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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You need to make a will. Immigration will not accept another person on the account.
  2. The public health system in Australia is a train wreck. My daughter-in-law has been waiting 6 months for an initial consultation for a bung knee with a specialist, she may be waiting another year for the actual surgery. I have top level private health cover in Australia. I had a PET scan within two weeks of landing, free of charge. In Thailand, the cheapest quote I could find was USD 15,000. Your opinions are way off the mark.
  3. Short answer, yes. Until I no longer have quality of life. I am 79, and far from disabled. Ask my girlfriend.
  4. Lack of consideration for others is an attribute of many. Is it such a burden to wear a mask for an hour when someone else requests it, because they are concerned you are a plague carrier? Whether the plane has filtered air is irrelevant, the pathway between your exhalations and a person sitting next to you is what's at issue. Do you speak sufficient Thai to explain you are not infectious? Unbelievably selfish.
  5. Unfortunately, there are too many people who do not comprehend if Ukraine falls, it's the end of national sovereignty and a rules-based order. Putin will not stop there, he wants to go all the way back to the Cold War borders. He has repeatedly said so. Trump has long admired Putin, and wants the same powers. Be careful what you wish for.
  6. Several dozen people is what most people would call far from being a rally, although no doubt Trump in his usual fashion would inflate that number to thousands. IMO it's an indication some of his fanbase has evaporated.
  7. None of the above. Boiled water, safest form there is short of distilled.
  8. US politics determine the value of the USD, and hence the value of the AUD. The US maintains top secret bases in Australia, at Pine Gap and North-West Cape. A US Marine base in Darwin. Financially, the USA is the biggest foreign investor in Australia. We buy most of our military equipment from the US. Our population is 26 million. Our nearest neighbor, Indonesia, has a population of 281 million. Why wouldn't we be interested?
  9. The fault may not necessarily be hardware. I had a laptop with some version of Windows that got thoroughly skunked by a virus. The technician ( in Australia ) told me I was better off buying a new laptop, than attempting to replace the hard drive and motherboard.
  10. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-01/chatgpt-ai-chatbot-blocked-itay-over-privacy-concerns/102175640
  11. I am not sure if it is working or not. Two urologists independently have told me I have an obstructive prostate; however, I am peeing OK, and have done for two years since I commenced the medication. I will be consulting my urologist in Australia about the feasibility of a TURP so I can cease taking finasteride, because I do find the side effect of reduction in libido very annoying.
  12. Valley Forge, Washington's winter quarters. Soldiers sleeping on wooden planks. Dealey Plaza, Dallas, where Kennedy was assassinated. The hair on the back of my neck was at attention, 20 years after the event. Pine Valley Golf Club, rated the #1 golf course in the world for decades. The Alamo in San Antonio. Bourbon Street, New Orleans. Yosemite National Park. Fisherman's Wharf, San .Francisco. Central Park, New York. As a non-American, I would say the celebration of its history by the nation is impressive.
  13. Agree, there are some very cute and shapely ones in Thailand.
  14. Film with Gerard Butler as the hero/anti-hero, and Jamie Foxx as a prosecutor.
  15. That might be Dr. Morgan who has a practice over in Hang Dong. I never attended there; however, there was a lot of favorable word of mouth going around.
  16. Overbrook Hospital in Chiang Rai. I don't get a doctor of choice there, I just get shunted to whatever doctor is on duty. If it is a specific requirement such as a manual prostate check, a specialist. I have had the same experiences of doctors not asking for my medication or patient history at Rajavej Hospital in Chiang Mai, so I don't think it is just me.
  17. Obviously, not many posters have seen the film.
  18. No. I am a Law Abiding Citizen.
  19. 12 years here. The difference may be due to our relative locations.
  20. Could be anything in the absence of a thorough analysis by a pathology lab. Bacterial, viral, fungal. Cellulitis? https://skinsight.com/skin-conditions/cellulitis/ If it is not responding to antibiotics, it may be a resistant strain. I had cellulitis once in Thailand, infusion antibiotics were needed to finally resolve it.
  21. IIRC, Bill Barr was at the top of the DOJ tree, and busy protecting Trump. The prosecutors in 2018 knew it would be a waste of time. I am wondering if Trump will resist the temptation to do his incitement shtick in a courtroom. Please explain why he can't be jailed for contempt of court. The alleged crime is illegal use of campaign funds, nothing to do with politics. He's been indicted for that by a grand jury drawn from all walks of life. Based on your logic, I should run as a candidate for office after committing a crime.
  22. Trump has transformed himself into a religion. His appeal is to all our worst instincts - bigotry, racism, and hatred. He knows how to push those buttons to maximum effect. All religions have a common characteristic - their followers are exploited by their leader(s). The test of their belief is whether they have been gullible enough to donate money to a purported billionaire.
  23. There are coders that make fine software for little or no charge, sometimes they request donations. Quite a few people swear by the various versions of Linux ( me included ), which are all free downloads. AFAIK they have far fewer security issues than any version of Windows, which costs, and is the target of nearly 100% of hackers. Paying for a service does not necessarily mean it is better at security. There's a class action forming in Australia with Optus, the second biggest telecom, after a massive breach of customer data. https://www.mauriceblackburn.com.au/class-actions/join-a-class-action/optus-data-breach-2022/
  24. Democracy would be in a lot more peril if Trump was re-elected, The Ukrainians would be the first to go under his watch, and he obviously would like to have the same power as Putin and Kim Jong Il. How many times will Trump incite violence on the lie of a stolen election, before someone in the legal system lowers the boom on him. Being a former President or the next candidate ( doubtful except to rabid acolytes ) is no excuse for criminality.
  25. Rupert has his own problems, the Dominion case looks very strong.
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