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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Golf. Making videos on various topics and posting them on YouTube. I'll never get rich with them; however, it is creative. Writing my autobiography, now at 153,000 words. IMO I've had an interesting life. Playing pa som sip ( Thai national card game ) with my GF, It's cut-throat, 10 coins each, who wins them all wins a 20 baht note. A lot of swearing in Thai and English. Trying out new restaurants, learning Thai, reading books, and listening to mostly classical music. Posting on ASEAN. With my background in science, sometimes what I post is useful.
  2. In one, it was because I suggested to the poster the girlfriend he had acquired in Pattaya had enjoyed sex with multiple men previously. A reasonable conclusion, given the performance attributes he was describing. Not the stuff virgins are made of. The other one was completely out of the blue, a deranged post with no reason given except perhaps my nationality, and his description of me as mouthy.
  3. Cheaper than Just So, food not to the same standard. You get what you pay for. Having said that, I find their chicken steak with salad and chips a substantial meal. Pork steak is a bit fatty.
  4. Have you seen a shrink to find out if you are bipolar?
  5. I don't think I am smart enough to deal with the two death threats I have had on this forum, perhaps you do. You have a crystal ball to identify anonymous posters, eh? I'm smart enough to deal with confused people, but I'd probably get banned for my response. You don't seem to be doing too badly in the trophy hunt, ratings double your posts.
  6. The thumbs-down emoji was removed because it was used by stalkers. I am not sure I like the feature of being able to identify emoji posters being removed, although I suppose it saves me trouble of asking sad and confused posters why. It also saves them from formulating an incoherent response.
  7. I am occasionally wrong, I try to minimize by consulting multiple sources on matters of fact. The amount of sheer BS on social media does not help.
  8. How would you know, unless you have a perfect memory? And how would you know if you had one? It is human nature to remember good things, and forget mistakes. Bet this post gets a few confused emojis.
  9. Have you tried Codiphen ( drowsy antihistamine )? Not addictive. 50 baht for ten tablets of 50 mg over the counter at Peera Pharmacy, near Thapae Gate , Chiang Mai. YMMV, works very well for me with mild sleep disorder. I take it when I want a good night's sleep. A natural drug is kratom, legal in Thailand. Mimics opioids. It produces mild euphoria and pain relief for me in small doses, a sedative effect in larger doses. It is addictive.
  10. Paint stripper is a mix of organic solvents such as dimethyl sulfoxide, tetrahydrofuran, and acetone made up into a gel or spray with nonionic surfactant. Glazed tiles are an inorganic silicate, there is no way paint stripper can react with or damage them. The only question mark would be the grouting, which may become discolored when the stripper dissolves color components in the paint. It also depends on how far the paint got into the grout, usually porous. I would recommend using thin strips of Bluetack to protect the grout. Clean the tiles with paint stripper. Once the paint and stripper are gone, any residual paint on the grout can be removed with a small chisel. If it is still discolored, fresh grouting will be needed. However, it's only real fussbudgets who worry about minor differences in grout color.
  11. Agree. Yangon is quite fascinating, with pagodas, temples, crazy mixed up traffic, and the slow train going around the city perimeter. Fully clothed women with the sexiest bums on the planet, IMO down to a Burmese-Indian gene mingling. OTOH, at that perimeter is some of the most abject poverty I have ever seen. Believe it or not, I thought Hanoi was cool.
  12. You dine at the Y?
  13. It depends on whether the food is protein, carbohydrate, or has preservatives such as sugar. The sugar in fresh fruit such as pineapple and mangoes will keep it edible for 4-5 days. Anything protein, such as a casserole with meat, gets no longer than 48 hours. Cooked vegetables, 2-3 days, I freeze bread , then toast it up to a week. OTOH, my stewed apple with preserved ginger, dried mango and cloves will still be good to eat after a month, although it doesn't usually get that long. It's better to keep cooked food in a sealed container in the refrigerator, to minimize oxidation and prevent it being dried out.
  14. Agree, my favorite dish there is sausages and mash. So has about 30 years experience in the restaurant trade in Pattaya, she knows how to run a restaurant.
  15. My apologies for raining on your parade, unfortunately I am addicted to facts and data when determining cause.
  16. I was driven through the Philadelphia projects about 35 years ago, almost as scary as Soweto or Harlem. I did forget Detroit, another garden spot after the white people all moved out when the automotive industry tanked. And Los Angeles, where the locals all breathe orange soup for air. OTOH, I really liked New Orleans, San Francisco, Portland, Houston, and San Antonio.
  17. I don't post reviews. I never go back anywhere I have had a bad experience. I go back to businesses that treat me well. I may be negative with friends about a business, defamation by word of mouth is much less likely to give rise to defamation lawsuits.
  18. It's a cultural difference. We Westerners are outraged when we are lied to, it's perfectly normal for Thais of all genders to lie in order to save face, or for other reasons. Maybe she is caring for a family member with health issues, and does not want the OP to know. Would you ditch a relationship because you were lied to? I would want facts before rushing to judgment.
  19. There are private investigators in Thailand, engage one to find out what she is doing. There may be an innocent explanation for her movements. Bear in mind most women lie, for various reasons. If she is gambling or cheating on you, walk away and end all contact.
  20. There might be touch-up kits sold by the manufacturer of the car. Ask at a dealer service shop. Waxes and cutting compounds are only useful if the scratching is light, and can be buffed out.
  21. Brisbane - agree. Philadelphia - talking heads use the term "City of Brotherly Love" with barely concealed sarcasm. Jakarta is not a city, it's 50-odd villages stitched together over a swamp.
  22. Just get half a dozen old car tyres and put them on the roof, the wind won't be a problem. Permanent or temporary fix, up to you.
  23. IIRC 10 km/L was better than standard for American-made vehicles, before the 1973 oil shock, and the Japanese takeover with cars of better quality and fuel economy. I've met a couple of Americans who are a credit to their nation. You can fill in the blanks from there.
  24. I read the OP too. In the third post on this thread, I quoted a cost of 3.5 baht/kilometer for a vehicle with a fuel economy of 10 litres/100 km. Perhaps you were too pre-occupied with inserting a put-down to read it. You might do everything in metric, America doesn't. Gasoline prices there are quoted in dollars per Gallon.
  25. I am fully metric, AFAIK it is only Americans who are sticking with out-dated units of measure. Although you guys have the British pound. Do you still have guineas, or is that no longer PC? Gallons/100 m reminds me of a neighbor who bought a Buick Straight Eight back in the 1950's. It ran out of gasoline after two laps of a suburban block. Possibly it is a quirk of nationality, every car in Australia, new or used, has the fuel economy quoted in litres/100 km.
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