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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. The population of Australia is 26 million. The link should say 7.5 million were born overseas. Credible source or not, a differential of 12,000 is fairly small in the scheme of things. You do not post links for me. You post them in an attempt to bolster shaky assumptions and hypothetical situations.
  2. Perhaps you have not noticed, Australia has its own smorgasbord of climates to choose from year round. For a wealthy expat, no trial at all to spend 183 days in Australia in a place of their choosing, then back to Thailand or anywhere else. Why do I have to keep explaining the bleeding obvious to you? How many of your 342 posts actually have any relevance to the OAP?
  3. Saying you have posted credible links does not make it so, you are begging the question. ( Again ). I really can't be bothered going back to the post where you claimed computers would make administering a 183 rule low cost. As is usual with your prolific posting, you say something, then deny you said it in subsequent posts. It's called sophistry. When bureaucracy expands, the wages and salary bill rises. Is that too simple a point for you to understand?
  4. You have your opinion, I have mine. Wealthy non-residents will be able to conform to the 183 day rule easily, therefore the big revenue you forecast may be in your imagination only.
  5. I have enough. If I had more than I need, I would probably give it to the people close to me, that need help. There is only one luxury I would like, and can't afford. First-class air travel.
  6. Alcohol removes inhibitions, irrespective of nationality. Although some people can behave badly when stone cold sober. I would not invite anyone here unless I knew they would not embarrass me.
  7. Whatever floats your boat, I socialize elsewhere.
  8. IMO bitcoin is identical to a religion, something that can't be seen or felt. The leaders of any religion fare much better than the followers. Precious metals are tangible stores of value, as governments debase their currencies the price goes up. I've never lost money buying gold, silver and platinum, so I will stick with what I know.
  9. IMO bitcoin is identical to a religion, something that can't be seen or felt. The leaders of any religion fare much better than the followers. Precious metals are tangible stores of value, as governments debase their currencies the price goes up. I've never lost money buying gold, silver and platinum, so I will stick with what I know.
  10. IME some of the products coming from the US, even with shipping costs, are cheaper than the pharmacies here. Saw Palmetto and Vitamin D are two such examples. I order direct via iHerb.
  11. A gym membership is a complete waste of money. One can exercise just as well with a couple of dumb-bells, following a YouTube video.
  12. True. My massage lady ( 61 yo ) is estranged from her daughter. If she stops working, she has the assets of a house and car, but no income apart from 600 baht/month.
  13. I am not mean with money. Having said that, I don't like wasting it. To me, having the latest smartphone, new car, or clothes in fashion is a waste of money. I don't need to impress friends, relatives and neighbors with possessions.
  14. Try living on 600 baht/month when you are 60. Going to 700 baht/month at 70, then a munificent 800 baht/month at age 80. The only support elderly Thais get is from their family. That is waning as Western "values" creep in.
  15. It never ceases to amaze me, people posting on ASEAN seeking uninformed opinions on a medical condition. Get a diagnosis from a qualified medical practitioner. IME the first step in resolving a problem is understanding what the problem is, options for solutions come later.
  16. You may get better flavor from salting steak, that is a matter of individual taste. It has nothing to do with a Maillard effect/reaction, which requires reducing sugars. Show me where said sugars exist in steak. Attacking me, because I am correcting you on fact, is classic shooting the messenger. Is that plain enough English for you?
  17. I thought I already had.
  18. News to me, I was always under the impression a Maillard reaction occurred with reducing sugars, I don't know where you find them in protein and fat. Certainly, steak will brown with cooking. Or even before. However, it's not a Maiilard reaction, it's a myoglobin oxidation. I don't bother buying steak in Thailand to eat as is, I put gravy beef in curries instead. Nothing tender here. In Australia, I use grass-fed eye fillet with a hot pan lightly coated with oil. Sear one side, then the other. Turn over one final time, then wait until liquid forms on the top of the steak.
  19. I doubt he'll make it to 84, the length of his sentence. Thai prisons are not the same as Western prisons.
  20. While it is fact the frequency of EV battery fires is lower than gas, the real problem is putting them out. Fire-fighting crews can put out gas fires with foam or powder, even the car owner can put out a small fire with a powder-based extinguisher. Batteries don't need oxygen to burn, they are stored energy. Putting water on them is the worst thing anyone can do, as the water reacts with the lithium in the battery to form hydrogen, a good recipe for an explosion.
  21. You seem to be unaware of one position where balance is not needed. The village bike does.
  22. I've noticed Bitwarden has a very useful function. Clicking on the tick symbol, after opening a website where a password is used on that site, notifies you if said password has been the subject of a data breach.
  23. Aussies may use the term driving because riding the town bike has an entirely different meaning.
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