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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. There is plenty of scientific proof a particle of 0.0001 mm is subject to Brownian motion; i.e it cannot be projected effectively across any meaningful distance. Here's a simple experiment to help you understand. See how far you can throw a pea, with the same level of force you would use to throw a golf ball. Masks work because they limit the spread of much larger particles of sputum and snot the virus is attached to.
  2. I stopped buying travel insurance over 30 years ago, after having a valid claim rejected. People do not realize insurance companies have entire departments scrutinizing all claims for any detail that would enable them to weasel out of their obligations. The term "utmost good faith" only applies to the customer. In that thirty years, one cancelled flight cost me $350. I would have shelled out ten or twenty times that in premiums, if I had been inclined to remain a sucker.
  3. Prior to 1900 electron microscopes did not exist, the first one was not built until 1931. If you can't see something, it's difficult to establish its existence. Viruses cannot travel as individuals in air, they are so small they become subject to Brownian motion. They can only travel when attached to larger particles, such as sputum and nasal secretions. Coughing and sneezing. The data is saying masks are 70% effective in preventing transmission from an infected person to an uninfected person, and 30% effective in preventing an uninfected person from inhaling sufficient virus to become infected. Whether masks are necessary when the omicron variant is so mild is a different question.
  4. IMO most of the long COVID did occur with the alpha and delta variants, omicron apparently tends to go for the upper respiratory tract, not the lungs. Having said that, it would be foolish to assume alpha and delta are not still around.
  5. Smoking reduces lung capacity by 50% in one pack a day smokers. Masks further reduce the amount of oxygen available, by rebreathing carbon dioxide. Only you can decide to stop smoking, no-one else can do it for you. If you do, you will get full lung capacity back in 6 - 12 months. Vaping is unlikely to help you. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/can-vaping-damage-your-lungs-what-we-do-and-dont-know-2019090417734 That's not slagging you off, just stating facts.
  6. The Ancient Greeks never tired of reminding us hubris is always followed by nemesis.
  7. Perhaps we could all wear neon signs on our heads saying "triple vaccinated, had COVID." I wear a mask out of courtesy to others, and to avoid fines. I doubt I am a risk to others, or they are to me. I don't wear one on the golf course, <deleted> the average golf course is 150 acres. I do wonder how bike riders get enough oxygen, exercising while wearing a mask does not seem sensible to me.
  8. That 7 day COVID holiday could turn into 3 - 6 months of fatigue, mental confusion and rehabilitation. According to Australian data, there is a 10-20% chance of that happening. Do you feel lucky?
  9. IME many of us are here in Thailand because we got the dirty end of the stick in our home country. IMO Thai family and relationship law is eminently sensible, although I suppose the feminists and pusillanimous males will change that eventually.
  10. I can buy silver in the Australian market quite easily, and have done so. Storage is unnecessary, the company I buy it from has a "pool allocated" system which means I am buying a share of silver, which I can convert into physical silver at any point. A $5 premium is daylight robbery, the buy sell spread I get is about AUD 0.60 You're right about the price ratio, presently 75:1.
  11. Why do Brits eat cold pork pies and drink warm beer, and Australians have to have their Vegemite on toast? Same reason as the Thais, it's what we are brought up to do.
  12. I think it depends on who one books the flight with. Agents usually put it in, some airlines don't when booking directly. I haven't used an agent for more than a decade, why should I pay someone to do something I can do easily myself?
  13. IIRC, it was 300 baht a few years ago.
  14. The OP will get a much better exchange rate here, although he should bear in mind things like departure taxes.
  15. I was under the impression you are a crypto squillionaire, why do you need more money?
  16. The devil is in the detail. Permit me to doubt there are many Thais who would have the necessary knowledge to be a competent executor.
  17. I'm wondering how much silicone went into the frontispiece.
  18. There are different levels of caregiving for the unattached male or female. Every year, nurses from government hospitals are compulsorily retired at age 45. The pension they get is meager, quite a few then take up caregiving, and are quite happy with 10-15K baht/month. I understand there is an aged care facility south of Chiang Mai charging 45,000 baht/month for 24/7 care, which would be doable for most Western pensioners. North of Chiang Mai, there is a Swiss-affiliated aged-care facility that costs 90,000 baht/month. I should imagine that is gold standard in terms of what residents get. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on your statement you are not yet overly demented.
  19. You can make your own will, certainly. Whether it will stand up in court or on the probate trail is a different question.
  20. I understand the British used condoms during the Gulf War to protect the bores of their firearms from desert grit. AFAIK the only weapons monks carry are attached to them.
  21. I know there are some guys on this forum that claim their wives support them, and provide sex on a daily basis, because the guys are so hansum. I treat those claims with the same seriousness I accord to a politician's promises during an election campaign.
  22. No such thing as free love, there is always a cost to be paid by someone. Not necessarily in cash. "Lord, give me chastity and self-control - but not yet."
  23. https://www.statista.com/statistics/326707/bitcoin-price-index/ https://www.gold.co.uk/gold-price/10-year-gold-price/ Between 2021 and 2022, gold lost 20% of its value, which it has now recovered. In the same period, bitcoin lost 50% of its value, which it has not recovered. Draw your own conclusions.
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