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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Silver and light bronze don't show the dirt. Red is the worst choice as it is degraded by sunlight more than any other color. Lovers of black should check out what a Stefan-Boltzmann constant or albedo mean. I understand a black vehicle in Thailand denotes someone belonging to the professional class, such as a doctor. A bit comical to see a black Nissan Micra, if that is the case.
  2. The only conspiracies occurring are the fossil fuel industry's rear guard action against alternative sources of energy, and the ignoramuses who push the "natural cycle" and "plant food" BS on social media. Global warming and climate change are scientific facts, based on evidence and observation. The vast majority of scientists accept these two phenomena as an inevitable consequence of human activity. At best, South Korea has the highest proportion of scientists on the planet. 1.5%, The world average is more like 0.5%, with an even small proportion trained in the critical skills, such as thermodynamics, meteorology, climatology, and oceanology. Said scientists are drowned out on social media by conspiracy theorist morons who would not know entropy if it bit them on the bum. Shooting the messenger takes much less effort.
  3. Science will help in that respect, I really doubt Facebook and Twitter will. Facebook is actually a criminal organization, it sells data of its users to scammers and foreign governments.
  4. A small amount of nightlife (bars) along JetYod Road, plenty of massage shops in the sois off there. The only theatre I need is Netflix, I am not sure if the live Thai acts in the Night Bazaar are still going. Chiang Rai has Ram, Overbrook, Sriburin and Bangkok private hospitals.
  5. IMO second-hand phones are like second-hand electric cars. No-one knows how many charging cycles the battery has left.
  6. IIRC, you were the guy who attempted to establish a whole new field of ester chemistry in the field of lubricants. An increase of 100 ppm in CO2 level since the Industrial Revolution is an increase of 25%. You are flunking basic math as well. Come back to me when you have studied and understand the laws of thermodynamics, and how the first and second laws determine global warming and climate change. Then tell me how albedo and clathrates have the potential for a Schiller event. I may be able to wait for a year or so. Already, I can see this thread will be a fertile field for posts of abject ignorance, and conspiracy theories.
  7. I guess the terms climate fanatic and tree-hugger fall into that category too.
  8. I've been in Pattaya a few times, not my cup of tea. Chiang Rai suits my lifestyle. Before retiring here, I researched the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, because I had worked in all of them previously as a consultant. Thailand came out on top - easily.
  9. You are accusing me of pessimism? That has to be one of the most egregious examples of the pot calling the kettle black I have ever seen. Pretending you are an altruist seeking to inform people, I beg to differ along with other posters. Can you seriously tell me a guy who has made 345 posts, all on the same thread with the same theme, is not obsessed? I understand the clinical term is monomania. You are totally wrong on the 2.5 million OAP recipients affording to live in Australia on the pension. If they are renting the roof over their heads, they are merely existing between pension payments. When 50-60% of one's income is going in rent, the best they can afford is supermarket noodles. I will start organizing myself IF the change you tout so vigorously actually becomes reality, I suspect it won't be as easy as you make out for a government to be victimizing pensioners. Until then, your posts are merely premature ejaculation.
  10. Another deflection, I was talking about wealthy retirees and their options. Winning the lottery is a red herring. I suppose if you can put in an entry once a week for the next 150,000 years, statistically I can guarantee you will win. It's the same class of "what if" as your 183 day proposition. You are not in receipt of the OAP. Your interest in making multiple posts repeating the same mantra seems to be in sharing the misery around. Would it make you feel better if pensioners will be taxed at the same 32.5% as you? I'm no psychologist; however, to me that makes you a mentally sick person.
  11. It's inherent in the Thai education system, which teaches obedience and deference to authority. Problem solving requires questions, which are frowned upon. Vision requires imagination, ditto.
  12. No doubt said governor has a string of medical and environmental tertiary qualifications to enable this informed statement. Perhaps he is under pressure from the tourist industry to assure visitors all is well. I can't see any other reason for making a dunce of himself publicly.
  13. Most disc brakes I see are inside the width of the wheel rim. Centrifugal force throws any dust onto the inside surface, it's a matter of wheel design if it is shed from there. You may be right, it's not unknown for mechanics to be using cheaper parts and charging for genuine spares.
  14. IME front wheel brakes work harder than rear brakes. Brake pads are usually black, and wear with friction. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and looks like a duck..............
  15. Thai hospitals may not have access to the most modern therapies, such as monoclonal antibodies and targeted inhibitors. Chemotherapy is basically a poison, where it is hoped the cancer cells will die faster than healthy cells.
  16. I am about to turn 80. There are many ailments and accidents that are entirely preventable. High blood pressure, diabetes, lung diseases and liver/kidney failure are all ailments which can be reversed with diet and exercise. Unless too late. Alzheimer's can be warded off by keeping mentally active. I still drive a scooter and car in Thai traffic, have done for 12 years without incident. The key there is defensive driving. If you don't measure it, you can't control it. Regular blood tests and checks keep me informed. It's a matter of individual choice whether one goes on meds, or resolves their issues with self-discipline. Pharmaceutical companies do not usually spend money researching complete cures for illnesses. They prefer to spend their R&D dollars on compounds which will create an ongoing income stream from their customers. For example, I used to have gastric reflux. Somac fixed it, but at an ongoing cost. Nowadays, I take one-third of a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water before bedtime, and do not eat after 7 pm. Problem solved just as effectively, and far less expensively. I'm not afraid of dying. I am afraid of dying slowly and painfully, with no dignity. That's the exit most of the boozers, smokers and the obese will take.
  17. Women in their forties and fifties here are always looking for a relationship and support. They sure as death and taxes won't get any from the government, or most Thai males. Before it became generally known I was taken, I would get propositioned once or twice a week, by women who had just met me.. There is no need to be lonely in Thailand. The trick is to pick a good woman.
  18. Statistically, a smoker is twenty times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker.
  19. The Hungry Nest in Jetyod Road has very good fresh bread rolls, I don't know if they would sell separately.
  20. Damage to a urethra IMO is far more likely with a rigid cystoscope than a flexible cystoscope. I have had both, and I always get more bleeding with the rigid version. Strictures of the urethra statistically occur in 2% of patients, perhaps you have just been unlucky.
  21. I would not say I am wealthy, I am a part pensioner. Having said that, there are a few things I can enjoy in Thailand which are simply not available in Australia. 1/ Renting a condo with a swimming pool at a quarter of the cost in Australia. 2/ Getting a fine for speeding, 500 baht. In OZ, the same offence would be about 17,000 baht. 3/ Having a girlfriend who is 23 years younger than me. 5/ Riding a 110 cc scooter around town. Believe it or not, much more risky in OZ. Parking said scooter wherever I want to. Australia is a nanny state, no question. Prohibitions and restrictions everywhere.
  22. Dr. Wittawat Rawiyotai at Bangkok Hospital. Speaks good English, professional. I have had 3 or 4 cystoscopies with him.
  23. Health is very much in one's own hands. Good diet and adequate exercise are important. Many of the expats I see in Thailand seem determined to eat and drink themselves to death.
  24. As I understand it, the gold standard for cancer detection is infusion with radioactive sugar, followed by a PET scan after 60 - 90 minutes. The uptake rate of sugar with cancer cells is faster than with normal cells. A PET scan can detect tiny tumors which would invisible to other procedures such as ultrasound. I don't know if a PET scan will detect ALL cancers, perhaps Sheryl can elaborate further.
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