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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Do it on a scooter, more exciting. I met a guy in Thaton who had come all the way from Krabi and was pushing on to Luang Prabang in Laos - on a bicycle.
  2. I usually find half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water fixes that.
  3. Muriatic acid is hydrochloric acid. Oil of vitriol is sulphuric acid. Spirit of niter is nitric acid. I thought you might like to know. The most dangerous acid, by a country mile, is hydrofluoric acid. It has caused some agonizing deaths.
  4. A bit difficult to laugh with an intubation tube down the throat. The statistics are there, unvaccinated people are six times more likely to become seriously ill from COVID than those who got vaccinated. Perhaps you feel lucky. Have you been vaccinated for polio, tetanus, typhoid, hepatitis and pneumonia? Or do anti-vaxxers claim they have had none of those?
  5. Safest places to buy are big gold shops on the high street, or shopping malls. IMO no-one strays very far from the market price.
  6. Been there, done that. A travel book, based on my experiences in Thailand. Looking back, it was dreadfully naive. I dealt through an on-line publisher, who charged me about $800 for a marketing campaign which was non-existent. Their proof-readers actually introduced quite a few spelling and punctuation errors. IIRC I made about $500 in hard-copy and Amazon sales, then it disappeared. Total loss on the exercise about $1500. I actually was in brief contact with the American IRS, who demanded I send them my passport ( not a copy ) for identification purposes. Kiss my a##e, guys. I never heard from them again. My introduction to erotic and arousing literature was via a translation of "The Golden Ass" by Apuleius, which was all the rage during secondary school, going through puberty. Other influences were certain passages in the Bible, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, D H Lawrence, Mary McCarthy, and "Konung of White Walls" by Naomi Mitchison. A far cry from the plethora of pornographic literature and video published today. The dots were much more difficult to connect back then. Has anyone else noticed the vast majority of erotic/pornographic books on Amazon are authored by women? I have written my autobiography, which I add to occasionally. Currently 153,000 words. I have no intention of publishing it, a legacy to my son. He may decide to publish, his decision after I am gone.
  7. It probably does.
  8. I report death threats to the mods. As for the rest, I only do that with a##eholes.
  9. There is a marketing opportunity staring at you. Establish a spa, the darker skinned Thai ladies will pay for the whiter skins they crave by bathing in it. You could even have cameras while they cavort in the water, for your own viewing pleasure, or for profit.
  10. Water out of a well ( groundwater) will sometimes contain pesticides, herbicides and other agricultural chemicals, depending on its proximity to sources of said chemicals. IMO it is doubtful whether boiling well water would eliminate such compounds, although some of them may degrade with heat. The only way to be certain is activated carbon filtration. Tap water supplied by most water authorities would be safer in that respect, because the contaminants tend to be absorbed and precipitated out during floc clarification. I only boil tap water for drinking, untreated well water is very probably unsuitable for anything except showering, and maybe not even then. I have traveled to many countries, and always boil what I drink, leaving it to cool down overnight for the next days' supply. I've been doing that since i was a trainee chemist, and can say I have never contracted a water-borne disease in about 60 years.
  11. Ozonation after filtration would work against parasites, ozonation alone would be no better than chlorination. I am puzzled as to why people insist on having expensive filtration and sterilization systems, requiring regular maintenance, when the simple act of boiling gets the same result or better. Perhaps there is some kind of social cachet attached to such equipment.
  12. I guess COVID shots will become the same as annual flu shots. With the usual outbursts from anti-vaxxers. I am in the most vulnerable age cohort. I've had two Pfizer boosters. No side effects, and I have not grown two heads. It's quite noticeable in Australian hospitals, the first patient information asked for is their COVID vaccination status.
  13. He does have one saving grace, he usually keeps his posts short.
  14. If you are too lazy to learn, why should I be diligent in avoiding acronyms to placate you?
  15. Irrespective of whether the water is chlorinated or not, it is better to boil it for drinking. Chlorine and chloramines are implicated in soft tissue cancer formation. When water has a high proportion of organics in it, correspondingly more chlorine is used to achieve a free chlorine residual. The act of boiling eliminates chlorine and chloramines via steam distillation. The soft tissue cancer link is difficult to prove, the excess incidence is buried in the statistical background noise. Port Augusta is a town in Australia, at the end of Murray River supply. The water is heavily chlorinated to suppress cases of meningitis. Three or four excess cancer deaths in a thousand is not as noticeable as a single case of meningitis; the water authorities are not going to be admitting the drinking water they supply is unsafe. The other problem with chlorination is it does not kill parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidia. Boiling does. Did you know about 95% of American towns and cities are actually drinking recycled pee? It's why I mostly drank beer and coffee on my visits there.
  16. On The Other Hand. If I Recall Correctly ( IIRC ) In My Experience ( IME ) Your Mileage May Vary ( YMMV ) And one especially for you, DILLIGAS. or DILLIGAF.
  17. She thinks she's too fat when she hits 43 kg. Aren't you the guy that belabors other posters for going off topic?
  18. Charcoal-based filters are intended to remove organic chemicals, such as pesticides and other harmful compounds. They do little to remove inorganic ions. Resin filters work by ion exchange, a field in which I was once a dab hand. Depending on what ion the resin is preloaded with, calcium and magnesium can be absorbed and exchanged with H+ or Na+. Anion exchange columns are usually exchanging OH-. Water softeners exchange sodium ions for calcium and magnesium. Vinegar in supermarkets ranges from 5-20% concentration. The pH of 10% vinegar is 2.5, so it is a fairly strong acid. 45% vinegar is most probably manufactured using azeotropic distillation.
  19. I have a sore back for another reason.
  20. Vinegar ( acetic acid ) is effective in cleaning insoluble calcium carbonate deposits, converting the calcium into soluble calcium acetate. It is ineffective in dissolving calcium sulphate deposits. Most calcium carbonate deposits are caused by the over-enthusiastic use of lime ( calcium oxide ) by water authorities, during the process of floc-clarification of turbid water. Another downside of said excessive use is rendering chlorine disinfection ineffective, as chlorine is most effective below pH 8. Which is why I always boil tap water if it is used for drinking. Mold is a biological growth, IME the best mold remover is a 5% copper sulphate solution in contact for 24 hours.
  21. Still don't get it, maybe my musical tastes are too classical.
  22. So it's impossible for you to see your wedding tackle from above?
  23. I don't see it, although I do find people casting shadows at 180 degrees to each other illogical.
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