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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I've noticed supporters of the "stolen election" claim shy away from the fact Biden had 7 million more votes than Trump. I've also noticed not a single link to a credible news source is provided by said supporters, it's all baseless allegations from conspiracy websites. If you are going to suggest we are mindless sheep hewing to lamestream media, you should expect to get some of your own s**t back.
  2. "Wild and savage insurrection quitted the woods, and prowled about our streets in the name of reform.... A sort of national convention ... nosed parliament in the very seat of its authority; sat with a sort of superintendence over it; and little less than dictated to it, not only laws, but the very form and essence of legislature itself." ( Edmund Burke, 1796 )
  3. Without a re-entry permit, all visas and extensions become null and void. The only way I would leave Thailand without one is if I intend to never come back, an event as likely as me winning the lottery. Having said that, I don't see a reason to pay for one until I need it.
  4. Dear old Chuckles, he means well. He is the role model for Oscar Wilde's " The importance of being earnest." His education at Geelong Grammar was wasted on him. I'd like to see Australia grow up and sever our ties with a dysfunctional monarchy. Unfortunately, that would result in mass unemployment for the mawkish media, what would they do if we lost interest in Lilibet's latest bowel motion? MP/PA = APB.
  5. I haven't wasted anything, I have my own scanner and laser printer. Hasn't seemed to matter at the Chiang Rai branch, been putting the forms in for the last 2 years.
  6. " Common problem with MG manual gearbox " It's actually a common problem with dealerships of any brand, and the BS excuse that is used to avoid saying their staff does not have the competence to fix it. Usually one is then forced to find an independent mechanic that knows the brand inside out.
  7. Money talks, BS walks. It was many years ago. I walked into a Bangkok Bank branch in Chiang Mai with 100,000 baht in cash, put it down on the counter, and said I want to open a savings account. My Thai and the bank teller's English were good enough, after a flurry of consultation with other employees, I walked out with a new passbook after 30 minutes. All they really needed was my passport. The rules may have changed. I suspect if I had tried to open an account with only 1000 baht, my reception would have been different.
  8. Australia is a favorite destination for Thai massage women, if they can get in. 1500 baht for one hour of legit Thai massage, as against 200 baht here. I'll leave posters on this thread to work out for themselves how much boom-boom would fetch in Oz.
  9. I don't regard it as an investment, it's a currency hedge. Having never made a loss buying and selling gold for nearly 40 years, I think I can safely ignore your statement.
  10. There are quite a few gold miners which process orebodies that assay at 5 GRAMS/tonne of gold. Profitably. According to the article, the orebody in Uganda is assaying out at 10 KILOGRAMS/tonne of gold. Such an orebody is unprecedented in the history of gold mining. Either someone has misplaced a few zeros in the estimation and/or the value, or the article is total BS. I suspect the latter, perhaps along the lines of rich Nigerian princes that want to me to retrieve money for them.
  11. It's even less of a deal if one fills out everything on the form, while leaving the date blank. Then run off 20 copies. I think I'll have to fill out another TM47 in full about 2025.
  12. All I can do is shake my head at threads like these. I won't have unprotected sex with any woman unless I have known her for quite a while. I have to also know she is not a gold-digger, and healthy. STD's are far too prevalent in Thailand.
  13. When reading posts on ASEAN, one uses eyesight, not hearing.
  14. Spot on. What I find incredible is crypto fanciers trying to convince themselves and others crypto is an investment when the facts say otherwise. I buy and sell shares, a few have been 5 or 10 cent stocks where I can make a tidy profit if they double or triple in value on good news. Others I buy because they are sound businesses which generate dividend income for me. Those are investments to me. Having said that, with the penny stocks I don't try to kid myself I am doing anything else but gambling. The belief system of crypto buyers refuses to accept that fact.
  15. If you think she is using her bicep, I'd suggest a visit to an optometrist is in order.
  16. I have chronic osteoarthritis of the lower spine. I stopped using NSAIDS about 3 years ago, for the same reasons. I keep it mobilized with stretching exercises, but will definitely try CBD oil if I can't do the exercises anymore. Could you PM me with where to obtain CBD oil, please.
  17. Permit me to doubt that is you in the photo.
  18. I've never used it myself, but I do understand it has benefits for some people with chronic pain conditions. IMO it is probably far less dangerous than alcohol. Alcohol has been listed as a Class 1 carcinogen since 1989. The four people who were admitted to hospital with an "overdose" of marijuana - I suspect that was not the only recreational drug they were indulging in.
  19. I understand it well enough to stay out of it, if I wanted to gamble it would probably be less risky to play the slots at a casino, where I know the house takes 15%.
  20. Yes, and great to see. He has been in the running for many competitions, nice he has broken through.
  21. I don't make any of the choices you present, because the data and statistics say a homeowner with any of those weapons is far more likely to commit suicide, have one of their children shoot themselves, or be shot by an intruder. OTOH, unarmed householders are more likely to survive a home intrusion, because intruders don't want to kill them, just rob them. I do choose not to live in a society where the ownership of a 16-shot Glock or a weapon capable of mass slaughter is regarded as normal, that goes beyond silly into insane. The justification you posted would be hilarious if it was not as mad as a cut snake.
  22. They are racist groups, you were talking about where the racism comes from. Permit me to doubt Obama was promoting division, that's Trump's specialty. More than the BLM organisation, Rittenhouse, the shooter that targeted Muslims, George Floyd ring any bells? Your last assertion - do you have a link to credible information that gives the voting pattern of every FBI agent? You know, data and statistics, not a Sean Hannity opinion. Of course, people like you consider Democrats as leftists. Which is laughable, Australians think of US Democrats as being somewhere right of centre.
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