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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IMO it would be interesting to know if the incidence of cancer in Thais is increasing, due to obesity. Before WWII, breast cancer among Japanese women was almost unknown. As Japan adopted a more Western diet, breast cancer rates took off, and now approach those found in Western countries. Cancer loves sugar. One of the diagnostic tools for detecting tumors is infusing a patient with a sugar made radioactive with a carbon isotope, then observing where the sugar goes in a PET scan. The rate of sugar uptake is much faster with cancer cells than normal cells. It's perhaps no accident the largest Thai sugar company has acquired virtually all of Austalia's sugar cane industry.
  2. It would be quite a dull world if everyone thought the same way. Although possibly more peaceful.
  3. It's an intermediate state between molten glass and an amorphous solid. Ephemeral. I guess I had better chuck my chemistry degree and years of experience in the glass industry in the bin, and bow to your superior knowledge,
  4. Not even going there, you are obviously a troll. Goodbye.
  5. Obviously you were asleep in statistics class, and missed the bit regarding outliers.
  6. Potatoes, rice, carrots etc. can be dealt with by younger people due to higher metabolic rates and more exercise. For older people like me, it's best to avoid them.
  7. BS. False sweeping generalizations appear to be a specialty of yours.
  8. Yes. I tick all the boxes.
  9. I am not omniscient, I can't help you with grinding glass. It would be bad optics if I attempted to do so. Glass does not drip with gravity, that's a furphy.
  10. Salt is OK when just added to taste. AFAIK there is no research which shows normal levels of salt in food are harmful. I don't eat much pure fat, but I do love my cheese and yoghurt. Sugar is the enemy when it comes to obesity and inflammation. It's ironic people consume skim milk thinking it will help them lose weight, when in fact that portion of milk is enriched with lactose.
  11. I would not say I am skinny, just normal BMI. Definitely healthier to be skinny or normal weight. 15 kg overweight is 15 kg more the body organs - heart, lungs etc. have to carry around. Healthier is happier IME.
  12. Nothing wrong with salty fatty stuff. I lost 15 kg eating lashings of cheese, which is 35 - 40% fat. OTOH, I avoided sugar, processed food, and high carbohydrate vegetables and grains, which all hydrolyze in the stomach to sugars. When I did that, my liver commenced burning fat instead of sugar, hence the weight loss.
  13. It's a common misconception glass is a super-cooled liquid, it's actually an amorphous solid, meaning it is not ordered like crystals. The erroneous conclusion arose from the observation medieval glass panes were thicker at the bottom than the top.
  14. Expecting a product to work IS the placebo effect. Where do you get your medical "knowledge", out of a box of cornflakes?
  15. Ah, a statistician who can draw valid conclusions from a statistical population and sample of one. Everyone's physiology and mindset is different. For which I am grateful.
  16. Maybe so, physically. You think you are immune from injury or accident? Let's see how you are traveling at age 80, shall we?
  17. How would you know when the effect is placebo? You are running double blind trials with a statistically significant population of control and trial subjects? Coffee has some evidence of health benefits in a cardiovascular system, obviously it does nothing for brain cells. I will shortly be having a hernia operation, forgive me for not enlisting your medical expertise.
  18. So you think the 4-5 years of training is wasted. When you tried a few supplements, you found something that worked for you, although it may have been a placebo effect. You became a lab rat. I have had chronic osteoarthritis for decades, I control it with diet and exercise. No medications or supplements. When you self-medicate, what do you do if what is needed is only available on a doctor's prescription?
  19. They do it on websites we can't access, or if we could we would not understand.
  20. IMO the best coffee is Vietnamese, by the length of a footy field. What kills me are the arty-farty types, who form a wailing Greek chorus if their double shot skim milk long macchiato is served one degree off temperature, or in the wrong receptacle. You are from Sydney? Please accept my sympathy.
  21. Let us know when you start growing two heads. Post a photo.
  22. Are all these medications used by you? If so, your kidneys and liver are taking a savage beating. Personally, I only take pharmaceuticals when absolutely necessary. Quite a few can be eliminated via diet and exercise.
  23. Lacessit

    Thai beef

    I have yet to find any Thai beef which is not tough and tasteless. Maybe it is the climate or pasture.
  24. I would have thought a glass with a steering wheel would be more your style...........
  25. Personally, I prefer borosilicate glass, more chemically resistant and durable. I have never bought glasses for any household of mine, as I seem to accumulate them by way of gifts and prizes.
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