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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I guess that's why groups such as the KKK, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers don't exist in your thinking. They all seem to favor owning "protective" weapons, a euphemism for assault rifles designed to kill as many people as possible. IIRC the FBI has designated white supremacists as the #1 terrorist threat in America. Is the FBI staffed by leftists?
  2. " Of course it is." My congratulations, one of the finest examples of begging the question I have ever seen on ASEAN threads. Look the term up if you don't know what it means. An investment appreciates in value, and generates income from the capital. I can't see how crypto qualifies on either attribute, it's like watching a yo-yo. It's people choice as to whether they want to put their money into crypto. I'm too old to understand it, and Rule #1 of investing is never invest in something you don't understand. That's assuming crypto is an investment, it does not meet any of the usual criteria. I notice the poster Pravda, who started his own thread about putting $200,000 into crypto, seems to have gone very quiet lately. Why the indignation? You only want people on threads who share your opinion?
  3. The one sitting on your lap won't do it for you?
  4. I've never felt the urge to film myself having sex, all the time I would be thinking of Oscar Wilde's statement " The expense is abominable, the position ridiculous, and the pleasure fleeting." The explanation is pretty simple, it's what narcissists do.
  5. I'm on about crypto being possibly suitable for young gamblers, not septagenarians. Calling it an investment is a bridge too far. I'm also on about fitting facts to suit a hypothesis, when it should be vice versa.
  6. My GF would probably disagree, she is a very careful driver. Perhaps you could post a link which supports your contention, IME male drivers here are either cautious to a fault, or hopped up on testosterone, alcohol and yaa baa. I haven't heard of any females with the first and third variable in play. All the statistics are saying young, male = increased accident and death risk. Back on topic, I don't care how experienced the deceased was. To me, an 83 yo traveling in the right hand lane is just asking too much of reflexes, eyesight and threat comprehension. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't recall TT racing involves dicing with traffic from scooters up to cement trucks. RIP, perhaps that was the way he wanted to go. Quicker than a nursing home, for sure.
  7. Trump has succeeded in polarizing Americans on racial lines, that is why his supporters choose his rhetoric over harmony. I have been to America many times, and I can honestly say the only other society I have seen that has such a depth of racial hatred was South Africa, during the apartheid era.
  8. I don't even buy green bananas, and a 4-year cycle is akin to a Kitchin cycle, which was apparently discovered on pork pricing. There does seem to be a similarity in the two commodities, both are perishables.
  9. Nice little backhander, are you proud of that ability too? Don't bother answering, on ignore now.
  10. IIRC, Trump also said Pence deserves it. Or "he deserves it", take your pick. Posters that try to shrug off these incitements as just another tweet or comment from Trump IMO are so dense light must bend around them.
  11. I used Rajavej when I lived in Chiang Mai, the woman dentist who is the head of the clinic is very good, speaks good English. The other doctors were for minor illnesses. I come down from Chiang Rai every six months for a check cystoscopy at Bangkok Hospital, Dr. Wittawat Rawiyotai is the urologist. Very professional. Unlike many doctors here, he doesn't mind being questioned. 18,000 baht for the cystoscopy, which IMO is quite reasonable.
  12. AFAIK there seems to be no education here about the difference between an appreciating and depreciating asset.
  13. I play a little game with 7/11 staff, while they are using calculators to work out how much change I should get, I beat them to it by adding up the items in my head as I take them off the shelves, then telling them the correct change for my 1000 baht note when I am at the checkout. Some of the looks I get are priceless.
  14. It says preferred, which to me says the store will still accept cash. Unless it is something that I cannot get elsewhere, no sale. A safer way to pay, BS. My loss of cash is limited to what I have in my pocket. If my card is skimmed, it's potentially the entire balance. With the language barrier that exists trying rectify said skimming, no thanks.
  15. I want to be able to open a beer bottle with my bicep like Jack Reacher.
  16. Lazada, Amazon and a trusted golf equipment supplier in Australia. That's it, but thanks for the warning.
  17. There is a very old study published in The Economist which demonstrated the birth rate among women of any nationality is inversely correlated to their level of education. Which explains why Muslim nations still have a comparatively high birth rate.
  18. I can be a couch potato with the best on Netflix, it's a matter of staying balanced. One of my pleasures in life is the sex that I have when I can arouse my GF to orgasm as well. Not every time, of course. I am far from a stud. To me, it is just as important to stay mentally alert and active. I regularly add to my autobiography ( 143,000 words ), trade on the stock exchange, and take my scooter out into Thai traffic every day. IMO no better prophylactic for Alzheimer's. One cannot tell when we are going to cark it. My parents both did their level best to kill themselves with sugar, alcohol and cigarettes for all of their adult lives, and still lived to 83 each. OTOH, a friend of mine who was convinced he had a genetic inheritance that would see him well into his nineties was taken by melanoma at age 72. Thanks for your good wishes, and stay well.
  19. There is no reason why the journey cannot be improved. Six years ago, I was taking four different medications for sleep disorder, gastric reflux, chronic osteoarthritis, and high blood pressure. My body mass was 100 kg, blood pressure without medication 180/100, pulse rate 80 bpm. I said goodbye to the last of those medications a week ago. My body mass is now 83 kg. My blood pressure is normal, swimming and stretching keeps my osteoarthritis under control, gastric reflux is gone due to changes in my eating patterns. I sleep as well as I want to. My pulse rate averages 54 bpm, which for my age is close to elite athlete level. Not that I look like one. I have broken my age on a golf course. If there is one lesson I have learned during my almost 80 years here, it is that one gets out of life what they are prepared to put into it.
  20. Because the man is a slimeball. A guy who was billing the American taxpayer about $900,000 every time he played a round of golf during a pandemic, you are coming the raw prawn. AFAIK during a criminal trial, the character of the defendant is questioned. The committee is just laying the foundations. You may be right, it comes to nothing. Which will be a sad commentary on how thoroughly Trump has corrupted everything he touches in America.
  21. The question to me is why you would think I am treading the same path as him.
  22. AFAIK Clinton etc. did not incite their supporters to march on the Capitol to overturn the result. See the difference?
  23. Not really, I have slowed down considerably. About twice a month is enough. I assume you are familiar with the aphorism use it or lose it?
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