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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Perhaps you mean the aged care system, I mentioned health already.
  2. True, we are not spending our pensions in the Australian economy. If there are proponents of taxing pensions of people living overseas, they conveniently forget we don't cost anything in rent assistance, the PBS, telephone and energy supplements etc. We don't get the sweeteners handed out by politicians hoping to keep us onside. We don't take up space at Centrelink offices, and we are zero burden on the Australian health system.
  3. You'd be surprised at what a little chemistry can do for both of you. Why should youth have all the fun?
  4. I have three good friends here, the rest are acquaintances. I define a friend as someone who would try to help me if I had a problem, and I would do the same for them. I don't socialise much, TBH I find the bar stool standard of conversation extremely limited.
  5. Please point out to me where I said that, and stop trying to put words in my mouth. Putin tries to kill anyone who opposes him, irrespective of their religion or nationality. Abramovich changed his tune after most of his wealth got expropriated or frozen, that's why Putin wants him dead now. I'm focused on the fact your posts do not even argue competently, and attempt diversion at every turn.
  6. Quote: " Putins inner circle of Russians who put him into power and are allied to him are Jewish." Unquote. Are you adding short term memory loss to your posting deficiencies?
  7. IIRC, it is suspected an attempt was made to poison Abramovich recently. No good deed goes unpunished, eh?
  8. Errrm a statistical sample of one is a long way from all of them, as implied by your original post. Try harder.
  9. 30% of what? Starting to tax the OAP would be an electoral gift to Labor.
  10. You have some authoritative link which identifies Putin's inner circle of Russians as Jewish? IIRC, they mostly allied with the Russian Orthodox Church, as is Putin. "so the suggestion" - gaslighting of something that does not exist. Putin used de-nazification as a pretext for invading Ukraine, Zelensky being Jewish tends to neuter that pretext. I suggest you study Ukraine's history, going back to 1712. Perhaps then you might stop posting complete rubbish.
  11. There's no difference in the tyranny both symbols have demonstrated before and now. If you think it's time the world moved on from labeling people as Nazis, have a word in Putin's ear. It is his pretext for invading Ukraine, even if Zelensky happens to be Jewish.
  12. He gives a pretty good imitation, murdering and poisoning his opponents, extinguishing protests, shutting down the media, and having children brainwashed in schools. Actually, he's worse than Hitler, I can't recall Hitler poisoning anyone.
  13. Increases in cost of living. The gasoline price has gone from 30 baht/litre to 40 baht/litre, that flows into costs for all kinds of goods. I'm not comfortable with a murderer, thief and poisoner trying to re-order the world back to the days of Stalin. Possibly Kremlin apologists and those lacking any moral compass are.
  14. AFAIK there are no limits on oil sales in Chiang Rai.
  15. When I type "Thai will" into the search function, I get 49 pages on topics that have nothing to do with the subject, this thread is listed. I guess unless a thread is active, it goes off into cyberspace somewhere. You need a Thai lawyer to draw up the will. Have it translated into English independently to ensure it is what you want. As some posters have suggested, you may want to list bank accounts. In my case, I don't think it is necessary because my Thai GF knows where the passbooks are, and would be first to get to them.
  16. Hate symbols are not free speech. The "Z" symbol is painted on every truck and tank invading Ukraine, please explain the difference between that symbol and a swastika.
  17. Immediate deportation would be the answer, but Thailand would not want to offend one of the tourist markets they have left.
  18. If you want her to get them, you have to execute a will in her favor. If you don't, it will disappear into government bureaucracy, and it may take years for her to get the money back. If at all.
  19. I have a Thai will and an Australian will. The Thai will leaves all assets in Thailand to my GF here, my Australian will leaves all my assets in Australia to my son. Specifying individual bank account numbers would be necessary if there are multiple legatees in each country. For single legatees, no.
  20. Effectively, you are saying it is a lottery. Do I feel lucky? No.
  21. It depends on the circumstances. I give extra to caddies and my regular massage lady, I know times are hard with COVID. There's a very old lady who walks between two villages, I stop and give her 100 baht every time I see her. She works at funerals cleaning up, and only gets paid in food. I've given my Thai GF what she has asked of me, and I get what I want in return. Compared to most in her village, she is on Easy Street. Back in the day, I was asked several times if I could help by buying an share in a bar or shop, or making a large loan. My response was I did not know the person asking thought I looked that stupid.
  22. I would try physiotherapy before a chiropractor any time of the week. A chiropractor nearly killed my father, I've steered clear of them ever since.
  23. I only had one MIL in Australia, about as repressive a woman as it is possible to be. My mistake in thinking the daughter would be different. My Thai GF's mother had passed on well before we met. My quasi-FIL passed away two months ago, a very simple guy who worked in the rice fields all his life. He loved pottering around in the garden, in his eighties. There's a saying one can pick their friends, but they are stuck with relatives. My condolences Rooster, for your loss.
  24. Self-funded retirees get taxed at 15% on what the fund earns, and don't pay any tax at all on what the fund pays them. No matter where they are. I don't know what tax people on government pensions pay, or if it matters where they are either. I suspect it is not a level playing field for retirees. The sensible thing to do would be to exempt the OAP from any taxation, no matter where anyone is, then tax whatever else is earned from investments at 32.5%. However, it is difficult to find governments that do sensible things, as witness the recent AUKUS pact, reneging on a contract with the French as well. Or letting Murdoch get away with scamming shareholders and the ATO for decades.
  25. Statistical populations of two and one. Ever heard of double blind testing with a statistically significant population of control and test groups? I'll grant you the ratio is good. However, I would point out posting a triglyceride number without the corresponding interval level unit of measure is quite meaningless. The Mayo Clinic is world-renowned for its excellence in medicine, you have some proof for the claims you are making? My doctor in Australia seems to be quite happy with my blood work. My BP is 110/65, resting pulse rate 55. When you get to 79, let's see if your figures are as good. Although you may not get there, as straight protein gives the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys a fair beating.
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