contributing factor in COVID deaths. People can mostly choose whether to be fat or thin, coronavirus is not a choice. BMI has been discarded by most knowledgeable sporting bodies as a measure of obesity, usually skin fold tests are used. Midfielders in Australian Rules football usually run 12 - 15 km in a 1 hour match. Most would fail a 24 BMI miserably, because muscle is heavier than fat.
  16. No, I thought you were trying to be funny. Don't give up your day job.
  17. The link you are posting is from an organisation based in Florida. I would say it has the same credibility as the American website which claimed the bushfires of 2019-2020 were 90% caused by arson. I would have thought Americans have enough problems of their own, without making up BS about other countries.
  18. I told the hospital I could not eat rice, as it constipates me. I usually only eat it about twice a week, at the hospital it was 3 meals a day. They gave me what they thought was farang food. Using strawberry jam as the mayo for a ham and salad sandwich was unusual, as well as getting scrambled eggs for breakfast 13 days in a row. I lost 4 kg in 14 days. I actually didn't mind, I could afford to.
  19. The real problem for Australia is no-one knows how many people are actually infected, due to the nationwide shortage of RAT kits. PCR testing can't keep up, too slow. Every undetected infected person probably infects ten others, so the case load increases exponentially. It's lucky omicron does not appear to be as severe as delta. IMO Australians are waiting impatiently for the next election, which can't be deferred past May.
  20. There's a big difference between checking oil plus topping it up, and changing the oil. No matter how good the oil is, its lubrication qualities are usually defunct after 20-30 thousand kilometres, and the result is accelerated wear. IME modern engines will last for 350 - 400 thousand kilometres, even more for taxis that are running hot all the time. An engine that pegs out at 117,000 km is either extremely unlucky, or far more likely the result of sheer neglect.
  21. Ah, I see. Anti-vaxxers are pillars of common sense. People who get vaccinated are dumb sheep.
  22. URAL. I don't know why, but not available in Thailand. I brought some in from Australia, use it after every routine cystoscopy.
  23. Alcohol is a diuretic, which simply means peeing more often. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=alcohol+diuretic+mechanism
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